Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1649: One tower, one station, one list

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After leaving the shop, Fang Chen quickly disappeared into the flow of people.

When you first come to God Realm, everything must be cautious.

So, he had to guard a little.

Too much self-cultivation, and being able to come up with superb deity stones, can easily attract Deacon Lee ’s attention.

After a while, Fang Chen noticed that someone was following him.

With a sneer, he quickly accelerated his pace, and the warrior who secretly followed behind was chasing after him.

Suddenly, Fang Chen walked out of the crowd, then turned quickly and walked into a very remote alley.

Later, he displayed the space-time book and merged into the void.

At this moment, the secretly stalking warrior appeared quickly.

When he found out that he was losing, his face was a bit gloomy.

"Damn ..."

He secretly cursed and turned away.

Fang Chen hidden in the dark, see clearly.


With a cold snort, Fang Chen returned to the Zhou Family Mansion.


All I have to do now is wait three days and then go to Master Yi to take the Star Hidden Sword.

In addition to the four million **** stones given to Master Yi, there are still 1.1 million.

"For the time being, there are 1.1 million **** stones, which should be enough." Fang Chen said secretly.

However, at this moment, the little mouse appeared.

"Boss ..."

The little mouse looked at Fang Chen with a heavy heart, and he seemed to stop talking.

"Is there anything?" Fang Chen asked.

He knew that there was no special thing, and the mouse would not be like this.

"Boss, I seem to be about to break through and need to absorb a lot of energy. And I found that absorbing the spirit stone can quickly fill the energy in my body." The little mouse said.

Hearing this, Fang Chen was stunned for a moment.

After coming to God Realm, I only looked at myself and forgot the little mouse.

The little mouse is a deity rat, and naturally needs a lot of energy.

During this time, I didn't care much about the little mouse.

After a moment of contemplation, Fang Chen looked at the little mouse apologetically and said, "You have worked hard, you can take these **** stones."

After all, Fang Chen handed over the remaining 1.1 million deity stones to the little mouse.

"But ... the boss just came to God Realm and needed a spirit stone." The little mouse was reluctant to accept it.

Fang Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't you believe your boss's skills yet? Presumably, the Zhou family must have a way to earn the spirit stone. The inferior spirit stone is nothing for the Zhou family."


"Don't be any more, you are my brother, who am I not helping you? Besides, I will wait for you to protect me after breaking through." Fang Chen smiled.

Hearing Fang Chen saying this, the little mouse gladly accepted the deity stone.

"Boss, don't worry, I feel that this breakthrough is completely different from the past, and maybe there will be unexpected gains." The little mouse said with a laugh.

Fang Chen gently stroked the mouse's head and didn't speak.


Three days, fleeting.

Zhou Fang brought Fang Chen to Master Yi's mansion again.

Master Yi just came out of the refining room, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, you just came, I just finished refining." Master Yi saw Zhou Pu and Fang Chen and said with a smile.

"Master Yi, don't know Brother Fang's weapon, is it complete?" Zhou Puigong asked.


In the palm of Master Yi, a black long sword suddenly appeared.

This long sword exudes a strong breath.

Fang Chen's heart is very shaking, is this an artifact?

"This time, I am in good condition. This artifact is by far the most satisfactory one I have refined. Although it is only a middle-class artifact, it can be regarded as the best."

Master Yi played Xingyin Jian for a while, and then handed it to Fang Chen.

The latter held the Xingyin sword, and the sound of the sword screamed immediately.

Fang Chen can clearly feel that Xingyin sword is very happy.

"So strong."

Fang Chen felt the breath from the Xingyin sword, which was very shocking.

"Congratulations Fang brother." Zhou Pu laughed.

Fang Chen put away the Xingyin sword, took out 4 million inferior **** stones, and handed it to Master Yi.

"Thank you Master Yi this time." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.


After getting the Xingyin sword, Fang Chen and Zhou Penal, bid farewell to Master Yi, and returned to the Zhou family mansion.

"Brother Fang, I think you are very happy." Zhou Fei asked.

Fang Chen didn't speak, but just smiled.

"Brother Fang, do you have any plans next?" Zhou Pu continued to ask.

Are you going? Naturally, it is intended to earn enough **** stones.

Fang Chen suddenly thought of it, and then asked: "By Zhou Zhouxiong, is there any way to earn enough **** stones?"

"Earn God Stone?" Zhou Pendant nodded, able to understand Fang Chen's ideas, "There are several ways to earn God Stone."


Upon hearing this, Fang Chen rejoiced.

"The first is to do tasks. My Zhou family is also a party. From time to time, I will release some tasks for the disciples to complete. As long as the tasks are completed, you can get the corresponding **** stones. There will not be too many spirit stones. "Zhou Pufei said.

"What about other methods?"

"Our Zhou family's industry is very large, almost all over the northern region. The second method is to take care of the industry for our Zhou family. In this case, although we earn a lot of spirit stones, we will waste practice time." Tao: "Only disciples who have average potential and feel that they have no room for ascension will do this."

Fang Chen nodded, this second method, he directly denied.

He didn't have the kind of idle time to manage the industry.

He is still waiting to find Xingyue? Improving strength is currently the most important thing.

"There is another, in fact, relatively speaking, it is more suitable for your brother." Zhou Pu laughed.

"In my Zhou family headquarters, there is a very complete set of management system. This set of management system is the result of countless studies and repeated experiments by our predecessors, and is specially used to train our young generation of disciples "" Zhou punishment said.

"Oh? I don't know what?" Fang Chen asked with a bright eyes.

Next, Zhou Penalty began to introduce Fang Chen to the management system within the Zhou Family Base Camp.

One tower, one station and one list.

One tower refers to the Zhoutian star tower of the Zhou family.

According to legend, the Zhoutian Star Tower was created by a ancestor of the Zhou family.

The true Zhoutian Star Tower is infinitely powerful and very shocking, but it is within the Zhou family.

As for the Zhou family branch where Zhou Puxi is located, the Zhou Tianxing Tower owned by him is actually a fake.

However, even so, it is enough to sharpen the disciples of the ancient world.

The higher the tower break, the more rewards you get.

One, referring to the stone table.

The stone gambling table is under the sole responsibility of the elders of Zhou's parents. Any irreconcilable contradictions of Zhou's disciples, or some personal grudges, can be performed on the stone gambling table.

However, once you set foot on the gambling table, you must use the spirit stone as the color head.

Of course, the principle of opening the gambling table is that both parties nod their heads in agreement, otherwise, it will not be easily opened.

In fact, the existence of the gambling stone table illustrates a big problem.

The fittest survives, and the strong respect.

You are strong, then you can get more **** stones. On the contrary, if you are too weak, you will not be able to enjoy some preferential treatment.

All in all, the gambling table has greatly inspired the motivated younger generation of disciples.

As for a list, this is the most valued in the Zhou family.

Gubang, a ranking list of disciples of the Zhou family.

There are a total of 100 places, but anyone who can make the list can get different rewards.

It is said that if you can enter the top 50 of the list, you can get a lot of **** stones every month.

There is never a shortage of training resources.

Gubang is the dream list of every Zhou disciple, and everyone wants to set foot on it. But it is also the most competitive list.

After listening to the introduction of the weekly penalty, Fang Chen suddenly realized. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

This management system is indeed good.

On the one hand, it can improve the self-motivation among disciples, on the other hand, it can also allow excellent disciples to get more resources.

"How is it? Brother Fang, with your strength, shouldn't it be a problem to be included in the old list?" Zhou Pu laughed.

"I'll get familiar with it first," Fang Chen said.

"Here, I know you should need this." Zhou Penal took out a booklet from his arms and handed it to Fang Chen.

"what is this?"

"This is the detailed information of all the younger generation of disciples in our Zhou family so far. You can take a closer look to avoid getting kicked in the iron plate."

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