Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1626: First Advent God Realm

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The door of introduction is the channel connecting the God Realm and the Lower Realm.

This passage is very solid, even if the space is turbulent, it cannot be destroyed.

After entering the door, Fang Chen felt as if he had come to the chaotic void.

Everywhere is a dark and empty sky, and stars are swept across his own eyes.

"Is this the access channel?"

Fang Chen said to himself, and soon he felt something was wrong.


In the access channel, the power of terror suddenly appeared.

This terrifying force invaded his body.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen struggled and said lowly.

The invasion of terror force was instantly resisted by the golden halo.

At this moment, the golden heart exploded with incredible power, and the golden luster on his body flourished.

Suddenly, he resisted all the terrorist forces.


Fang Chen was slightly stunned, and immediately showed a smile.

He could feel that Xu Mijie was also under attack, but fortunately there was a golden halo.

"how about it?"

Fang Chen transmitted the sound to the little mouse.

"Boss, I feel suffocating." The mouse rattled a little.

"I'm holding on for a while." Fang Chen said.

With the passage of time, Fang Chen speculated that these terrors should be the test of the warrior.

The last time the meditator met at the edge of the sky, it was supposed to die under this terrifying power.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen took a deep breath.

I still underestimated the door of introduction.

I thought that if I stepped into the door of the lead, I would be able to enter the spirit world.

"Thanks to the golden heart."

Fang Chen secretly said.

At the same time, there was a hint of expectation in his heart.

Entering God Realm, you should be able to find out the origin of the golden heart?

In this way, under the package of the golden halo, Fang Chen drifted for a long time in the access channel.

The spirit world is boundless.

It is a vast space.

Since the birth of God Realm, it has experienced eighteen cosmic eras. From birth to the present, countless powerful people have emerged.

There are many forces that once flourished, but as time passed, they gradually collapsed.

Prosperity, decline.

It is the law of God Realm, and almost all forces must follow this law.

However, there are so few forces that are extremely powerful and trembling, and have long lived.

These forces have existed since the birth of heaven and earth.

Since the eighteen cosmic eras, it has never fallen.

Has been strong, leading the pace of the advancement of God Realm.

God Realm Hell is very vast, and there are countless warriors of God Realm.

Here, there are talents who have risen from the lower realm in the past.

There are also indigenous strongmen of God Realm, in short, God Realm is the gathering place of strong men.

The vast God Realm has the top seven forces.

Of these seven forces, there are six forces that existed throughout the ages and are also local forces of God Realm.

As for the remaining major forces, there are divergent opinions.

The reason why this great force is shocking is that he was established by the ascending man in the lower realm.

In God Realm, the warrior who soared in the lower realm will be rejected.

Many indigenous martial artists simply look down on the warriors in the lower realm.

However, the appearance of Guzu broke the balance of God Realm since the 18th century.

The six forces, each defending one side, do not violate each other.

However, when Gu Zu, a little-known guy, quickly expanded his territory after creating power.

At the beginning, the six forces did not care at all.

The small forces of God Realm are endless.

However, when the Guzu's power expanded, the six forces felt some threats.

They waged war and wanted to exterminate the ancestors.

However, Gu Zu is really amazing.

In the end, it resisted the attacks of the six forces.

After that war, the six major forces recognized the ancestral ancestral palace.

At this point, the Tiangu Palace has become the seventh largest force of God Realm.

All the ascending people in the lower realm of God Realm are extremely proud when talking about the Tiangu Palace.

Because, it was created by people in their lower realm.

After the Tiangu Palace was completely stabilized, it coexisted with the six forces.

However, since the endless years, there will always be friction between the six forces.

Nanling Sword Palace, located in the southern part of God Realm, fought many battles with Tiangu Palace and suffered heavy losses.

Since then, Nanling Sword Palace and Tiangu Palace have become dead enemies.

The Nanling Sword Palace is located in the extreme south of God Realm.

The air temperature here is very hot all year round, suitable for practitioners of the law of flame.

The Nanling Sword Palace is also one of the seven forces that is best at kendo.

The sword repair from the Nanling Sword Palace is the most powerful attacking force in the whole **** realm.

The territory of Nanling Sword Palace is vast.

Within its territory, it controls seven access gates.

There are a total of forty-nine gates in the whole God Realm.

Each force controls seven.

Since the Eighteen Cosmic Era, among the martial artists who have ascended from the lower realm, there are many people who are shocked and brilliant.

The six major forces often find some potential warriors in the door of introduction.

Through them, to enhance the heritage of the sect.

However, in this cosmic era, the environment of the lower realm has become extremely bad since the ancestors soared.

Few warriors soared to God Realm.

Over time, the door to access is almost deserted.

However, even so, there are guards at the gate all year round.

Today, in the territory of Nanling Sword Palace, in front of the seventh gate.

As usual, the two guards guarded the gate of the lead.

Gujing Wubo's door of introduction has not moved for hundreds of millions of years.

"It's boring to keep guard here every day," said one of the guards wearing straw hats.

The other guard nodded, his face full of frustration.

"Who made us the bottom guard of the Nanling Sword Palace? If I can't break through the bottleneck, I'm afraid I can only stay here in my life."

If someone with a lower bound is here, they will be shocked.

The two guards have a strong breath, and at first glance they are the strongest in the ages.

However, the strongest in the ancient world can only act as a guard against miscellaneous things in God Realm.

From this point, we can see how strong the God Realm is.

The eternal realm, placed in the lower realm, is the invincible strong enough to sweep through everything.

"Alas, work hard, if we can understand the rules, we can get rid of the bitter sea." The guard wearing a straw hat said.

In God Realm, almost everyone is pregnant with the law.

The minimum requirement for a disciple who wants to be a big force is to master the rules.

The two men were dispatched here because they were unable to grasp the rules and were deemed to have too low a potential to guard the door to the lead.

"I heard the old man in the palace say that before the gate was used to guard the entrance, it was a very popular job."

"That's not it. Long ago, the Nether Warrior had a strong overall strength and it was easy to ascend. You also know that with his great perseverance, ascension to God Realm is absolutely not too bad. If it is within the door of the guard, If a warrior soars up and is selected by Zongmen, he will get a big prize. "Another guard pouted," It ’s better now. Forever, there will be no warrior soaring up. "

"Alas, I can only talk about it here."

From the words of the two guards, they can hear their dissatisfaction with the job.

However, their strength is too weak, and they have no right to speak in Nanling Sword Palace.

"It's noon, let's go and have a drink." The straw hat guard said.

The land in the extreme south itself is very hot, and the scorching sun in the sky makes people feel helpless.

The two guards sat in the gazebo not far from the entrance gate and began to drink.

The entrance door is a fiery red altar.

On the altar, there are complex patterns.

It is said that the door of introduction also existed in ancient times.

Hiss ...

On the altar, which had not been moving for tens of thousands of years, suddenly there were some imperceptible movements.

The two guards were drinking, not even noticing.

Boom! △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

However, after a while, the movement on the altar became larger and larger.

A sound of vibration sounded and finally caught the attention of the two guards.

"Huh? Is there any movement in the door?"

When the two guards saw the movement on the altar, their faces were covered with disbelief.

Immediately, the two laughed at each other.

"Did someone fly up?" The straw hat guard was excited.

"Hahaha, our luck is too good." The other guard was also a little excited.

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