Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1639: trace

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Before waiting for Fang Chen and others to enter the core of the Shenglong Mountain Range, I heard a rumor.

"Fang Shao, there are some rumors about you outside."

A group of people rested on the bluestone, and suddenly a breathless warrior ran from a distance.

He was the disciple of the Tianwaimen holding a battle axe.


Fang Chen frowned and asked immediately.

"The warriors who have recently come to the Saint Dragon Mountain Range are countless. There are even a lot of disciples of the Great Sect. Now it is circulating everywhere, saying Fang Shao you got the treasure map of the Saint Dragon Mountain Range." Speak slowly.

Wen Yan, Fang Chen's complexion, completely gloomy.

"Huh, this is framed."

The blonde warrior said angrily, he exuded a terrifying breath all over his body.

Another disciple of Heavenly Crying was also a little puzzled, who sent the news.

Fang Chen and Zhou Pu only looked at each other.

Zhou Fang saw a cold killing intention from Fang Chen's eyes.


Fang Chen secretly wrote down the Green Union City.

This matter must have been a ghost in the Green World City, otherwise, the news will never come out.

Only Zhou Puzhi knew he was in a rag.

"Want to kill me with the help of other forces, and then cause the anger of Nanling Sword Palace?"

Fang Chen sneered secretly.

If you are really a disciple of Nanling Sword Palace, perhaps this vicious scheme may succeed.

However, who can know that he is fake.

"Wait for the next meeting, I hope you will be intact."

Fang Chen moved to kill.

Although the disciples of Lvhecheng are strong, he is not afraid.

"Fang Shao, what should I do now? There are many forces who are inquiring about your whereabouts." Asked the disciples with tomahawks.

"The Holy Dragon Mountain is so big, they need some time to find us, and now we will hurry as soon as possible." Fang Chen said.

Speaking of which, they are also occupying some favorable conditions and harmony.

With two rags in his hand, the treasure is almost certainly on the spine of the Saint Dragon Mountain Range.

In this way, the scope is greatly reduced, which is much stronger than their random search.

Moreover, several people joined forces, and the low-ranking warriors of the ancient world are not their opponents at all.

Unless, the other party has the middle-level strong in the ancient world.

Even so, Fang Chen has the power to protect himself.

A group of people stood up and quickly entered the jungle.

On the way to go fast, Fang Chen sent a voice to Zhou Penalty: "Brother Zhou Penalty, this time you are affected."

"Brother Fang, if you treat me as a friend, don't say these things in the future." Zhou Pu said a little unpleasantly.

After hearing the words, a smile appeared on Fang Chen's face.

Time is fleeting.

In a blink of an eye, it had been walking on the spine of the Shenglong Mountains for five days.

Although it took a long time, some clues were found.

In a dense jungle, Fang Chen found something wrong.

In fact, it was mainly discovered by the golden heart.

Suddenly, Fang Chen stopped, he felt the speed of his golden heart beating faster and faster.

This made him very puzzled.

"Is the treasure near here?" Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.

The others turned around and looked at Fang Chen suspiciously.

"Fang Shao, what's wrong?" The blonde warrior asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, and then said: "It's okay, let's go."

After all, the group went on.

However, no one knows that Fang Chen's avatar appeared quietly, and then disappeared into the void.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Fang Chen's deity walked with the three people at Tianwaimen, while the avatar stayed here.

"Boss, what did you find?"

The mouse also stayed and asked curiously.

"There is a problem here."

Fang Chen pointed to a piece of ground, Shen Sheng said.

"Small, let me come."

The little mouse spreads its sharp claws and quickly digs the soil.

After a while, a tunnel was opened.

"Boss, go in."

Fang Chen nodded and entered it, then the little mouse restored the top soil layer, and then put the fallen leaves on it.

In the end, he got into a hidden place and then into the dirt.

Pirate hole is an innate ability of a family of devouring gods and rats.

In the dark mud, the little mouse is very fast, and will meet with the boss soon.

"How is it?" The little mouse asked.

"We must continue to dive." Fang Chen said.

"it is good."

The little mouse nodded, and then continued to steal holes.

This theft took a whole month.

Fang Chen roughly estimated that, at the speed of the burrowing of the little mice, they at least dived hundreds of millions of miles.

With a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, and with such a thick soil layer, even if it is the consciousness of the strongest person in the peak of the ancient world, it is impossible to scan at once.


The mouse was directly tired and panting.

"Boss, what the **** is here?"

The little mouse was worried that there was nothing, and the bamboo basket was empty.

In that case, he was really depressed.

A hard day is almost the same as urging the three great talents to be tired.

"You practice first." Fang Chen urged.

Dive here, Fang Chen already had some eyebrows.


While watching around Fang Chen, suddenly his feet slipped.

Suddenly, he and the mouse both fell.


The bodies of the two hit the ground heavily.

Fang Chen hurriedly stood up, and immortal flames appeared, and the dark space suddenly became brighter.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, looking at the surrounding walls.

There is a simple cave here, and there are some deep marks on the walls of the cave.

At first glance, this cave has experienced the baptism of years.

"Is it a cave that existed in the last era?"

The golden heart beat quickly, and Fang Chen was full of doubts.

After diving for hundreds of millions of miles, I discovered such a cave.

And this cave is the root cause of the golden heart.

"Boss, the traces on this wall seem to be left by the beast." Said the little mouse.

"Can you recognize which kind of beast?" Fang Chen asked.

The little mouse shook his head, and its small paws touched the marks on the wall, sensing it carefully.

"Although the traces are very shallow, it can be seen that the mythical beasts that leave traces must be very strong."

"Why do you say this?" Fang Chen asked.

"Boss, look carefully. These traces seem to be disordered, but they contain some complicated patterns." Said the little mouse.

Fang Chen heard the words and hurried to see them.

Suddenly, he felt his mind shaking.

As if being in the environment, it is very unreal.

"this is……"

Fang Chen was terrified in his heart, these chaotic traces actually contained the mysterious law of terror.

"Able to wave a hand, and leave the mysterious mythical beast on the wall, I am afraid it may really be the legend of the true dragon handed down from the last cosmic era." Little Mouse said in a deep voice.

True dragon, that is the pinnacle of existence in the monster world.

In the inheritance memory, I vaguely remember that the real dragon and the real phoenix are the top beasts.

"Is there any trace left by the real dragon?" Fang Chen's heartbeat accelerated.

If it is really a trace left by a real dragon, then it represents this cave, and it will definitely be the treasure.

After observing it for a while, the mouse shook her head in doubt.

"Boss, these traces are not as simple as imagined. But I always feel that it is related to the legend of the real dragon, but it is not the trace left by the real dragon." The little mouse murmured.

Fang Chen tried hard to suppress the inner vibration of the Lord and took a deep breath: "Since we entered the Holy Dragon Mountain Range, we have been affected by the legend of the true dragon, leading to a big deviation in judgment. Maybe you are right, here The traces are probably not left by the real dragon. "

Even the supreme existence of God Realm is very important to the true dragon.

If there is a real dragon leaving a trace here, the top powers of God Realm should not be indifferent.

After thinking about it, Fang Chen felt that this should be misleading.

"What do these traces mean?"

Fang Chen frowned, racking his brain.


In the Dragon Mountains.

The disciples of the great schools have already arrived, and here suddenly became lively.

Of course, where there are people there will be fighting.

There is no exception here. Many ancestors were originally feuds of hatred, and the enemies were very jealous when they met.

Life and death fight without a word.

The battle is constant and chaotic.

The deity of Fang Chen was to take the opportunity to teach the disciples of Tianwaimen and secretly wipe out the disciples of Lvhecheng.

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