Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1624: Rescue Youth

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After re-compilation of the cosmic power list, several giants have left.

Only the demon lord stayed and talked with Fang Chen alone.


During the growth of Fang Chen, Lord Voldemort took care of him with great care. Without the care of Lord Voldemort, he could not have achieved this kind of achievement.

Moreover, he once promised that after stepping into God Realm, he would find a way to rescue the deity of Lord Voldemort.

"Fang Chen."

The Lord of Demons Realm is very satisfied with Chen Chen, and even the growth of the latter is beyond his expectations.

"Originally, I thought that it would take at least a hundred years before you could set foot in God Realm. However, I troughed your strength. I didn't expect you to have the qualification to set foot in God Realm in such a short time." .

If you fight alone, you are not Fang Chen's opponent.

He has watched Fang Chen's battles, and such hidden methods are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

Of course, if you use a hammer, the outcome is unpredictable.

"Jiezhu, when I set foot in God Realm, I will definitely do my best to help you save the deity." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the Lord of Demons nodded with relief.

"Before you enter God Realm, there is something you don't understand, you can ask me." Fu Mojie said: "There are only so many I can help you."

After hearing this from the Lord of Demons, Fang Chen really had doubts and wanted to ask.

"Jianzhu, the disciples really have something to ask." Fang Chen clasped his fists, "I don't know this world, can the law of space-time be?"

In Fang Chen's mind, the scene of the day emerged. The gray breath surrounded the true meaning of time and space, which was very shocking.

"It seems that you still know too little about laws and rules." Lord Fumojie said: "I will explain to you in detail."

"Laws and rules are the foundation of the order of the universe. The rules are supreme and the rules are inferior. Looking at the universe, there are countless rules, but there are only six kinds of rules."

When it comes to rules, the voice of Lord Voldemort is heavy.

"Six rules?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Yes, from ancient times to the present, since the birth of the universe, the endless epoch, the order of the universe has not changed, the rules are countless, and there are only six kinds of rules, and the only six kinds, which are irreplaceable."

"What are the six rules?"

"Time, space, destruction, creation, reincarnation, and destiny. These six rules existed forever." Fu Mojie said: "The law of space and time that you said does not exist at all. It involves time and space. Only rules. "

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

The six rules that existed throughout the ages, they felt **** when they heard it.

"However, the rules are too far away for you. All you have to do now is concentrate on understanding the laws, the more the better." Fu Mojie said.

The voice of Lord Voldemort pulled Fang Chen back from the shock.

He frowned slightly, and then said: "Master, then you said, did you jump over the rules and directly understand the rules of the warrior?"

The eyebrows of Lord Voldemort lifted, and immediately said: "It should only exist in the legend, maybe you go to God Realm and you will know the answer."

Fang Chen nodded, but he was even more puzzled by the kind of breath in his body.

what exactly is it?

He could clearly feel that that kind of breath is not the real breath, but what it is is still unknown.

Next, Fang Chen asked some questions about cultivation.

Finally, Lord Voldemort left.

He told Fang Chen that his avatar was temporarily unable to enter God Realm.

Perhaps, waiting for a certain day, they can meet in God Realm.

Shortly after the Lord of Demons Realm left, there was a wave of acquaintances who came to Green Lake Island.

Fang Chen was not surprised at this.

After all, his reputation is out, and his former friends and acquaintances will come to Lvzhu Island to find themselves.

"Yotian tribe."

Fang Chen's consciousness spread, and found that the coming person is a person from the Yangtian clan.

The headed person is the patriarch of the Yangtian clan.

On the edge of Lvzhu Island, a group of the Yitian clan, under the leadership of the patriarch, just boarded Lvzhu Island.

"Patriarch, do you think the owner of Green Bamboo Island will help?"

"Although the owner of the Green Bamboo Island once joined us, the Heavenly Clan, but he is now standing above him, and I guess he looks down on our Heavenly Clan?"

"Ah, we have no way to ask the owner of Green Bamboo Island."

"Don't talk about it, wait until you see the owner of Lvzhu Island." Shen Tian patriarch Shen said.


Fang Chen's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Don't see you, my friends." Fang Chen said with a smile on his face, and said slightly.

"Meet the owner of Green Bamboo Island."

Headed by the Patriarch of the Yangtian clan, everyone clenched their fists.

Fang Chen waved and said, "Everyone need not be so cautious."

Seeing Fang Chen's gentle attitude, all the people of the Yangtian clan felt relieved.

"Islander, we are here, there is one thing to ask for." Patriarch Yangtian said directly.

"Yotian Clan used to treat me not badly, and my good brother Qinghou is also a person of your Yutian Clan. Let's just say, as long as I can help, I will not sit idly by." Fang Chen nodded.

Wen Yan, the people of the Yang Tian clan secretly rejoice.

It seems that this trip to Green Bamboo Island did not come in vain.

"Islander, we are here for the sake of youth." The patriarch said helplessly.

"What happened to Qinghou?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Qinghou is the most outstanding genius of our puppet clan. He thoroughly studied the puppet puppet of the puppet clan. Later, because the cultivation resources in the old site of the puppet clan were extremely scarce, the blue **** took our puppet clan. To the outside world. "

"After a few months, our puppet Celestials finally found a place to live on a deserted island in the Guhua Archipelago. Anyone who is in danger will come this time. There are a few strong men in life and death, Fancy the puppets of our puppet clan, holding the youth, let them help puppets to refine the puppet day and night. And also threaten us, let us go out to find materials, if we delay the refining, we puppet clan destruction."

Speaking of which, the Patriarch Patriarch's heart was full of resentment, but there was no way.

"In other words, Brother Qinghou was held hostage?" Fang Chen Shen Sheng asked.

The Patriarch Patriarch said: "It has been held hostage for about five years. During this time, Qinghou has been refining puppets. Because of frequent refining, his Yuanshen was damaged, and his cultivation fell. It is unbearable."


Fang Chen's body burst into a terrifying breath.

Suddenly, the Patriarch of the Yuntian Clan was extremely suppressed and retreated involuntarily.

"Where are they?" Fang Chen asked.

"Just in the Guhua Islands ..."

The patriarch of the Tiantian clan told Fang Chen the address, and the latter said in a deep voice: "You will be on Lvzhu Island for the time being. I will go to rescue Qinghou."

After all, Fang Chen's figure disappeared.


Guhua Islands, a remote place.

There is a deserted island here, and the island is lush.

In the center of the island, there is a square.

On the square, a warrior whose ribs were tied by iron chains was refining a puppet.

He was in a state of embarrassment, his hair was scattered, his spirit was weak, and his vitality gradually passed away.

"When is such a day the end?"

Qinghou was very painful. He had thought of exploding countless times, but in the eyes of the emperor of life and death, he had no ability to commit suicide.

"Don't be lazy, work quickly."

Just in the middle of Qinghou's thinking, a leather whip was pumped **** Qinghou's body.

Suddenly, Qinghou's back, skin flesh, pain.

Qinghou had no choice but to continue to refine the puppet.

The emperor of life and death standing in the distance looked at Qinghou with a sneer. "Huh, just like your trash, dare to say that you are a good brother with the owner of Green Bamboo Island?"

"If you are the brother of the island owner, then I am the father of the island owner."

Obviously, this emperor of life and death does not believe it.

The Lord of the Green Bamboo Island stands high, looking at the lower realm, except for the holy Lord of the human race, no one can be the enemy. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

How could he know such a small person?

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and work." Holding the leather whip, the emperor of life and death screamed: "There are other members of your Kuotian clan. The time limit is about to arrive. If they can't come back, you will definitely die."

Qinghou bears humiliation and bears heavy burdens, he is making puppets with difficulty.

In the past few days and nights of refining, his primordial spirit has cracked and his vitality is passing away.

In these days, life is better than death.

When Fang Chen came to this barren island, he happened to see the emperor of life and death taking a leather whip and waiting.

Suddenly, he was furious.

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