Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1643: Zhan Luhang

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Lu Hang blocked Zhou Penalty's path and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to capture it.

"You said that if I take you back, can I exchange a city with your Zhou family?" Lu Hang laughed.

I saw this when I saw the weekly penalty.

Everyone pushed the wall down.

I thought about how beautiful the Zhou family was before it was kicked out.

How dare such weak and small sect gates in Luhe City dare to show their might in front of them.

But now, their Zhou family branch came out of the ethnic group and came to the Northern Territory.

Although there are still some influences, there is no deterrent.

Zhou Penalty is the most distressed son of the Zhou family head. It is also a good idea to exchange him for some resources of the Zhou family.

"Humph, you have a dream." Zhou Puhan said with a voice.

Lu Hang is too shameless, actually want to capture him to threaten the Zhou family.

Seeing Zhou's reaction, Lu Hang laughed.

He likes to see others look bad and bad. "I have no time to waste with you. After I capture you, I still have to **** the treasure."

However, at this moment, Fang Chen, who had never spoken, spoke.

"You have no chance to **** the treasure." Fang Chen said: "Is it possible to leave this place safely, it is also the two said."

"Who are you? Dare to talk to me Lu Hang like this?" Lu Hang said, his face somber.

call out……

The sound of breaking the sky came from afar, and suddenly behind Lu Hang, a ripple appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying fist came roaring.


Seeing this, Lu Hang hurriedly fought to resist.

Although he resisted in time, he was still forced to retreat with a punch.

After he stabilized his body, he turned to look behind him, and a figure suddenly appeared.

"I'm still wondering, how can a daunting **** in the ancient world dare to challenge me with Lu Hang, it turned out that there was a reinforcements coming." Lu Hang sneered: "Do you think that with the reinforcements, I would be afraid that you will not succeed in Lu Hang?"

The coming person is naturally Fang Chen's avatar, just to change his appearance slightly in order not to attract attention.

"Really? I still say that, I'm afraid you can't get out of here today." Fang Chen said lightly.

Seeing Fang Chen as if nothing happened, Lu Hang felt angry.

"Boy, I want to see how you can resist my attack from Lu Hang."

Lu Hang sneered, although the killer skill was used on Guizhi.

But every time the world is so important, he doesn't even think about it.

"Then you can see clearly."

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, his body disappeared into the void.


Lu Hang was a little surprised, but he didn't expect this concealment method to be so tyrannical.

"A dream rule?"

Lu Hang felt the power of a dream rule, "I can't deal with Lu Hang alone."

Before Lu Hang finished his words, he felt the power of terror coming from behind.

Fang Chen urged all his strength, and punched with a punch.

The whole body instantly filled with the law of strong and extreme power.


Fang Chen secretly slammed Lu Hang back after a punch.

"It is the law of power, which can enhance the physical strength so much."

Fang Chen secretly said.

The punch he just made is powerful enough to be comparable to the double strongest in the ancient world.

That is to say, with pure power alone, it is possible to crush the Dual Martial Artists of the Ancient Realm.

If the magic technique is used, the Triple Warrior of the Ancient Realm is not its opponent.

Lv Hang's repair is very high, with five levels of eternal realm.

However, Fang Chen hasn't used his avatar yet. He wants to try out how strong he is in fighting alone.

"Strength is good, but that's all."

Lu Hang licked his dry lips, and then Thunder shot.

Rumble ...

I saw Lu Hang's whole body, the power of the rich laws, condensed into a fire dragon.

Inside the fire dragon, there is the power of terror.

The fire dragon spins in the sky at an amazing speed.

"Fang Xiong be careful, this is the green magic city's magical technique to destroy the sky fire dragon."

"Destroy the sky fire dragon technique? It's just that."

Fang Chen looked up at the fire dragon in the sky and took out the Xingyin sword.

call out……

Tianyu Sword Art was exhibited, and tens of thousands of sword lights suddenly shot out.

The law of sword is attached to each sword light, so that the power of the sword light has increased by a hundredfold.

Faced with Lu Hang's full attack, Fang Chen did not dare to keep his hand.

Click ...

The fire dragon in the sky instantly rushed into the light of thousands of swords.

The sound of clicks kept coming from ear to ear, and there was a constant crack of sword light.

Fang Chen realized this point long ago, so the next moment Doppelgang also started.

call out……

A red light shot from the avatar.

The red glass sword came out of the sheath, sharp blades, cut through the sky, carrying the law of horror sword, roared.

The deity and doppelganger fought back and forth.

The fifth level of the sword warrior was opened, and the strength of tens of thousands of times was integrated into the law of sword.

Faintly, before Fang Chen, a field of swords was formed.

In this field, Fang Chen is absolutely invincible.

"court death."

Sky Destroyer Fire Dragon urged to the extreme, one after another fire dragon, suspended in the sky, resisting Fang Chen's attack.


Each impact of Fire Dragon and Jianguang will make the earth tremble.

"Damn, how can such a powerful force explode in an immortal waste?"

While attacking, Lu Hang thought.

He concluded that Fang Chen must have a secret.

"If I could get the secrets from him, my strength would be soaring."

In the heart of Lu Hang's intention to kill, he immediately jumped forward, and the fire dragon surrounded his body and appeared in front of Fang Chen.


Lu Hang shouted, the momentum was trembling.

"It is worthy of being the five most important soldiers in the ancient world."

Fang Chen secretly sighed, even if the deity and the avatar joined forces, they could not defeat Lu Hang.

Lu Hang's attack was beyond Fang Chen's expectations.

The gap between the eternal realm is very large, and the deity and the avatar, after jointly fighting hundreds of moves, finally angered Lu Hang.


Lu Hang's eyes were scarlet, and he performed a shocking attack.

Fang Chen had no choice but to escape into the void.

"Click ..."

A crack appeared in the void, and Lu Hang's attack was too strong.

"Miscellaneous, don't run away if you have a species." Lu Hang scolded.

"When I'm an idiot? You have the ability to suppress cultivation as a priority in the age-old realm, we have a fair showdown." Fang Chen's voice came from the void.

Lu Hang heard the words, looked up at the sky, and attacked the surrounding void with madness.

Fang Chen will attack Lu Hang if he finds an opportunity.

"Eternal world is fivefold and the defense is very strong. It is unrealistic to want to break through the defense by sneak attack."

After some fierce battles, Fang Chen roughly understood his fighting power.

Then he took out the dark magic wheel.


The dark magic wheel was urged, and suddenly a vast force emerged from it, sweeping the whole earth.

Darkness invaded the earth.

Lu Hang felt that Yuanshen was trembling. He widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen who was drowned in the darkness.

"What kind of attack is this?"

Lu Hang shivered slightly, and he quickly backed away.

His intuition told him that this attack was too weird to resist.

"Destroy the Sky Fire Dragon."

Lu Hang tried his best to display the Sky Destruction Fire Dragon.

Suddenly, nine fire dragons suddenly appeared in the sky, spraying hot flames, and attacked toward the dark breath.

Click ...

There are almost no resistances, and all nine fire dragons are destroyed.


Seeing this, Lu Hang jumped and disappeared into the void.

Hiss ...

Forced to the ultimate dark breath, gradually dissipated in the void.

Fang Chen's face was pale, and he put away the dark magic wheel.

"Although I won't be comatose, I still have a hard time urging the dark magic wheel," Fang Chen said secretly.

Zhou Fei ran over and asked, "Brother Fang, are you okay?"

In fact, Zhou Pu also was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen's strength was so arrogant that he was able to retreat Lu Hang.

Everlasting Realm forced the retreat of Everlasting Realm fivefold, even he was ashamed.

"I'm fine, let's go."

Although Lu Hang escaped, it would not take long to react.

Your own dark magic wheel has a time limit and cannot be urged for a long time.

Once he returned, he was in danger.

"Hurry up." Zhou Pufei helped Fang Chen and left quickly.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Hang, furious, returned here.

Seeing the deserted earth, Lu Hang was furious.

"Damn guy, the next time I meet, I will definitely let you die without a burial place." Lu Hang said angrily.

If it were not for Zhi Zhi, who is fighting with his killer?

Lu Hang in anger has not lost his mind.

"It's important to **** the treasure."

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