Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1668: Generous rewards

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Zhou Feiyang, the strongest young generation in the Zhou family.

Since he reached the top of the ancient list, he has never fallen.

Over the years, it has firmly occupied the number one position in the Gubang.

Zhou Chang and others, no matter what method is used, could not pick Zhou Feiyang off the horse.

It can be said that Zhou Feiyang is a leader among the younger generations in the Northern Territory.

It is rumored that Zhou Feiyang has broken through the final threshold and has become a god-man above all.

It is also said that Zhou Feiyang has never broken through the bottleneck, but his strength is close to that of God.

All kinds of rumors are flying in the sky.

After coming to the Zhou family for more than a year, I finally saw the legendary Zhou Feiyang.

Fang Chen also turned his head curiously, Zhou Feiyang's spirit was unparalleled.

"This person is very strong." Fang Chen said secretly. Although there is no energy fluctuation in Zhou Feiyang's body. But he could vaguely feel a dangerous breath.

This comes from the deep feelings of Yuanshen.

Therefore, he concluded that Zhou Feiyang was an extremely dangerous warrior.

"He shouldn't be a man of God."

It seems that outside rumors cannot be trusted.

However, although not a god-man, Fang Chen did not dare to underestimate Zhou Feiyang.

This person's strength is very strong, if he had the Qiankun formation and the fantasy formation, he would not be able to deal with this person.

The arrival of Zhou Feiyang caused cheers on the square.

All the children of the Zhou family are shouting Zhou Feiyang's name loudly.

Zhou Feiyang enjoyed all the attention, and finally Mu Ne's face showed a smile.

He waved towards the crowd and then walked to the front of the square.

"Fei Yang."

Zhou Fengyang and others quickly walked up to Zhou Feiyang and said hello.

However, Zhou Feiyang closed his eyes and ignored it.

Zhou Fengyang and others who ate behind closed doors did not dare to be angry.

No way, who made him Zhou Feiyang?

"Brother Fang, how are you?"

Zhou Chang turned his eyes away from Zhou Feiyang and asked with a laugh.

Fang Chen understood what he meant. This was asking himself if he was sure to defeat Zhou Feiyang.

Fang Chen grinned, his attitude was fully reflected on his face, and it was obvious.

Seeing this, Zhou Chang also smiled.

Zhou Xixuan aside, some do not know.

The comparison of the younger generation is related to the ranking of Gubang.

After this contest, there will surely be many disciples from Gubang who will be pushed out of the list. And some newcomers rushed into the list.

Almost every year, such a thing will happen.

Among the non-Gubang disciples, Zhou punishment was the loudest.

He is considered to be the least disciple of Gubang.

The talent for weekly punishment is obvious to all.

Moreover, as soon as he broke through the eternal realm, he had comparable triple combat effectiveness.

After more than a year of cultivation, his cultivation practice has already achieved the duality of the ancient world.

Its fighting power has soared.

However, practice time is his weakness.

Being able to rank among the ancient lists, most of the martial arts practice time has exceeded the weekly penalty many times.

Although the potential for weekly penalty is strong, the cultivation base is too low, which limits his development.

Therefore, this time it is possible to enter the Gubang, as for the impact of higher rankings, everyone is not optimistic.

In the voice of discussion, the Zhou family elders and many elders came one after another.

At the front of the square, there is a rostrum.

The patriarch stood at the center of the rostrum with a smile on his face.

He waved his hand, indicating quietness below.

In an instant, the noisy square suddenly became quiet.

"Today is the annual Dabi of my Zhou family, I believe everyone is familiar with it." The Zhou family chief said with a laugh: "The Dabi has two purposes. One is to let everyone learn from each other and find their shortcomings. By the way Straighten your gains this year. The second is to better motivate you and work hard. "

"The living environment of God Realm is very cruel. You should have some experience when you think about it. Although our Zhou family is a good force in the Northern Territory, if it is placed in the whole God Realm, it is like a drop of water in the sea." Zhou The head of the family continued: "So, our Zhou family needs to be strong. Only when we are strong can we protect the family and protect our loved ones."

The words of the Zhou family elders resonated. There was cheering and deafening below.

"Tabi is related to the ranking of Gubang. After our negotiation, we decided that the top ten of Gubang will have rich rewards," said the patriarch.

Hearing the words, many children below were very excited.

"Disciples who can be ranked among the top ten, each rewarding 10 million lower-grade **** stones and one middle-grade artifact." The patriarch said: "The top five disciples each reward 30 million lower-grade **** stones and one middle-grade artifact A piece of magic. "

Wow ...

In the square below, there was an uproar.

This reward is too rich? In the top ten of the ancient list, 10 million inferior spirit stones are awarded, which is equivalent to the price of a middle-grade artifact. And the top five rewards are even more generous.

"Ranking among the top three, rewarding 500,000 pieces of middle-grade **** stones, one piece of top-grade artifact, and one piece of magic.

The warrior below was stunned.

It's crazy, and this time the rewards in the family are too crazy?

Five hundred thousand middle-class deity stones, that is equivalent to fifty million inferior deity stones.

Of course, this is only the theoretical exchange ratio.

If it is placed in the outside world, it is definitely worth 50 million.

And, most importantly, there is also a top-grade artifact.

In the Northern Territory, the top-grade artifacts are already a rare existence. Among the many sects in the Northern Territory, the middle-grade artifacts are the most, and the top-grade artifacts are rarely rewarded to the disciples.

This time, the Zhou family also made a **** start.

The first three reward the top-grade artifacts, as well as the middle-grade **** stone, so what is the first reward?

Everyone was very excited to wait for the patriarch's next words.

Unsurprisingly, what the patriarch said next made them dumbfounded.

"Seize the disciple who is No. 1 this time, that is, the first in Gubang, reward one piece of top-grade artifact, ten thousand pieces of top-grade **** stones, divine art is optional." Patriarch Shen said: "All disciples, the rewards cannot be superimposed , Subject to the highest reward. "

Dead silence on the square.

All the disciples are immersed in the rich rewards, and have not yet recovered.

After a long time, I did not know who yelled.

Suddenly, fiery passion erupted in the silent square.

All disciples are crying wildly.

This time the disciple Dabi, the rewards issued are definitely the most generous.

Even Zhou Fengyang and others were extremely excited.

"The top-grade artifact, I must get it." Zhou Fengyang clenched his fists and secretly said.

This time his goal is to impact the top three.

And it was Zhou Chang and Zhou Xixuan that blocked him.

If he can defeat the two, he will be able to win second place in the old rankings.

As for Gubang No. 1, he never thought about it.

I'm afraid that everyone in the room has a conclusion. No. 1 in the Gubang is Zhou Feiyang, and no one can compete with it.

The remaining Tianjiao will jointly compete for the second place in Gubang.

"Zhou Chang, Zhou Xixuan, I will definitely defeat you." Zhou Fengyang said in a deep voice.

Standing at the forefront, Zhou Feiyang has no expression on his face from beginning to end.

There is no challenging comparison, and he is not attractive to him.

"Brother Feiyang, I congratulate you first." Zhou Fengyang said flatly.

Zhou Feiyang simply closed his eyes.

"The reward of this competition is really generous." Zhou Pu lamented.

"With such efforts within the family, it should be to prepare for the vine liquid two years later." Zhou Chang said slightly.

Zhou Xixuan nodded slightly, "Yes, this reward is nothing compared to Qingtengye."

Qingtengye is the most valued by the Zhou family.

This time the blood is also made to speed up the progress of training disciples.

"A top grade artifact?"

A smile appeared in Fang Chen's eyes.

What he lacks most now is weapons and spirit stones.

This time the reward is much larger than the first one, and it is very generous.

Not only are there top-grade artifacts, but also top-grade **** stones, he is determined to get them.

"Must get it," Fang Chen said secretly, and he also had great confidence in himself.

During this time, Ant Egg consumed a lot of **** stones, plus the little mice also needed **** stones.

In just one month, half a million **** stones were consumed.

Now, Fang Chen only has 2 million **** stones left, which is why he has not absorbed it.

The later it is, the more **** stones are needed.

Therefore, the 10,000 pieces of high-grade spirit stones this time, the other party's attraction is still very great.

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