Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1628: Sparring

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Entering the commissary hall, it was quite quiet the other day.

Fang Chen does not want to waste any time, has been working hard to cultivate.

However, on the fifth day, someone came to him.

"Fang Chen, brothers and sisters are going to practice, you go to practice as a companion," said one of the disciples in the juggernaut.

Fang Chen nodded, stood up, and went to the square.

The entire city is the site of the juggernaut.

And the disciples will practice in the square.

When Fang Chen came here, there were already many people here.

"Hurry up, you will be the only one."

Shen Sheng, the elder who is responsible for the practice of the disciples.

Fang Chen immediately trot over, and the elder asked him to stand with a row of people in the center of the square.

"You just stand with them," the elder said.

Fang Chen found out that the group of people in the center of the square, like him, was also a sparring partner.

After standing well, the elder said: "Today, it is mainly to train your strength. Everyone picks a sparring partner and starts training now."

As soon as the elder's voice fell, some disciples came to choose.

"You, follow me."

"Look at your strong body, follow me."

Although there are many disciples in the juggernaut hall, there are very few who can be nurtured by the juggernaut hall.

Soon, the key disciples have been selected.

However, the elder's eyes fell on a woman in black in the distance.

"Mosheng song, it's your choice."

The elder's attitude towards this black woman was very gentle.

When looking at the woman in black, his eyes were full of smiles.

Fang Chen heard the whispers of everyone around him.

"It turns out that this woman is the strongest disciple of Zaoxitang." Fang Chen said secretly.

The strongest disciple of the Zuotang Hall also represents that she must be able to join the Nanling Sword Palace.

The Zuotang Hall directly cultivated her as a disciple of the Nanling Sword Palace.

The woman in black turned around, her face was cold, and she had a breath of refusal thousands of miles away, very cold.

She walked over to the rest of her companion training, her eyes swept across the crowd, and finally landed on Fang Chen.

"I choose him." The woman in black made a sound of nature.

Hearing that, the elder was a little stunned.

"Shengge, why did you choose him?" The elder asked in doubt.

Among the many sparring sessions on the scene, only Fang Chen is the realm of life and death, and other sparring are the eternal realm.

"Sheng Ge, his strength is too weak to resist your attack at all."

The elders were not worried about Fang Chen ’s life and death, but the progress of the black woman named Mo Shengge.

He was worried that Fang Chen's strength was too weak, affecting Mo Shengge's cultivation.

Fang Chen sighed and sighed.

When I was in the lower realm, I knew that this world is a world of weak meat and strong food.

At that time, I still felt that competition was not too fierce.

However, when I came to God Realm, I realized more deeply what is weak meat and strong food.

Your strength is too weak, no one will care about your life and death.

"Just choose him."

The black woman Mo Shengge frowned, a little unhappy, and said in a deep voice.

Upon seeing this, the elders said no more.

After the selection of Mo Shengge was completed, the elder waved his hand and motioned for the other unaccompanied training partners to disperse.

Fang Chen vaguely heard that those unselected sparring whispers and was very happy.

"Okay, start training."

Said the elder.

It is no exaggeration to say that all of this group of disciples will pass the assessment in the near future.

Their strength is also very strong.

"I will come first."

A fat warrior burst out with a punch.


The wild power escaped from his body, suddenly gathered in front of him into a terrible fist, and then hit **** the opposite sparring body.

Click ...

The sparring body had almost no resistance, and was directly blasted away.


The sparring partner vomited blood and died instantly.

"too weak."

Obese soldiers sneered when they saw it.

"Zhuang Heng, your strength has become stronger again."

"Zhuang Heng, just like you, a hundred sparring is not enough."

"After three months of assessment, Zhuang Heng's strength will surely be among the top three."

Many disciples are praising Zhuang Heng.

Only the black woman Mo Shengge didn't look at Zhuang Heng at all.

The black girl Mo Shengge carefully observed Fang Chen, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"You are soaring from the lower realm?" Su Shengge asked suddenly.

Fang Chen was somewhat stunned, but nodded and answered.

Mo Shengge nodded gently, and then said: "Actually, I admire you, the warriors who have risen from the lower realm by their own efforts. You should not join the Nanling Sword Palace."


Fang Chen was a little curious.

"There are seven top forces in God Realm, one of which was created by the ascending person, called the Sky Bone Palace. The bone ancestor of the Heaven Bone Palace is also one of the top powers of God Realm. Powerful warrior. You should go to the Sky Bone Palace, after all, those who ascend there will be sheltered. "

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

Unexpectedly, Guzu is so powerful.

The Tiangu Palace, created by myself, is actually one of the top seven forces of God Realm.

Seeing Fang Chen shake, Mo Shengge shook his head slightly.

After a long time, Fang Chen woke up from shock.

He felt that Mo Shengge seemed to intentionally remind him, and immediately asked, "Why do you want to tell me this?"

Mo Shengge fell silent, his expression a bit painful.

"Because ... I once fell in love with a soarer."

Hearing Mo Shengge's answer, Fang Chen froze for a moment, and then said no more.

After Mo Shengge's emotions were vented, he returned to the topic.

"I will help you in this period of time in the Zadog Hall. However, I can't help you for long, everything depends on you." Mo Shengge said.

Perhaps, because Fang Chen is the ascendant in the lower realm, it reminded her of her memories.

"Thank you." Fang Chen said sorry.

Mo Shengge waved his hand, and then said: "You are too weak. When I'm in the process of sparring, take a good look."

After all, Mo Shengge's white hands clenched into fists, and his strength emerged.

"So strong."

Fang Chen felt scalp numbness.

He urged the perfect sword body to resist the power attack of Mo Shengge.


Fang Chen's body quickly receded, and the pain flooded the entire body.


Seeing Fang Chen just take a few steps back, Mo Shengge was also a little surprised.

"Although you are weak, your physical defense is good."

The sparring of the Zuotang Hall, to put it bluntly, is cannon fodder and will face death at any time.

The first time Fang Chen was a sparring partner, he saw several warriors who were also sparring dead.

Their cultivation practices are all immortal.

This is reality, and no one will sympathize with the weak.

It is normal for sparring to die.

Fortunately, Fang Chen met Mo Shengge.

The latter kept his hand on him, causing him to be injured, but he would not die.

Of course, Fang Chen also caused some disciples' dissatisfaction.

It is better to say that Zhuang Heng is very powerful.

After Zhuang Heng punched a sparring partner with one punch, his eyes fell on Mo Shengge in black.

Immediately, he walked towards Mo Shengge step by step.

"Sheng Ge, what kind of sparring sparring is it?"

Mo Shengge ignored Zhuang Heng and continued to fight Fang Chen.

After eating the closed-door soup, he spread his anger on Fang Chen's body.

"Boy, just like you, trying to get close to Shengge, let's die."

Zhuang Heng burst out with a punch, with super strength.

Fang Chen didn't have time to avoid it.


At a critical moment, Mo Shengge resisted Zhuang Heng's attack.

"Zhuang Heng, what are you doing?"

Mo Sheng Ge Qiao's face was a little angry, and said coldly.

Zhuang Heng itself has an admiration for Mo Sheng Ge, and any disciples in the juggernaut who approach Mo Sheng Ge will be very dissatisfied.

Over time, no one dared to approach Mo Shengge.

But now, he shot against a sparring, Mo Shengge actually angry at him.

"Sheng Ge, he is just a sparring partner."

Before Zhuang Heng's words were finished, he was stopped by Mo Shengge.

"Zhuang Heng, I'm practicing, please don't disturb me." Mo Shengge said blankly.

Zhuang Heng was really angry when he saw Mo Shengge, and he stopped talking.

Shaking his sleeves, he gave Fang Chen a cold look, then turned and left.

Fang Chen saw a trace of murderous intent from Zhuang Heng's eyes.

He wanted to kill himself.

"Huh, if you want to kill me, you have to pay enough."

Fang Chen thought to himself.

If he really rushed himself, urged the dark magic wheel with all his strength, and then cast the space-time book to escape, he could not take it himself.

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