Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1625: My brother

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Fang Chen's eyes were scarlet when I saw Qinghou's embarrassed look.

His anger directly changed the world.

"Young waiting."

Fang Chen made a deep voice. He floated in the sky and walked towards the center of the island step by step.

Suddenly, thunder struck on this deserted island.

The Emperor of Life and Death Realm who just took the leather whip for a long time, frowned, did not know what happened.

"what happened?"

In an instant, several other emperors of life and death came quickly.

"A strong breath, there seems to be a strong man nearby."

"Is it the helper that the Heavenly Clan found?"

"What are you afraid of, even if you can find a helper?"

Several emperors of life and death stabilized their bodies, and they looked up.

See you suddenly, and found an amazing scene.

A young warrior, bathed in thunder, walked in the sky.

This scene formed a strong visual shock.

"That is……"

The emperor with a leather whip had a look of surprise on his face, and asked coldly.

"walk over."

In an instant, several emperors of life and death came to the place where Qinghou was.

He was trapped in despair, feeling the change in the sky, and he looked up hard.

At this point, he was stunned.

For so many years, he was trapped here, and life is better than death.

If you still have any expectations in your heart, it is the owner of Green Bamboo Island.

"Brother Fang."

Qinghou roared hoarsely, his face covered with an excited smile.

Fang Chen really came, which also shows that the tribe of the Yangtian tribe succeeded.

In his heart, he was very excited.


Bathed in thunder, Fang Chen walked quickly.

In the sky, the terrifying thunder kept bombarding him.

The whole body of thunder flashed, and the breath of terror spread.

Fang Chen came to Qinghou and waved his palm suddenly. The iron chain locked on Qinghou's body suddenly broke.

"Qinghou, I'm late."

Fang Chen supported the injured Qinghou, Shen said.

"Brother Fang, I didn't expect that I could see you again." Qing Hou looked joyful.

However, the puppet has been strained tightly over the years, and his Yuanshen was damaged too much.

After seeing Fang Chen, he relaxed at once, and the Yuanshen suddenly showed a bigger crack, and then fell into a coma.

Fang Chen supported Qinghou, a powerful force emerged from his body, and injected into Qinghou's body.

After ensuring that Qinghou was not in danger of life, Fang Chen let the little mouse guard the former.

And for himself, his eyes fell coldly on the few dynasty emperors who dared to come quickly.

"Boy, who are you? Dare to come here to destroy our affairs?" The emperor of life and death with a leather whip yelled loudly.

Several others also intimidated Fang Chen one after another, and even some emperors of life and death were preparing to start.

"He is my brother."

Fang Chen pointed his finger at Qinghou in a coma, and said in a deep voice.

Speaking of this, Fang Chen's complexion instantly changed, and he roared angrily: "Do you treat him like this?"

"Boy, you can't help yourself, and you still want to save your brother? Really ridiculous?" The emperor of life and death in hand with a leather whip sneered. He thought Fang Chen was the helper that the Heavenly Clan randomly found.

"Go to hell."

Fang Chen looked at the emperor of life and death in his hand with a leather whip, and said slowly.

His voice just fell, and his figure was hidden in the void.

Several emperors of life and death looked at each other, looking for his trace.

Thump ...

Fang Chen's palm appeared out of thin air, directly penetrating the chest of the life-and-death emperor holding a leather whip, and then crushed his heart hard.


Almost in the electric light flint room, Fang Chen returned to the distance and stood quietly.


With a leather whip in hand, the emperor who was still arrogant in life and death fell to the ground with no vitality.

The sudden change made the faces of the remaining emperors in life and death change greatly.

There was a trace of panic in their hearts.

"who are you?"

Asked the emperor of the life and death realm in fright.

"Land Bamboo Island Master."

Fang Chen reported his name.

Suddenly, several emperors of life and death were pale and their bodies kept receding.

"Are you the owner of Green Bamboo Island?"

"Run away."

They have already experienced Fang Chen's methods.

Even if they fight alone, it is impossible to kill their companions at such a fast speed.

Therefore, when Fang Chen said that he was the owner of Green Bamboo Island, they had no doubt at all.

One of them even shouted, and immediately a few figures dispersed, ready to flee.

"Want to escape?"

Fang Chen did not intend to let them go.

This scum, let this time pass, I don't know how many people will suffer.


Fang Chen's speed reached the extreme when the space-time book was on display, and he punched several punches.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Where the fist passed, the emperor of life and death suddenly screamed, and then the body fell to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, several emperors of life and death were all beheaded by Fang Chen.

For Fang Chen, killing them is like cutting vegetables.

Then, Fang Chen quickly came to Qinghou.

"Boss, Qinghou's Yuanshen is seriously damaged, but there is no life threatening." Said the little mouse.

Fang Chen nodded and said: I will find a way to restore his primordial spirit, go back to Lvzhu Island first. "

Having said that, Fang Chen and the little mouse returned to Lvzhu Island with Qinghou.

The barren island has become completely barren.


On the Green Bamboo Island, although the tribes of the Yangtian tribe settled down, their hearts were no longer on the Green Bamboo Island.

In the courtyard, the Patriarch of the Tiantian tribe sat on the stone bench, his face somber, and he did not know what to think about.

Other people, however, are walking around with great care.

"Patriarch, will Qinghou be okay?"

"I don't know if the owner of Green Bamboo Island can successfully save Qinghou?"

When the atmosphere was very solemn, Fang Chen came back.

The patriarch stood up and greeted Fang Chen quickly.

When he saw the Qinghou Fang Chen supported, his eyes turned red, and he couldn't be more excited.

"Young waiting."

The patriarch took the Qinghou and cheered.

Aside, many people from the Yangtian clan clenched their fists, thanking Fang Chen.

"Thank you so much."

Fang Chen waved that everyone did not have to do this, and then said: "Brother Qinghou has been forced to refine puppets over the years, causing damage to his spirit. But fortunately, there is no danger to life, everyone is assured, I will do my best Help Brother Qinghou restore the Yuanshen. "

Hearing the promise of Fang Chen, the people of the Heavenly Clan were very happy.

Three days later.

Qinghou woke up leisurely. During these three days, Fang Chen swallowed a lot of panacea to the former, which also played a great role.

Although Qingshen, Yuanshen has not been completely repaired, the dark wounds on his body are intact.

"Woke up?"

The people of the Yangtian clan stood in the house and stared at Qinghou.

In front of the bed, Fang Chen is giving pulse to Qinghou.

"Brother Fang ..."

Qinghou wanted to get up, but was stopped by Fang Chen.

"Brother Qinghou, you have a good rest for now." Fang Chen said.

Qinghou nodded and felt very warm.

After many years, Fang Chen has become one of the top powerhouses in the lower realm.

And he is a prisoner, Fang Chen is willing to kill him to kill the emperor of life and death for him.

He will never forget this kindness.

Seeming to guess what Qinghou thought, Fang Chen smiled and said: "Don't think about it, you still take care of the wounds. The Qinghou I knew before was not so sentimental."

After hearing the words, Qinghou focused on the head.

In fact, hell-like torture over the past few years has advantages and disadvantages for Qinghou.

The disadvantage is that the puppet is refined for a long time, and Yuanshen is seriously injured.

The benefit is that the puppets are refined day and night, so that the achievements of Qinghou on the puppets are more prominent.

Now he has fully mastered the puppets of the puppet clan, and even has a lot of his own perceptions.

Qinghou believes that it won't take long before he can lead the Yangtian clan to rise back to the lower realm.

There is joy and sorrow.

However, Qinghou is an optimistic person. The Yuanshen is damaged and does not affect his life. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

Moreover, it can be brought up slowly, strictly speaking, it is nothing.

In only half a month, Qinghou has been able to move freely.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen was very happy.

"Brother Fang."

In these few days, Fang Chen is already preparing to go to the continent of heaven.

Qinghou found the latter, and he smiled.

"I didn't expect that the second strongest player in the universe's combat power list was actually my brother."

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