Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1657: Cold Dragon Spirit King

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In fact, with the strength of Guiba, he is not afraid of Fang Chen alone.

However, the means of devouring the **** rat should not be underestimated.

In addition to the horror of the cold water, Guiba was finally suppressed.

His primordial spirit was hurt.

The cold water invades the mind and freezes the Yuanshen.

Fang Chen's body, a bright attack, quickly emerged.

The second layer of the fire demon sword technique is perfectly displayed. The huge fire demon phantom, holding the flame giant sword, is slashed on the ghost eight.

The two opposing forces of water and fire act on Guiba at the same time, making the latter suffer.

"I want you to die."

Guibadu is already overwhelmed with self-care, and is still talking hard.

He spontaneously ignited the primal spirit and used taboo methods.

"Space Time Book."

As a warrior of time and space, Fang Chen's real intention of time and space diffused instantaneously when he displayed the time and space book.

At the same time, the gray layer attached to the true meaning of time and space gradually emerged.

Hiss ...

Seeing for such a long time, the gray air attached to the true meaning of time and space shocked Fang Chen again.

When this layer of gray breath enveloped Guiba, he immediately corroded the body of Guiba.

"Damn, what the **** is this?"

Guiba's heart was full of shock.

He tried hard to resist, but he couldn't stop the gray attack.

"Become stronger again."

This time, Fang Chen's heart was also shocked.

The grayish breath, beyond his imagination, is really amazing.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen frowned.


The little mouse exhibits the third kind of talented assimilation, and is entangled with the semi-dead ghost.

Soon, the little mouse completely slashed Guiba.


Putting his breath away, the little mouse looked at the boss who was lost in thought.

"Huh? Boss seems to be epiphany?"

Fang Chen's whole body, the real meaning of time and space permeated, the breath of his body was rapidly improving.

The true meaning of time and space itself is the true meaning of peerlessness.

Rumble ...

Fang Chen's body made a deafening voice.

The true meaning of time and space has changed a lot, and the gray air attached to it has become more intense.

At this moment, Fang Chen's cultivation practice is also an instant breakthrough.

Within the Qihai, the law rolled over.

The eternal world is twofold.

Fang Chen opened his eyes and exhaled.

"Boss, congratulations."

The little mouse said with a laugh.

Fang Chen nodded, still thinking about the true meaning of time and space in his mind.


Suddenly, the veins of Hantian mine tremble, as if to collapse.

"what happened?"

The little mouse panicked.

Fang Chen, who was contemplating, was also somewhat stunned. He looked around, his face dignified.

"A strong breath."

Fang Chen felt that Yuanshen was trembling, and this breath was stronger than the cold water.

"No, there are powerful creatures, let's go."

Fang Chen shouted and took the mouse into the space and time.

However, a large hand appeared out of thin air, grasped toward the void, and directly pulled Fang Chen's body out, and then held it in his hand.


Fang Chen's body disappeared out of thin air.

Hantian's veins returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


Deep in the Hantian mine veins.

It seems to be an independent space here.

However, Fang Chen can feel that there is a strong air of time in this space.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart, who was his big hand?

Is there a strong man hiding in the cold veins of the mine?


The sound of the iron chain woke Fang Chen.

He turned his head and looked, instantly shocked.

In this space, there is an old man with a disheveled hair, his blood is dry and his whole body is in disarray.

Most importantly, his hands and feet were locked by iron chains.

"Who is he?"

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, staring carefully at the old man locked in an iron chain.

He was wondering whether the big hand just now was done by the old man.


Fang Chen shouted at the old man with his hood.


The old man raised his head violently, a faint light appeared in his eyes, and a ripple appeared around him.

His eyes fell on Fang Chen.

Stared by the hot eyes of the old man, Fang Chen's body stepped back involuntarily.

"Senior, did you just bring me here?" Fang Chen asked aloud.

The old man's dry face showed a smile of approbation, and then said: "Not bad."

The old man's voice is hoarse, it should be the reason for being kept here for a long time.

Fang Chen could feel the terror in the old man's body.

Why is such a powerful warrior imprisoned here?

Is there any special place in this cold sky mine?

A series of questions appeared in Fang Chen's heart.

He stared at the old man, waiting for the old man to speak.

"Yes, I brought you here." The old man nodded.

"Senior, who are you? Why was you locked here?" Fang Chen asked.

The old man's body moved, and the iron chain rattled.

"Boy, let me ask you, can you help me?" The old man asked Fang Chen without answering the question.

"Help you? How?"

"I was held here by the star steel chain, and the power in my body could not move." Said the old man.

Upon hearing this, Fang Chen shook his head and made a joke. Xingchen Steel was too hard. With his strength, it was impossible to cut it off.

"Senior, do you want me to cut the star steel chain?"

The old man chuckled: "How can you cut off Star Steel with your strength?"

"That ..." Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Did you see the pentagram on the right?" Said the old man.

Fang Chen turned his head and found out that there was a circle drawn on the ground, with a pentagram in the circle.

The circle gleamed faintly.

"This is a formation, all you have to do is to enlighten it and then activate it. I will be able to get out of it," the old man said.


Fang Chen was a little hesitant. This formation was too complicated, and he would definitely not be able to understand it in a short time.

"Others may not be able to understand, but you can." The old man is very new to the other party.

"Senior, why trust me so much?" Fang Chen puzzled.

"This formation is related to time and space. Not only do you have the true meaning of time and space, you have even been exposed to the rules of time and space. It is very helpful for you to understand the formation," the old man explained.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

The old man said he was exposed to the rules of time and space?

Could it be that the grayness attached to the true meaning of time and space is the rule of time and space?

"Senior, you mean ..."

The old man knew what Fang Chen wanted to ask, and simply answered directly.

"Boy, looking at the whole God Realm, few people can skip the rules and directly understand the rules." The old man said.

There are only six rules in the entire universe.

Each of these six rules is supreme.

Before Fang Chen fought over the Hantian mine veins, he saw the whole process, so he caught him here.

"The gray color attached to the true meaning of time and space is more complicated, which is mixed with time and space rules." The old man said hoarsely. "But this does not mean that you will be able to understand the rules."

"After all, contact and enlightenment are two different things. And the gap between the two is too big. However, your potential is the strongest I have ever seen, I am optimistic about you." The old man said.

At this moment, Fang Chen finally understood.

He also felt incredible.

Unexpectedly, I unknowingly came into contact with the rules of time and space.

Trying to suppress the excitement in his heart, Fang Chen looked at the old man hotly.

"It's a good thing for you to understand this formation. If you can understand this formation, there are few rivals in the ancient world." If the old man said, let Fang Chen's blood burn completely.

His eyes fell on the pentagram.

Intuition tells him that the old man should be strong.

The formation that can trap the old man must be a very awesome formation.

However, Fang Chen's heart also has a trace of doubts.

"Senior, junior saved you, you will not revenge ..." Fang Chen said his concern.

The old man chuckled and said, "Huh, you little rookie, I'm too lazy to start."

However, in order to dispel Fang Chen's worries, he made a martial pledge.

"If you can understand this formation, you are also eligible to be my brother of the Dragon King." The old man said.

"Seniors can rest assured that juniors will do their utmost to understand this formation."

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