Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1640: Law of continuous enlightenment

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"Fang Shao, we have inquired clearly. Lvhecheng sent thirty-five disciples to come this time. Among them, the leader is the leader of the younger generation of Lvhecheng. , Reached the fivefold of the age-old realm. "The blonde warrior smiled," As for the other disciples, they are all low-level warriors of the age-old realm. "

After this period of understanding, Fang Chen gradually learned the situation here.

The land of the extreme south of God Realm is vast.

And here, Nanling Sword Palace occupies 80% of the territory.

The remaining 20% ​​of the territory is divided among the various sects.

Taking the 100,000 mountains as the boundary, the vast land to the south of the 100,000 mountains is the territory of the Nanling Sword Palace.

The north of the 100,000 mountains is the territory of other Xiaozongmen.

Normally, the territory of the Nanling Sword Palace is called the southern region; the place where the main gates are located is called the northern region.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the ancestors in the Northern Territory add up to not be as powerful as a hall in Nanling Sword Palace.

As one of the seven top forces of God Realm, Nanling Sword Palace does not care about these small ancestors.

If God Realm did not stipulate that the seven top forces could not shoot Xiaozongmen for no reason, the land of the extreme south had long been unified.

And now, because of a true dragon legend.

The main gates of the Northern Territory sent their disciples to enter the Holy Dragon Mountain Range.

Fang Chen learned through the three disciples of Tian Wai Men.

The disciples in the Northern Territory basically have all their disciples.

In God Realm, the realm of life and death and eternal realm are just the lowest realm.

Even, it cannot be called a god.

Only when you reach the state of life and death can you adapt to the pressure of God Realm.

The eternal realm, in the eyes of the mighty **** realm, is equivalent to a mortal.

Only the strong who transcends the ages are called the gods.

There are gods sitting in the main gates of the Northern Territory.

There are countless gods in Nanling Sword Palace, the overlord of the South Region.

The disciples of the ancient world can only be regarded as formal disciples.

Only by becoming a **** can you be considered a core disciple.

Lvhe City's influence in the Northern Territory is not too big, at most it is equivalent to Tianwaimen.

Because the credibility of the true dragon legend is not so great, Lv Hang in the dispatch gate of Lvhecheng led the team to check it out.

Except for Lu Hang, the others are not to be feared.

"Lu Hang?"

Fang Chen secretly wrote down the name.

With his current strength, he is still unable to fight the mid-level martial arts warriors.

If he meets Lu Hang, he will flee as soon as possible.

"Fang Shao, do we continue to execute the plan?" Asked the disciples holding the tomahawk.

In the past few days, taking advantage of the chaotic situation, he has secretly killed five disciples in Green Union City.

If Lu Hang knew, he would be furious.

"Fang Shao, the opportunity is rare. I heard that Lu Hang is fighting against his rivals and has no time to take care of his disciples."

"Yeah, I also heard that on a certain peak of the Shenglong Mountain Range, Lu Hang is fighting the ghost of the Dragon Gate." The blonde warrior said: "That ghost is very powerful, although it has only four levels , But with the help of the ghost dragon gate's magic, it was able to resist Lu Hang's attack positively. "

"A while ago, Guizhi even humiliated Lu Hang because of some things. The two of them were rivals, and every time they met, they would almost fight each other." Another black disciple said: "It's strange, Lu Hang Although he was angry, he couldn't help the ghost. "

"Ghost Dragon Gate, Ghost Zhi?"

Fang Chen said slightly.

The disciples of Sect Gate of Northern Territory gathered here.

Just take this opportunity to see how to leave the Northern Territory.

"The plan remains unchanged."

After thinking for a long time, Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

The three of Tianwaimen quickly left and dived into the darkness, waiting for the opportunity to start their hands with the disciples of Lvhecheng.


Inside the dark cave.

After learning about the situation outside, Fang Chen was relieved.

For the time being, there is no danger of the deity. It is estimated that no one will find it here.

Speed ​​up and find out the organs inside the cave.

Fang Chen's palm lightly touched the chaotic traces.

Suddenly, the mysterious mystery of the wild rules penetrated into his mind.

"this is……"

The law of wind is mysterious.

The wild wind blows through his head, quite comfortable.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chen's palm moved, and suddenly a hot breath came.

This is the mystery of the law of flame.

Fang Chen was a little surprised and continued to shift his palm.

Every time a place is transferred, there will be a rule of mystery.

After a long time, Fang Chen's heart shook.

"In these traces, there are so many laws and mysteries?"

While shocked, Fang Chen was ecstatic.

What is the most important thing to understand the law?

Needless to know, the most important thing is the mystery of the law of enlightenment.

So far, Fang Chen has only realized two rules, the flame rule and the dream rule.

The more the law understands, the more chance it has of getting in touch with the rules.

"This is great."

Fang Chen smiled brilliantly and immediately told the little mouse that he wanted to understand the law.

The little mouse guarded the side while Fang Chen sat cross-legged in front of the wall.

His hands were placed on the traces of the wall.

The gentle breeze came out, the golden heart beat at a rapid speed, and the force of the wind law in the air in the cave quickly rushed.

Hiss ...

After a moment, Fang Chen's body was surrounded by the power of the law of wind.

He opened his eyes as if dreaming.

"So simple?"

Fang Chen couldn't believe it, so easy to understand the law of wind.

In fact, for the people of God Realm, it is still very simple to understand the law.

The hardest part is the rules.

"carry on……"

With this success, Fang Chen's confidence is even greater.

The next time, he kept moving his palm.

Jinmu's water, fire and earth, the five elements of the law are all realized, followed by the law of darkness, the law of ice, the law of force.

In just three hours, Fang Chen realized eight laws.

They are the law of gold, the law of wood, the law of water, the law of earth, the law of darkness, the law of ice, and the law of force.

The most important thing is the law of swords.

When the law of sword was realized, the whole person seemed to be sublimated.

The golden hearts have become different from before.

I seemed to have opened a door to the peak of Kendo, and the vast knowledge of Kendo poured into my mind.

After realizing the law of sword, Fang Chen voluntarily stopped.

On the traces of the walls, there are various rules of mystery.

However, Fang Chen did not want to continue to enlighten.

Suddenly realizing so many laws, the foundation is not stable, and if you are not careful, you will get into trouble.

Wait until these laws are thoroughly stabilized before deciding whether to continue to enlighten.

"The Five Elements Rule, echo each other, urge together, and exert unexpected effects."

Fang Chen stood up and looked at the five completely different laws around him, but they blended in with each other, and it was also incredible.

Of course, the happiest thing is to realize the law of swords.

"Who the **** are you leaving traces here?"

In Fang Chen's heart, he became more and more puzzled.

These traces are by no means ordinary people can leave.


When Fang Chen was thinking about it, the fifth layer of the sword classics came into being.

Jianjingkouju quickly moved through the body, and Houchen felt that there was kendo breath in his mind.

"Strength increased tenfold?"

Fang Chen was overjoyed, the fifth layer of the sword sutra, the strength increased tenfold, which was a surprise.

"I didn't expect it to be so rewarding."

Just found a cave, let Fang Chen harvest so much, can you be unhappy?


During Fang Chen's enlightenment to the law, the Holy Dragon Mountain Range also shook.

On the spine of the Holy Dragon Mountain Range, in a certain area, a golden light broke through and disappeared into the sky.

This scene caused a great shock, and all the warriors felt the shock brought by that golden light.

The treasure is born!

Many warriors shouted and searched frantically in the Holy Dragon Mountains. ︽2︽2︽. * 2 Pavilion︽2,

They concluded that the golden light that broke out of the ground was the treasure to be found in this trip.

The entire Shenglong Mountain Range was completely boiled.

On a certain mountain peak, Lu Hang and Guizhi, who were fighting fiercely, also stopped fighting.

"Gu Zhi, the battle is over, and he will fight again in the future." Lu Hang said in a deep voice.

"Why? Are you afraid? If the disciple Lu Hang, a disciple of Luhe City, loses to a warrior who is not as good as him, will he be ridiculed?" The black-faced ghost said with a funny smile.

He knew that Lu Hang wanted to find the treasure and deliberately humiliated Lu Hang.

"Well, I will be afraid of you by Lu Hang?" Lu Hanghan said: "When I find the treasure, I will hit you until you kneel and beg for mercy."

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