Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1650: Fire Demon Sword

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Back at the residence, Fang Chen began to read the brochure.

Opening the first page, you can see the ranking of Gubang.

At a glance, a hundred names were printed in the eyes.

Looking down on Gubang, Fang Chen's eyes fell on the top names in Gubang.

First in the rankings, Zhou Feiyang.

The second in the rankings, Zhou Chang.

Ranked third in the list, Zhou Xixuan.

Gubang fourth, Zhou Fengyang.

Fifth in Gubang, Zhou Chen


The 100th in the ancient list, Zhou Kaiyun.

The guys in the top five of Gubang are all high-ranking warriors from the ancient world.

In a short time, Fang Chen could not compete with them.

Zhou Xixuan is the only female disciple among the top five.

After reading the ranking of Gubang, Fang Chen has understood that if he wants to be ranked in Gubang, he must have at least the fourfold fighting strength of the ancient world.

With his current strength, if he tries his best, he will be able to confront the four-tiered warriors of the Ancient Realm, but it is difficult to defeat it.

Later, Fang Chen looked at the detailed information of the next tower and one list.

All afternoon, Fang Chen was studying the situation in the booklet.

It wasn't until night that I fell asleep.

The next day, Fang Chen came to the Shenshu Building.

This is the important place of the Zhou family. Only with the permission of the Zhou family head can they enter it.

Fang Chen came here, naturally got permission.

He stayed with the Zhou family as a disciple of the Zhou family, so he could choose any magic technique.

There are a total of three floors in Shenshu Building, but Fang Chen can only choose on the first floor.

Entering the first floor, Fang Chen saw a lot of books.

Each book represents a magic technique.

"There is only one chance to choose the magic technique that suits you." Fang Chen thought to himself.

I am majoring in kendo and have a golden heart in my body, so the first choice is definitely kendo magic.

After a quarter of an hour, Fang Chen ruled out most of the magic, and finally focused on the last layer of a row of bookshelves.

Here, seven books are placed, all of which are kendo magic.

However, Fang Chen ruled out four books and left three books, some of which are difficult to choose.

Fire Demon Sword Art, Golden Soldier Sword Art, Off Fire Sword Art.

There are three magics, two are fire magic, and one is gold magic.

"Golden Divine Art, the attack power is even stronger. However, it is not too suitable for me." Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he shook his head and denied the golden swordsmanship.

Although he is pregnant with the law of gold, it is certainly not as powerful as the law of fire.

Both Fire Demon Sword Art and Lihuo Sword Art are fire-based sword art.

Fire Demon Sword Skill is cultivated to the extreme, and it can condense a very terrible fire demon.

The Lihuo sword technique is said to be able to combine with the formation method, and the attack power is amazing.

"What swordsmanship do you choose?" Fang Chen hesitated.

For him, Lihuojian and Huomojian are very tempting.

However, only one door can be selected.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision.

"Fire Demon Sword Art."

Fang Chen gritted his teeth and picked up the book of the fire demon sword technique.

The reason why I chose the fire demon sword technique is because the latter practiced to the extreme, and it can condense the terrible fire demon.

The power of the fire monster condensed with immortality will definitely be greatly improved.

Stepping out of the Divine Skill Building, Fang Chen said to the guarding elder: "Elder, I choose the fire demon sword technique."

The guardian elder frowned and shook his head immediately. "Although the fire demon sword technique is very powerful, it has a drawback. For many years, no disciple has chosen the fire demon sword technique."

"Huh? What are the disadvantages?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"Fire Demon Sword is too domineering and needs to be supplemented with Fire Demon Sword, in order to neutralize the domineering Fire Demon Sword. But long ago, the Fire Demon Sword was inadvertently lost, so the Fire Demon Sword you are holding now is actually Not complete. "The elder guardian explained.


Fang Chen frowned, staring at the book in his hand.

"Within a month, that originally came back and was not allowed to be watched by anyone." The guardian elder said.

Fang Chen was helpless, but nodded.

After Fang Chen left, the guardian elder immediately transmitted the sound to the Zhou family elder.

"Patriarch, that Fang Chen chose the fire demon sword technique."


Zhou Family Mansion, the meeting hall.

Many elders, including the Zhou family elder, were present, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

"Patriarch, you have also seen that the kid didn't know whether to choose the Fire Demon Sword Technique, he didn't deserve our Zhou family's investment in him." An elder said with his hand.

"Fire Demon Swordsmanship is incomplete. If there is no Fire Demon Heart Method, it is very likely to get out of the fire. This kid is playing with fire." Another elder said.

"I said that at the beginning, our Zhou family does not need such a weak warrior, but you, the patriarch, don't listen."

Many elders themselves opposed Fang Chen's stay in the Zhou family.

Fortunately, the head of the Zhou family stood out and forcibly left Fang Chen.

Now, Fang Chen chose the fire demon sword technique, making him a little difficult to do.

"Patriarch, if this kid gets into trouble, is it not a waste of our Zhou family's resources?" The elder said: "I will never allow this to happen."

"Yes, let the boy get out immediately."

"Our Zhou family wants genius, not mediocrity."

In the meeting hall, many elders were emotional and stayed in opposition to Fang Chen.

The patriarch saw a sigh and finally made a concession.

"How about this? Give him three months. If during this period, he can be included in the ancient list, you can no longer have objections. If he can't do it, I personally come out and let him leave, and this brings I am fully responsible for the loss, "the patriarch said.

The prestige of the patriarch in the Zhou family is still good. He made such a regression that the elders could not say anything.

"Okay, then see you in three months." The elder elder got up and left.


After getting the Fire Demon Sword, it is natural to start practicing.

Now Fang Chen urgently needs aggressive magic.

Fang Chen closed his eyes slightly after looking at the recipe of the fire demon sword technique.

The body is surrounded by immortal inflammation, and the law of flame runs in the body.


The golden heart also began to beat rapidly, and Fang Chen's sword spirit surrounded him quickly.

The practice of the fire demon sword technique is beyond Fang Chen's expectations.

I thought it would take some time, but after just running the recipe, I learned more than half.

For a whole morning, Fang Chen was trying to condense the fire demon.

However, almost every time it fails.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen frowned, watching the books carefully.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Chen recalled his cultivation process, there should be no problems.

But why can't he condense the fire demon.

Failure to condense the Fire Demon means that the Fire Demon Sword cannot be performed.

"carry on……"

Fang Chen did not believe in evil, and continued to practice.

When the law of flame circulates in the body, the fire demon is resolutely condensed.


Fang Chen sipped, desperately condensing the flames.

However, the law of flames floating above his head sometimes condenses and sometimes spreads, and cannot be controlled at all.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen was very depressed.


The golden heart was beating rapidly, and the sound of kendos kept coming.

Like the sound of the Avenue, it shocked Fang Chen's heart.

In an instant, Fang Chen's eyes blurred, as if immersed in the ocean of swordsmanship.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen was talking in his mouth, he seemed to be suddenly enlightened at a certain moment.

The palm of his hand fastened with the seal of dharma, and his whole body was staggered.

When the horrible sword spirit blended with the law of fire, a wild and overbearing breath suddenly came.

In the sky, a fire monster about the size of Fang Chen gradually formed.

This fire demon is completely formed by the condensation of flames. In its body, it contains horror and extreme sword energy.

"Fire Demon."

At the same time, Fang Chen opened his eyes, stared at the fire demon, and laughed loudly.

"go with……"

Fang Chen controlled the fire demon and bombarded the ground.

Suddenly, a big pit appeared in the courtyard.

"So strong."

The fire demon hit the ground and gradually collapsed, and there was still a hot breath in the air.

Looking at the big pit on the ground, Fang Chenxi smiled.

The Zhou Family Mansion has a ban. Under normal circumstances, the ground is difficult to break, and the fire demon can actually smash a big pit.

Enough to see the fierce attack power.

"Fire magic swordsmanship is initially completed, crushing the triple warriors of the ancient realm, not to mention. As for the quadruple warriors of the ancient warrior, the fire magical swordsmanship must be repaired to the second floor." Fang Chen said to himself.

The power of the fire demon sword technique is beyond the Tianyu sword technique.

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