Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1670: Unimpeded

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

In recent days, Zhoujiachengchi has been very lively.

The annual disciple Dabi is in full swing.

Although most of the disciples have been eliminated, they have gained a lot in this competition.

Moreover, they are all watching, drawing lessons and experiences from the battle of Tianjiao disciples.

From the fifth round, the atmosphere has become very dignified.

After this round of competition, 30 people will be eliminated, and the disciples who can advance to the next round will be among the top 30 of the ancient list regardless of the next game. This is a great honor.

Many disciples can't wait to rub their fists.

In anticipation, the fifth round of the game has finally arrived.

The first is a simple draw, with a total of 60 draws. No. 1 is playing against No. 60, and No. 2 is playing against No. 59.

By analogy, there are a total of thirty battles in this round, and almost every one is very exciting.

After a while, the draw ended.

"Brother Fang, what's your date?" Zhou Fei came over and asked with a smile.

Fang Chen opened his signing position, with a word written on it, that is to say, he was the number one signing position.

"Brother Fang, it seems that you are going to be the first to fight. I don't know who your opponent is. Don't meet Zhou Fengyang." Zhou Fei was a little worried. Zhou Fengyang was hostile to each other.

Once met in the game, Fang Chen will definitely suffer.

However, for Fang Chen, no matter who it is, as an opponent, it does not matter.

Anyway, he has already booked the first place in Gubang. Even Zhou Feiyang cannot take it away.

"What about you?" Fang Chen asked.

"My signing is thirty-nine." Zhou Pu laughed.

His cultivation base is low in itself, and there is no perverted formation like Fang Chen. It is already very good to be able to get to this step.

Therefore, Zhou's mentality is very good. No matter he wins or loses, he has already achieved the goal of this competition.

"The next time you compare, you must be among the top ten." Fang Chen patted Zhou Pu's shoulder gently and said with a smile.

After the draw, the referee said: "The fifth round of the game is officially started. The following are the warriors who are in the first lot and the 60th place to fight."

The referee's voice fell, and everyone looked at each other, thinking about who was the No. 1 pick.

In the limelight, Fang Chen took the stage to perform Wutai.


Zhou Tongyu looked at the sign in his hand, a struggling look on his face.

He exudes a cold breath and walked to Yanwutai.

His signing was on the 60th. Even he did not expect that he would meet Fang Chen in the first game.

In his eyes, a flash of light flashed.

"Fang Chen, the last time you used the formation method, you were lucky to win. This time I see how you won me?" Zhou Tongyu coldly said.

The last battle of the gambling stage, although Fang Chen defeated Zhou Tongyu.

However, that record was not counted in Gubang.

Therefore, before the start of the Big Than, his ranking of the old list, only succeeded Zhou Xiange.

Facing Fang Chen again, Zhou Tongyu vowed secretly that he must find his way back and immediately teach this fiercely thick guy.

"It's a big talk, can you break my formation?" Fang Chen sneered, looking at Zhou Tongyu as if watching an idiot.

"Then you have time to arrange the formation."

As soon as Zhou Tongyu's words fell, he suddenly turned into a residual image and flew towards Fang Chen.

After eating a loss, Zhou Tongyu had already made sufficient preparations.

Arranging the formation method requires time, as long as Fang Chen is not given time, he is definitely impossible to arrange the formation method.

The last time I gambled, I was paralyzed, but this time I was not so lucky.

Zhou Tongyu simply started to be strong, and the other party launched a thunderous attack.

"go to hell."

Zhou Tongyu, which turned into a residual image, blinked in front of Fang Chen, his body exuding a wild breath.


Fang Chen shook his head, really didn't know how Zhou Tongyu's body-building practice came from.


Fang Chen's figure dodged slightly, so he avoided Zhou Tongyu's attack.


Upon seeing this, Zhou Tongyu's eyes widened, somewhat incredible.

He has just locked the opponent, why can he still avoid it?

"Do not……"

Zhou Tongyu seemed to realize something, he struggled desperately and shouted in anger.

However, nothing helps.

The Qiankun Formation swept the Wutai and shrouded it.

The whole process is very rapid, almost completed between electro-optical flint.

Fang Chen patted the dust on his body, then looked at the referee and asked, "I don't know if I can announce the result?"

The referee was hesitant, but the patriarch spoke first: "This battle, there is no need to continue the battle, announce the result."

After listening to the patriarch's words, the referee decisively announced the result.

call out……

Fang Chen lifted his formation, Zhou Tongyu fell into a frenzy, and attacked Fang Chen.


The patriarch shouted sharply, and the sound contained a powerful divine power, which instantly deterred Zhou Tongyu.

"Patriarch, I didn't lose." Zhou Tongyu defended.

"Huh, is it not enough to be ashamed?" The patriarch sneered coldly.

Zhou Tongyu lowered his head, his face full of hate.

This battle was expected by everyone.

After all, Fang Chen's formation is too mysterious.

No one can resist it once it is placed in a formation.

On the square, Zhou Feiyang first paid attention to Fang Chen.

"This kid's attainments are better than Zhou Chang's." Zhou Feiyang secretly said in his heart: "It is a strong enemy, it is worth noting."

Zhou Fengyang et al.'S face was blue, their fists clenched, and they creaked.

Fang Chen easily won the first win of the fifth round, the next game, but he is not so easy.

Throughout the morning, about twenty games were played.

The dark horse almost stopped abruptly and was eliminated. Zhou Penalty is no exception. He was unlucky and met Zhou Chen, the fifth in Gubang.

After a fierce battle with Zhou Chen, he was eliminated by the latter.

However, Zhou punishment has been satisfied.

Zhou Fengyang and Zhou Xixuan also respectively defeated their opponents.

The last one to play was Zhou Feiyang, the strongest player in Gubang.

His opponent is also a strong player in Gubang, or even the top 20.

However, in front of Zhou Feiyang, he was vulnerable.

Zhou Feiyang simply won with a simple punch.

After five rounds, no one can force Zhou Feiyang to show his full strength.

His true strength has always been a mystery. However, many people know that when Zhou Feiyang showed his true strength, he almost locked in the first place in Gubang.

After the fifth round, only 30 people remained.

Fang Chen was among the top 30, and everyone was not surprised.

Now, many children of the Zhou family are thinking whether Fang Chen will use the formation to rank among the top five and even the top three.

Of course, just think about it.

Of the disciples who can advance to the sixth round, there is no killer.

After a short break at noon, the sixth round of the game continued in the afternoon.

It is still a lottery, which is divided into fifteen games.

Fang Chen's opponent is Zhou Chen, the fifth in Gubang.

"Boy, when you meet me, you're out of luck. Your path to promotion ends here." Zhou Chen sneered.

Zhou Chen was very happy to be able to block Fang Chen from the top ten.

"You are not my opponent." Fang Chen shook his head.

"Isn't it, it's not you who made the final decision, but it is the final one." During the speech, Zhou Chen raised his fist.

"Then why are you talking nonsense?" Fang Chen asked.

Zhou Chen was furious, and a strong flame appeared around him.

"The law of flames?"

As in the previous battle, Fang Chen has no nonsense and directly arranges the Qiankun formation.

Although Zhou Chen took the first step, he was still trapped in the Qiankun formation.

"I don't believe it, I can't break your **** formation."

In the Qiankun formation, Zhou Chen clenched his fists, and the power of the flame law flashed endlessly, he was attacking the formation frantically. △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

After half an hour ...

Zhou Chen sat breathlessly on the Yanwu platform, and the Qiankun formation was cancelled.

Fang Chen had already stepped down from the performance stage. Zhou Chen's eyes were filled with disappointment.

"I can not be reconciled."

Suddenly, Zhou Chen shouted angrily.

He stood up violently and clenched his fists at the rostrum: "Patriarch, Fang Chen used the formation method to make Dabi lose justice."

"The formation is also a part of strength. Is there any problem with him defeating you with his own strength?" Said the patriarch: "If you say this, all formation mage can't use formation when they are fighting against people?" "

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