Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1626: Before departure

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After a brief chat with Qinghou, Fang Chen returned to the main island house.

Houshan, the island's main house, Fang Chen stood quietly, looking down.

In his heart, he was quite sighed.

Over the years, he has witnessed the growth of Luzhu Island.

And now, he is about to leave here, quite sighed in his heart.

However, this kind of thing will always come, and it will not be challenging to stay in the lower bound.

His own strength has reached the second place in the universe.

If it is to urge the dark magic wheel, even the human race holy lord is not necessarily his own opponent.

There is no opponent in the lower realm, and his wife is still in the spirit realm.

He promised Xingyue, one day, he will definitely go to God Realm to find his wife.

Now, it is time.

I don't know when, there were two more people on the back hill.

Princess Xin in a goose-yellow dress, and Bi Qingqing in a cyan dress.

The two stood on either side of Fang Chen, silently.

The atmosphere was suddenly awkward, and after a long time, Fang Chen sighed.

The two women thought he understood, but pretended not to understand.

He really could not promise the two daughters, because his heart always had the shadow of his wife Xingyue.


Unexpectedly, the two women didn't mention anything about what they were thinking.

Princess Xin's pretty face, with a faint smile, looks at Fang Chen, her tenderness is like water.

Fang Chen nodded and said, "It's ready."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to others?" Bi Qingqing said in a deep voice.

Fang Chen shook his head and fell into silence.

Farewell, this matter is easier said than done.

In the end, Fang Chen chose to say goodbye.

First, he went to meet his parents on earth.

On Green Bamboo Island, the comfortable life of parents, from ordinary mortals without any cultivation base, has now reached the Qihai Realm.

Although the two of them were the weakest on Green Bamboo Island, no one dared to underestimate.

Fang Chen arranged a lot of guards for the two of them, and left two ideas on them.

Even if it is a strong man in the universe list, it is impossible to kill the two.

Er Lao also understood Fang Chen very well. Since coming to Lvzhu Island, he has seen different worlds here.

Erlao strongly supported Fang Chen, and encouraged him to let him play as soon as possible in the early God Realm.

Fang Chen was very moved, holding his second old, speechless for a long time.

After saying goodbye to the second old man, Fang Chen found Luo Liuli and Fang Tianyu.

The two are no longer at Lvzhu Island, but at the Luo nationality.

Ever since the void biological crisis was lifted, Luo Holy Land adopted Fang Tianyu.

Now Fang Tianyu is living with Luo Liuli in joy.

Luo Liuli was very reluctant to the other party, but she naturally understood such a state.

Along the way of martial arts, the ultimate goal should be to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts.

Finally, his son was able to set foot in God Realm. Of course, mothers must congratulate them.

After a day, Fang Chen said goodbye to his loved ones.

After that, he quietly went to Yinyue City and the black and white Tianzun retreat, leaving some cultivation resources.

After the two women knew it, they were speechless for a long time.

They secretly vowed to set foot in God Realm in the future.

The villagers of Saint Village have completely integrated into the life on Green Bamboo Island, and there is Panyuexian Cave left by Fang Chen.

It can be said that the villagers of Saint Village are very safe.

Moreover, their strength is improving at a very fast rate.

Fang Chen left 60% of the resources within Xuma.

Although it is only 60% of the resources, it is shocking enough.

After arranging everything, Fang Chen said goodbye to the old **** stick.

Then set off and meet with the avatars.

Lord Voldemort personally sent his avatar to join him.

On the void ocean, the waves were choppy.

Fang Chen and Fu Mo Realm looked at each other, and their eyes were full of smiles.

"I didn't expect that this day has come so fast." Lord Voldemort laughed.

"Yeah, I didn't even think of it. After a few years, I can set foot in God Realm." Fang Chen said.

In fact, his experience is considered legendary.

However, this is also the result of hard work.

"Fang Chen, you are the most outstanding genius I have seen in this cosmic era. Enter God Realm, you have to be patient, wait for your strength to rise to a certain level, and then save my deity." Lord Fumo Realm urged.

He is very optimistic about Fang Chen, so he does not want Fang Chen to take risks.


The Lord Voldemort's palm waved and a message entered Fang Chen's mind.

However, the latter cannot be viewed.

"You can see this message when you step into the eternal realm. Remember, even if you reach the eternal realm, don't care. The God Realm is different from the lower realm, and the competition there is more fierce and cruel. Will die. "Lord Voldemort said.

"Also, before there is no absolute strength, don't reveal your identity, otherwise it will bring you a scourge of murder." Lord Voldemort continued.

"I will."

From the beginning, a small ancestor of the ancient sword continent Shenfeng Kingdom came along the way and has grown to the present.

Having experienced too much, this also made Fang Chen different from his peers.

He knows the size, not to mention that it is the legendary God Realm.

Since the endless years, all the powerful have gathered.

There, it is the most prosperous place for martial arts and the most desirable place for martial artists.

"My deity is trapped, and the avatar has been in the lower realm for too long, too long, so I do n’t know what is happening in God Realm. Over the years, the pattern of God Realm has definitely changed dramatically. The first thing is to first figure out the specific situation of God Realm. "

Fang Chen nodded.

Lord Voldemort said all he should say.

In the end, he glanced at Fang Chen, and then said: "Really don't plan to leave the avatar in the lower bound?"

In fact, there are many examples of avatars staying in the lower realm, and the deity went to God Realm.

Most warriors are afraid that God Realm has too many crises, which will lead to the destruction of their avatars.

Therefore, leaving the avatar in the lower bound is also considered an insurance policy.

Fang Chen shook his head, he was not thinking about this problem.

But in the end it was decided to go to God Realm with avatars.

He did so in his own way.

"Okay, I won't force you." Lord Voldemort said, ready to send Fang Chen to the land of heaven.

However, at this moment, several ripples appeared in the sky, followed by the appearance of the five giants.

"Fang Chen, let's give you the last ride." Sacred Lord of the Human Race laughed, "You can enter God Realm with confidence, and we will take care of you on Lvzhu Island."

A group of seven people went to the continent of heaven.

These seven people are the most powerful seven people in the lower realm today, and they are also the undisputed seven people in the universe's combat power list.

The continent of heaven is still so vicissitudes and has a deep heritage.

A group of seven people came to the continent of heaven.

Once again set foot on the continent of heaven, Fang Chen's heart was quite turbulent.

Wow ...

As soon as he came to the continent of heaven, the golden heart jumped quickly.

In an instant, the edge of the sky appeared. After Fang Chen said goodbye to everyone, he jumped into the edge of the sky after the vortex.

"Is that the edge of the sky?"

Yuan Gu watched seriously.

"When will we be able to enter the God Realm." Black Blade Emperor said.

"This kind of thing can't be forced, everything depends on it." Sacred Lord of Human Race said indifferently.

Within the edge of the sky, Fang Chen was suspended in the sky, and the door of access appeared.

The golden heart was beating faster and faster, and a layer of golden halo escaped, surrounding Fang Chen.


The mouse is a little nervous.

"You are in the Xuya ring, don't make trouble." Fang Chen said.

In fact, Fang Chen did not know whether Xu Mijie could take the mouse and set foot in God Realm.

However, it is always a try.

"God Realm, I'm here."

After making all preparations, Fang Chen stepped out and stepped into the door of access.


At the same time, the entire lower realm trembled.

The power of the will of the universe descended and enveloped the entire continent of heaven.

Suddenly, the door of access disappeared, and the edge of the acquired sky disappeared without a trace.

On the continent of heaven, the six giants including the holy saint of the human race looked at each other, and their hearts were very shocked.

After this, the owner of Green Bamboo Island has become a legendary existence in the lower realm.

Only a very few people know that he has entered the God Realm, and most of the warriors do not know.

Green Bamboo Island is still calm.

Only, on a mountain top.

The beautiful eyes of Princess Xin and Bi Qingqing looked through the void and looked at the direction of the continent of heaven.

There was a touch of perseverance in their eyes.

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