Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1656: Countermeasure

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This time, the ghost fire began to be cautious.

Dark night gold bat was injured, he lost an ancient Xiaodan.

In any case, it must be recovered from the Zhou family.

The ghost fire controlled the dark night gold bat, quietly entering the depths of the cold sky mine veins.

At this time, Fang Chen and the little mouse are designing how to lure the controller behind the dark night gold bat to appear.

"Boss, are you going to use this cold water to deal with the dark night gold bat?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said, "You don't need the cold water to deal with the dark night gold bat. I'm going to use it to deal with the people behind the scenes."

"However, how do we find the people behind the scenes. Besides, even if we find out, how can we guarantee that we can definitely beat the people behind the scenes?" The little mouse asked himself.

Fang Chen did not think about this.

Instead, he made such a decision after repeated scrutiny.

If the warrior controlled in secret is strong enough, he will not control the dark night bat to explore.

Instead, he rushed out and shot himself.

Or, there is another possibility.

This five-star mission is actually an opportunity for the younger generation of the Zhou family to start.

Otherwise, there is no need to waste time like this.

Either way, Fang Chen has enough solutions in his mind.

"However, I want to know, how much do you know about the dark night gold bat?" Fang Chen looked at the little mouse.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other is not a battle.

Therefore, if you want to capture the dark night gold bat, you must understand it enough.

The little mouse looked at his inheritance memory and said a moment later: "Boss, the dark night gold bat family, has great power in God Realm. However, the one we dealt with before should not be an adult, so its strength is very weak."

"And, only underage dark night gold bats will be controlled by humans." The little mouse continued: "The dark night gold bats in adulthood will stimulate the bloodline of the ancient **** beast in **. This bloodline is very peculiar and can protect the dark night. The golden bat family is not controlled. "

"Once humans forcibly control the dark night gold bats, the ancient blood veins in their bodies will explode, forming a self-detonation," said the little mouse.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded.

"So, if you want to have such a powerful helper as the Dark Night Gold Bat, you can only captive it when it is a minor."

After listening to the words of the little mouse, Fang Chen realized a little, he hurriedly asked: "You said that underage dark night gold bats can be controlled, then you can control dark night gold bats in your inheritance memory?"

The little mouse smiled, "Boss, you are the right person."

The little mouse patted his paw, and then said: "There is really a way to control the dark night gold bat family in my inheritance memory."

"Can you control it?" Fang Chen continued to ask.

"I can try it."

The great joy in Fang Chen's heart is even better if he can control the dark night gold bat.


As Fang Chen spoke, the little mouse frowned suddenly and whispered: "Boss, the dark night gold bat is approaching."

"According to the plan."


Fang Chen's figure disappeared into Hantian mine veins.

And the little mouse is also hidden in the cracks of the ore.

In a blink of an eye, the dark night gold bat appeared, suspended in midair, looking down, looking for Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was hiding in the void and quickly approached the dark night gold bat.

When he came to his side, Fang Chen decisively urged the power of the dream law.


The power of the wild dream law swept away instantly.

The dark night gold bat was caught in illusion as soon as it became aware.

The law of fantasy has reached the seven-star realm, and its power is stronger.

Although the strength of this dark night gold bat in front of him is not weak, it is simply unable to resist.


With Fang Chen's order, the mouse quickly rushed out, and then began to control the dark night gold bat.


Fang Chen urged.

The law of fantasy can only trap the dark night gold bat for a short time.

Moreover, if you want to be controlled by the scene, you must control it as quickly as possible.

The whole body of the little mouse exuded a rich purple luster, and then madly penetrated into the body of the dark night gold bat.

In the night, the golden bat in the dream couldn't struggle at all, as if walking dead.

A minute later, the little mouse grinned: "Get it done."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen removed the dream rule.

The dark night gold bat fluttered its wings, hovering in front of the little mouse.


Fang Chen was overjoyed, and the little mouse was very happy.

"Will it be discovered by the manipulators behind the scenes?" Fang Chen was still a little worried, afraid of playing the grass.

The little mouse shook his head and said: "Relax, boss, I used a unique method of our devouring the gods and rats, and it would never be discovered."

"That's good, you control the dark night gold bat to find the manipulator behind the scenes." Fang Chen said.

Under the control of the little mouse, the dark night gold bat flew back toward the other end of the cold sky.

The little mouse and Fang Chen were hiding in the void, followed closely behind.


The ghost fire and ghost eight are waiting for the news of the dark night gold bat.

"Ghostfire, what's going on?" Guiba asked impatiently.

"Wait a second, the dark night gold bat is still looking for." As soon as the ghost fire finished, the dark night gold bat flew back.

"I'm back. I don't know if I found any children of the Zhou family." Guiba said with a look of joy.

The ghost fire communicates with the dark night gold bat.

But at this time, Fang Chen and the mouse in the void saw clearly.

"Guilongmen disciple?"

Fang Chen recognized the clothes on Guihuo and Guiba.

On their chests, there is a black flame, which is a sign of the ghost dragon gate.

"Boss, Guilongmen must want to take this opportunity to kill the children of the Zhou family." The little rat said in a deep voice.

"The two of them are stronger than me, and they can't act rashly." Fang Chen said secretly, thinking in his mind.

"Boss, use the cold water."

After thinking for a long time, Fang Chen turned around and asked, "Can you resist one of them in a short time?"


"You block one, how can I use the cold water to attack another person in a thunderous situation," Fang Chen said.

The little mouse nodded.

Ghostfire and Ghost Eight are communicating.

Suddenly, a purple spear appeared abruptly and then hurried towards the ghost fire.


Seeing the ghost fire, his face changed greatly, and he immediately controlled the dark night bat to resist.

But who expected, the dark night gold bat actually turned his head and shot him.

Thump ...

The ghost fire was scratched by the paws of the night gold bat, and then stabbed with extreme penetration.

In an instant, Ghostfire's body hit the wall fiercely.

"court death."

At the same time, Guiba shouted in anger, ready to start.

However, he was entangled by the little mouse who had been prepared.

"Your opponent is me."

The little mouse exhibited talent and magical power, and joined forces with the dark night bat to stop the ghost eight.

"Damn ..."

The ghost fire that fell to the ground was furious.


However, at this moment, Fang Chen appeared behind it and the ring opened.

Rumble ...

The cold to extreme water flow spewed out instantly.

Han Tianzhi's water blinked and covered the ghost fire.


The miserable cry came from the ghost's mouth.

The cold water is freezing his Yuanshen, and his body is numb.

Thump ...

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword and exhibited the fire demon sword technique.

The huge fire demon bombarded the ghost fire fiercely.

However, Fang Chen worried that the ghost fire would counterattack and urged the dark magic wheel.


The vast power emerged from the dark magic wheel.

The breath of darkness instantly submerged the ghost fire.

The latter's counterattack is getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, the body fell directly to the ground.

His Yuanshen was frozen by the cold water, and he was dying with the continuous attack of the fire demon sword and the dark magic wheel.

"Really tenacious."

Walking to the ghost fire, Fang Chen tried his best to bombard his head with a punch.

Click ...

Ghostfire's head shattered and instantly died.


Seeing the ghost on the side, the teeth were cracked and the anger shouted.

Fang Chen glanced at Guiba, his figure flashed and disappeared quickly.

After a while, return again.

Rumble ...

The cold water spewed out of the ring again.

He just left and went to the Hantan to absorb the cold water.

The space for the ring is not large enough, and it must be reinstalled after use.

"court death."

Ghost eyes are scarlet, attacking like crazy.

Fang Chen teamed up with the little mouse and used the cold water to temporarily suppress the Lord Guiba.

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