Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1642: Spirit Stone

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The stone door opened slowly, and no accident was happening.

This let Fang Chen breathe a sigh of relief, surrounded by the power of the law of the whole body, and walked into the stone gate carefully.

Entering the stone gate, it is a lot of ore.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, looking at the ore within the stone gate.

These ores are gleaming and contain divine power inside.

"Hahaha, we are rich. Boss, this is the **** stone." The little mouse jumped excitedly.

"Spirit Stone?"

Hearing the words, Fang Chen froze for a moment, then ecstatic.

The spirit stone is like the spirit stone of the ancient sword continent and the amethyst stone in the lower realm.

This is the universal currency of God Realm, and of course it can also be used for cultivation.

The divine power in the heaven and earth in the **** realm is very violent, and to absorb the divine power, it needs strong enough strength.

This also led to many weak warriors, unable to absorb the divine power in the world.

And the divine power contained in this deity stone is very gentle and suitable for absorption.

Of course, only those large sects will be extravagant enough to allow disciples to absorb spiritual stones for cultivation.

Fang Chen has been in God Realm for such a long time, and he has never seen the Spirit Stone.

For the ancient warrior, the spirit stone is still quite rare.

Of course, almost all of these ancestors in the Northern Territory have **** stone reserves.

Looking at the mountain of **** stones, Fang Chen was ecstatic.

"So many **** stones." He was very excited.

The spirit stone can not only be cultivated, but also exchanged for other things.

In short, there is no **** stone, it is almost impossible to walk in God Realm.

With the spirit stone, you can get the best cultivation environment.

These are the reasons why the Dazongmen are getting stronger and the Xiaozongmen getting weaker.

Fang Chen roughly estimated that there are at least millions of **** stones here.

"Really rich." Fang Chen smiled.

The deity stone is divided into inferior, middle, top and top grade.

In the same way, a top-grade godstone can be exchanged for one hundred top-grade godstones, ten thousand middle-grade godstones, and one million low-grade godstones.

The pile of deity stones in front of them, in terms of color and quality, should be inferior deity stones.

"It would be nice if it was a supernatural deity stone." The little mouse said with a lip.

"Be content, a million inferior spirit stones, for me now, is like sending charcoal in the snow." Fang Chen said.

Immediately, Fang Chen put this million inferior spirit stones into the Sumiya ring.

A bright smile appeared on his face.

This million inferior spirit stones are enough to support his cultivation in a short time.


Suddenly, a phantom appeared on the wall in the stone room.

This phantom is a strong man with a strong breath.

"Fate, when you come here, it means that you have obtained the one million inferior **** stones I left to you." The phantom laughed and laughed: "This is a treasured place, I was really like that I want to spend the rest of my life here, but unfortunately ... "

There are some regrets in the ghost's words.

"If you want to enter the stone chamber, you can only open the stone chamber by enlightening five or more laws from the traces on the outer wall." Xu Ying continued: "On the cultivation road, everything depends on my own efforts. So I didn't leave any Inheritance, leaving only some garbage. "

Fang Chen froze for a moment.

The **** mentioned by Qingying is the pile of inferior spirit stones?

Fang Chen was speechless for a while. Such a precious thing was just **** in the eyes of Vague.

"I don't know if the garbage is of any use to you, in short, I still leave it." Xing Ying continued: "If you haven't become a real **** man, then you can walk to the left wall and gently tap three under."

"If you are already a god-man, then the things I left behind are useless to you. If you can't hold your curiosity, you will regret it." Xing Ying spread his hands and said: "After so many years, I have finally been relieved. I hope the latecomers can find the real dragon. "

After saying this, the ghost image collapsed.

His last sentence successfully aroused Fang Chen's curiosity.

"Later people looking for the real dragon? Is this person related to the legend of the real dragon?" Fang Chen frowned, "What exactly does he mean by liberation?"

A series of doubts were suspended in my heart.

However, Fang Chen still resisted curiosity.

Because of this strong man, his character is too weird.

"Boss, try it."

Fang Chen knows that in the realm of God Realm is not really a god-man.

He was within the range of what the ghost said.

Came to the left wall, stretched out his palm, hesitated for a moment, and finally tapped lightly three times.

Suddenly, a dark grid appeared on the wall.

In this dark cell, there is a Xu Mi ring.

Fang Chen picked up Xu Mijie, and then confessed the Lord with blood.

Suddenly, I saw what was inside the Sumiya ring.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The little mouse asked curiously.

Fang Chen was shocked in his face, and then took a deep breath: "There is a middle grade **** stone and a top grade **** stone in the Sumiya ring."

In addition to this, there is also a supernatural deity stone.

After a look, I found that there are 10,000 pieces of middle-grade **** stones, one hundred pieces of top-grade **** stones, and one piece of super-grade **** stones.

Fang Chen vaguely felt that this was the number that the strongman intentionally left behind.

Otherwise, would n’t it be such a coincidence?

Looking at the gleaming divine stone, Fang Chen's mind was full of thoughts.

"Boss, there is only the spirit stone, there is no magic art?" The little mouse continued to ask.

Fang Chen continued to look, and suddenly found that there was something with golden light in the corner of Xu Mijie.

"what is this?"

Fang Chen took out the golden thing and showed it to the little mouse.

The latter widened his eyes and was very excited.

"Boss, this is Yanlong's marrow."

"What is Yanlong's marrow?" Fang Chen asked.

"Boss, this dragon dragon's pith is a good thing. In the monster world, there is a kind of mythical beast with real dragon blood flowing. But they have never been recognized, they are the Yanlong clan. And this Yanlong pith is the Yanlong clan The marrow of the tribe. "

"The Yanlong clan is proud of its hard bones, so there are often powerful gods who capture the Yanlong clan to refine artifacts. And this dragon's marrow is harder than their bones, it is definitely an artifact. Great material. "The little mouse smiled," It seems that the strong man is also hard-working, leaving some practical things. "

"Yan Dragon's Pith ... Looking for the True Dragon." Fang Chen looked at the Yan Dragon's Pith and muttered in his mouth.

What is the connection between the two?

Who is that strong man?

After racking his brain, he couldn't understand it, and finally Fang Chen simply didn't want to.

He carefully put away Yanlong's pith, and then carefully inspected Xu Mijie, and after confirming that there was nothing, he said: "There must be nothing here, let's go."

After all, Fang Chen and the little mouse left the stone room.

However, just the moment they left the stone chamber.

A subtle golden yellow light appeared out of thin air, and then penetrated into Fang Chen's body.


The golden heart beat, but Fang Chen didn't care.

"Boss, do you want to continue to learn the laws here?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and had already realized eight kinds of enlightenment. It is a waste of time to continue enlightenment.

The top priority is to leave here and see what the golden light outside is.

Fang Chen always feels that everything here has something to do with the golden light that broke out of the ground.

However, I don't know the exact relationship.

Wow ...

Fang Chen and the mouse broke out of the ground and finally returned to the ground.


Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Fang Chen looked at the sky with a heavy heart and deep eyes.

"Boss, what should I do now? Do you want to fight for the treasure?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen just wanted to speak, and suddenly his face changed.

"Some troubles."

After all, with the mouse, it disappeared into the void.

Not far from here, Fang Chen's deity and Zhou Penalty happened to meet Lu Hang.

"Zhou Zhou, I didn't expect to meet you here." Lu Hang sneered. △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

He did not know that Fang Chen in front of him was a disciple of Nanling Sword Palace in the rumor.

"Lv Hang, what do you want?" Zhou Pu Shen said.

This Lu Hang is a real hypocrite.

"What do I want? You should know." Lu Hang grinned eerily.

Zhou punishment was anxious. In the face of Lu Hang, there was no trace of resistance.

"Brother Zhou punishment, find a way to delay the time." Fang Chen secretly said.

The avatar is coming soon. The deity and the avatar join forces to deal with Lu Hang enough.

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