Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1669: The game is in progress

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The rule of Dabi is very simple, which is to play against each other.

Each person plays one game each round, the loser is eliminated directly, and the winner can continue to the next round of the game.

God Realm is a place where the strongest respects everything, and everything depends on fists.

This time, there were nearly a thousand contestants.

These are all the younger generations of the Zhou family's eternal disciples. Of course, many people are very weak, but just to increase their knowledge.

The referee also told me that during the game, you can't give up your dead hand, otherwise you will be severely punished.

All are children of the Zhou family, no matter who falls, it is a loss.

In this way, Dabi pulled off the curtain in the first round.

The first to appear is Zhou Feiyang. He is the first in the Gubang and the first to debut.

Zhou Feiyang's opponent is a warrior with a double age.

This person was extremely depressed, and unexpectedly encountered Zhou Feiyang in the first game.

"Brother Feiyang, although you are number one in Gubang. But I will not admit defeat directly, I want to learn some tricks." The man said with a fist.

Zhou Feiyang shook his head.

Then hit a punch.


The disciples on the opposite side were directly flew into Wutai.

However, he was not injured.

"Thank you Feiyang for showing mercy."

His body fell on the ground, and after feeling his breath, he hurriedly apologized.

Zhou Feiyang walked down to Wutai without expression.

In the first game, Zhou Feiyang won the game with great strength.

"This week Feiyang's behavior is not bad, but he shot down his opponent to play Wutai without hurting the other." Fang Chen nodded.

Zhou Changdao aside: "Zhou Feiyang is in the family, there are no friends, and he doesn't need friends. In his eyes, only cultivation."

Zhou Xixuan sighed, Zhou Feiyang carried a lot of pressure.

Since Zhou Feiyang reached the top of the list, he has been under pressure to revive the Zhou family.

Zhou Feiyang had no choice but to work hard.

"As long as we continue to become stronger, the Zhou family can rise." Zhou Pudao said.

The first round of the game has almost become a stage for the strength of Gubang Powerhouse.

In an instant, it was Fang Chen's turn.

Fang Chen defeated Zhou Xiange and became the warrior at the end of the ranking.

However, everyone believes that he is the weakest warrior in Gubang.

Fang Chen took the stage, and his opponent was a warrior with four layers in the ages.

"Huoyun Jinghong."

This man knows Fang Chen's terrible, as soon as he came up, Thunder shot.

Unfortunately, Fang Chen's strength has improved a lot in this year.


One punch, a simple single punch, hit the opponent quickly and accurately.

The referee announced the result of the match and Fang Chen stepped down.

The whole process was done in one go, and there was no sludge for half a year.

After the battle of one hundred warriors in Gubang, the rest of the battle began to become fierce.

Weekly penalty showed the strength of its dark horse, easily defeated opponents, successfully promoted.

For the whole day, the first round of the game was in full swing.

Apart from the weekly punishment, there are hardly any disciples who are too good among the remaining disciples.

Their strength is simply unable to challenge the strong players in Gubang.

It was getting late and the first round of the game was finally over.

In the end, 480 disciples advanced to the second round.

The game is that simple.

In just one day, half of the disciples were eliminated.

The patriarch announced that he would continue tomorrow.


late at night.

Ghost Dragon Gate, brightly lit.

"Master, all the disciples we sent are dead." An elder whispered.

The ghost dragon gate master was wearing a black robe, and it was difficult to identify in the dark night.

There were scary scars on his face, and a dark breath appeared in his pupils.

"What happened to the Zhou family?" The main voice of the ghost dragon gate asked hoarsely.

"Master, the Zhou family is holding disciples."

Ghost Dragon Gate nodded and pondered for a moment, then said: "Don't easily shoot Zhou family in the near future, wait two years later for the Qingtengye competition, wipe out Zhou family in one fell swoop."

"Master, destroy the Zhou family branch, will their clan revenge our ghost dragon gate?" The elder was worried.

After all, the Zhou family, which is second only to the top seven forces, is terrible.

"There is no need to worry about this matter."

After all, the ghost dragon gate master disappeared into the darkness.


The Dajia Zhou is still in full swing.

Secondly, it takes less time. It took almost one morning to complete.

Two hundred and forty people advanced to the third round.

The strong players in Gubang are still very dazzling. Fang Chen also won easily, and his opponents were not as strong as those encountered in the first round.

In the third round, some twists and turns finally appeared.

Playing against Zhou Penalty is the 93rd disciple of Gubang, called Zhou Qi.

In the game against Zhou Qi, Zhou Puxi showed his terrifying strength, defeating Zhou Qi in one fell swoop.

This is also the first Gubang disciple to be eliminated in this competition.

Zhou Qi was eliminated, and Zhou Penalty also successfully advanced to the next round.

After the weekly punishment, there were several people in succession, challenging the success, and defeating the strong players in the ancient rankings.

"Hahaha, I beat the Gubang Powerhouse."

"I finally defeated the Gubang Powerhouse."

Several warriors were very excited after defeating the strong players of Gubang.

At this moment, the disciples of Gubang were no longer insurmountable in their eyes.

After the third round of the game, a total of 13 disciples were eliminated from the ancient list.

A total of 120 disciples advanced to the fourth round.

In fact, it is not that Gubang disciples are weak, but that they are too unlucky.

Some Gubang disciples were defeated by the top disciples.

After the fourth round, there were only sixty players left.

It is no exaggeration to say that these sixty people are the top geniuses of the Zhou family.

Fang Chen and Zhou Penalty were impressively listed.

Weekly luck is better, opponents in the fourth round, the strength is not strong, he easily advanced to the fourth round.

In this way, regardless of whether the fifth round of the game can win, the weekly penalty can be ranked in the top 60 of the ancient list.

The disciples were tired for four consecutive days.

Of course, they are also very excited, they found many of their weaknesses in the game.

I also found many advantages of the opponent, and combined, I feel deeply.

Fang Chen's road to promotion can be said with ease.

So far, no one has been able to give him all his strength, not even the Star Hidden Sword.

In every battle, solve the opponent directly with one punch.

Tomorrow, sixty people will participate in the fifth round.

At night, the meeting hall.

The patriarch sat on the bronze throne, and the elders below each sat on the Taishi chair.

"Dabi has been doing it for four days. What do you want to say?" The patriarch looked around and then asked.

"Patriarch, it turns out that you were really a smart eye. Fang Chen had great potential. Even if you reached this level in such a short period of time, even Zhou Feiyang did not do it."

"Yeah, if Fang Chen is here, Qingtengye is competing, my Zhou family has a great chance."

"This son deserves to be fully cultivated by the Zhou family. It is worth it to invest in him."

Some forces of God Realm will choose warriors with outstanding potential to invest.

It is just a matter of investment failure. Once the investment is successful, the benefits are endless.

The senior members of the family are discussing Fang Chen's affairs, and he himself is enjoying the moon.

Sitting alone on the stone bench in the courtyard, he looked up at the crescent moon hanging in the night sky.

"Boss, you have been watching for a long time."

The mouse's paw swayed in front of Fang Chen's eyes, pulling Fang Chen's thoughts back.

"Boss, are you thinking of sister-in-law?" The little mouse asked.

Since stepping on God Realm, Fang Chen's mind is full of Xingyue figure.

The reason why we have been working so hard these years is for two things.

First, find your mother.

Second, look for Xingyue.

After unremitting efforts, the mother has found. And they live in the lower realm and are very safe.

The second thing is still not completed.

He has set foot in God Realm, only one step away from Xingyue.

He can't wait any longer.

"Xingyue is in God Realm, must you be unhappy?" Fang Chen asked himself.

"Boss, the sister-in-law's master, should be a strong man in the world. Zhou Lei wanted to pursue his sister-in-law, and did not dare to use some special means, otherwise he could not bear the consequences." Little Mouse comforted.

Fang Chen nodded.

Having said that, he still worried about Xingyue's situation.

"Boss, work hard for so long, not in a hurry, be patient before you have enough strength." Little Mouse said.

Fang Chen reluctantly shifted his gaze from the crescent moon and sighed.

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