Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1629: Forbearance

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For the next time, Fang Chen spent a large part of his time as a sparring partner for Mo Sheng Ge.

Mo Shengge's strength is very strong. While practicing, he will also explain some things that Fang Chen does not understand.

Over time, Fang Chen's strength is also improving.

The most remarkable thing is cultivation practice. Before ascending to God Realm, his cultivation practice was only the seventh level of life and death, but now he has reached the eighth level of life and death unconsciously.

It won't take long to reach the Ninefold Realm.

In a flash, a month passed.

During this time, Mo Shengge also felt the potential of Fang Chen.

However, she had too much contact with Fang Chen, causing Zhuang Heng to hold a grudge against Chen.

One day, Zhuang Heng found a sparring partner to teach Fang Chen.

This sparring is a warrior who first entered the eternal world.

He was certainly very happy to be rewarded by Zhuang Heng.


Fang Chen's courtyard gate was kicked open.

The sparring partner Xu Xun walked in with a big swing, his attitude was very arrogant.

"Fang Chen, get out for Uncle Ben." Xu Xun roared.

Fang Chen walked out of the attic, his face somber.


"Fang Chen, you haven't even reached the eternal realm of this rubbish, and dare to come to the juggernaut hall as a sparring partner. It's really death. If you didn't eat **** and was selected by Mo Shengge, you would have died.

He Xu Xun refused to accept, why Fang Chen can have such **** luck, and he did not.

It was almost killed by the other party during the previous sparring process.

"and then?"

Fang Chen didn't seem to be willing to take Xu Xun, he turned around to enter the attic.

"Fang Chen, do you dare to fight against me?" Xu Xun said mockingly.

"Not interested in."

Xu Xun was completely irritated by Fang Chen's attitude, and besides, he came with the task himself.

The anger inside erupted suddenly.

"Fang Chen, you are looking for death."

Xu Xun shot.

The breath of the ancient world permeates in an instant.

A horrible law of flames appeared on his body, his fists clenched, and he punched Fang Chen suddenly.


Fang Chen was already prepared, and when he saw it, he punched directly.

The two fists collided and Xu Xun's body was forced back.

And Fang Chen is stepping back.


Xu Xun was a little surprised, Fang Chen was able to resist his attack.

"Next, you can die."

Next, Xu Xun broke out a terrorist attack.

Fang Chen couldn't take care of that much anymore. He exhibited the space-time book, and his figure disappeared instantly.


Xu Xun suddenly discovered that he could not perceive the other party to exist.

"I don't believe it, where can you hide?"

Xu Xun madly attacked the surroundings, punching out punch after punch.

call out……

Suddenly, tens of thousands of sword lights were shot out of the void and thrust at Xu Xun.

Ding Ding Ding ...

Jianguang was resisted by Xu Xun, but at this moment, Fang Chen struck Xu Xun's body.


Unexpectedly, Xu Xun's body stepped back a few steps.

Xu Xun, holding his body, was furious.

"Boy, you are dead."

Being humiliated by a warrior in life and death, Xu Xun's heart was full of anger.

"With my current strength, if you urge the Dark Magic Wheel, defeating this person is not a problem. But ..."

Fang Chen also has his own considerations. He doesn't want to provoke trouble in the miscellaneous hall.

However, if Xu Xun is too deceiving, don't fail him.

Just as Xu Xun was about to start, Mo Shengge appeared.


Mo Shengge's face was gloomy and cold.

Xu Xun's frightened face was pale, and he fled away.

"Are you all right?" Mo Shengge asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said: "Thank you."

"Thanks, even if I don't shoot, he can't kill you."

In the past month, Mo Shengge has been quite familiar with Chen Chen.


In a splendid courtyard, Xu Xun is reporting to Zhuang Heng.


After listening to Xu Xun's report, Zhuang Heng looked gloomy and smashed the stone table next to him.

"Mosheng Song!"

Zhuang Heng's face was terrible, and he was burning with anger.

"Brother Zhuang, protected by Mo Shengge, we can't start with Chen Chen at all." Xu Xun said helplessly.

Zhuang Heng thought for a moment, and then said: "In two months, our group of disciples' assessment will arrive. After the assessment is completed, Mo Shengge will definitely enter the Nanling Sword Palace."

Xu Xun is very smart, and Zhuang Heng understands it a little.

"Come on, Brother Zhuang, I will definitely help Brother Zhuang to kill this son."

Time is fleeting.

Especially in God Realm, time is like running water.

Three months are fleeting.

The batch of disciples of Zhuang Heng began to evaluate.

The assessment of the Zadog Hall was very difficult, but almost all of this group of disciples passed.

After the assessment, Mo Shengge and others formally became disciples of Nanling Sword Palace. They will leave the Zaotang Hall and go to Nanling Sword Palace.

Since then, they have a promising future.

However, just after Mo Shengge became a disciple of the Nanling Sword Palace, he made a request to the mistress.

The miscellaneous host had almost no hesitation and agreed directly.

What a joke?

Mo Shengge and others are destined to become strong in the future.

At this time, making friends with them is the most sensible choice.

Mo Shengge, Zhuang Heng and others left the Zaotang.

And Fang Chen, with the help of Mo Shengge, became the guard of the forbidden area in the Zato Hall.

In the forbidden grounds of the handy house, they dared not enter with a hundred guts.

Said to be a guard, it is actually to create an opportunity for Fang Chen to practice alone.

From this day on, Fang Chen came to the forbidden area of ​​the Zaotang.

"For more than two years, just dive here." Fang Chen sat cross-legged and secretly said.

He was very grateful to Mo Shengge. If it were not for her, he would never have had such a good opportunity.

He knew that Xu Xun and others, who hated him for sure, wanted to kill him.

However, two years later, it is not necessarily who kills who.

"Hopefully, within two years, we will be able to reach the age of immortality."

After all, Fang Chen closed his eyes and began to practice.


Fang Chen's cultivation is mainly based on the law of flame.

After entering God Realm, the power of the law of flame absorbed is more pure.

Therefore, it is relatively easy to improve.

What's more, Fang Chen is inflamed with the flame king, and has a natural affinity for flame.

Half a year after the closed place closed, Fang Chen raised the law of flame to the six-star realm.

The two small realms have been promoted in a row, which is nothing, the most important thing is the seven-star realm.

The next time, Fang Chen sprinted with all his strength.

Finally, one year after the retreat, the law of flame reached its extreme.

The law of fire in the Seven Star Realm is very powerful.

When the mind moves, the power of the Fire Law will permeate the whole body.

"Now mine, with the immortality alone, can burn the ultimate warrior in life and death." Fang Chen said to himself, his face covered with a smile.

The power of the law of flames reaches its limit, and the next step is to improve the cultivation.


Fang Chen snorted, and within the sea of ​​qi, the rule of law continued to expand.

Within a few breathing hours, the law has expanded, and at this time, Fang Chen ’s cultivation practice has reached the nineth level of life and death.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary Nine Heavy, directly reaching the peak of Nine Heavy.

"Only one step away, you can reach the eternal realm."

It's not so easy to reach the eternal realm.

Simply, the time is longer, so Fang Chen is not in a hurry, does not put pressure on himself, and continues to practice.

Beyond the forbidden area, the miscellaneous hall.

Groups of warriors have gradually been eliminated.

Group after group of sparring dies in the hands of the disciples of the Zatuotang.

Xu Xun had better luck, and Zhuang Heng liked him more. When he left, he also arranged a leisure trip for him.

For more than a year, Xu Xun has been waiting for Fang Chen to appear.

"When will this **** guy come out?"

Xu Xun was very angry when thinking of Fang Chen.

Such a weak **** was actually allocated to guard the forbidden area.

I don't know how many people are jealous.

However, this was the order of the mistress, and no one dared to resist.

"Boy, when you come out, I will definitely kill you with my own hand," Xu Xun said coldly.


Suddenly, the sound of a roar of the beast broke the tranquility of the juggernaut.

Suddenly, countless noises sounded.

Xu Xun heard faintly that someone was shouting and the monster was attacking the city.

"Beast, find death."

At this moment, a horrible voice appeared in the sky, coldly.

This is the voice of the mistress.

Rumble ...

The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

The whole city of the miscellaneous house shook the ground.

After a while, the Zuotang Hall returned to calm.

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