Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1671: challenge

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"However, he is not a real formation master at all."

Zhou Chen was somewhat reluctant and still refuted.

He believes that Fang Chen's attainments on the battlefield cannot be so high.

The reason why such a method can be arranged is to use some special artifacts.

"It's really ridiculous, you are ignorant, and it doesn't mean that others are ignorant."

Zhou Chen's words made the feeling extremely ridiculous.

The former is also a top ten strong player in Gubang, and he has no courage to assume failure.

"Brother Fang's attainments in the formation of the Fa, even I am ashamed. You actually said that he was not a strict Master of the Formation, and the Zhou family's face was completely lost by you." Zhou Chang continued.

His words were full of sarcasm.

Zhou Chang's personality is straightforward, and he doesn't specifically target a person at all.

But now, he is so blaming Zhou Chen, enough to see how angry he is inside.

"Zhou Chang, why do you scold Zhou Tongyu, what are you qualified to say about him? Do you think he is wrong, do you have evidence to refute?" Zhou Fengyang couldn't sit still and supported Zhou Chen.

For a while, the square was silent, waiting for the patriarch to speak.

The patriarch is He Xuren, but he is a high god-man.

"Go on."

The patriarch was very disappointed with Zhou Chen and waved his hand, with a tired look on his face.

He pinned the hope of the Zhou family's rise on the young generation after generation. But Zhou Chen's performance today disappointed him too much.

"Patriarch ..."

Seeing this, Zhou Chen was very anxious.

"Failure is not terrible, but it does not have the courage to accept failure and accept failure. Such a warrior will not have any great achievements in the future." The patriarch said slowly.

Hearing his words, Zhou Chen was ashamed.

Even the patriarch said this, and it makes no sense to continue.

However, Zhou Chen was not reconciled.

He clenched his fists, staring coldly at Fang Chen. After today, he is no longer an outstanding disciple of the Zhou family.

The patriarch is very authoritative in the Zhou family. What he said today will be a turning point in Zhou Chen's life.

Zhou Chen didn't want to be mediocre at this point, struggling with his heart, and suddenly looked up and said: "Patriarch, would you rather help an outsider than help the clan?"


The patriarch was a little angry and said coldly.

A terrifying divine power instantly emerged from the patriarch's body, flying Zhou Chen.

"carry on."

The patriarch said indifferently.

Everyone looked at each other and finally shook their heads.

Zhou Fengyang stared at Fang Chen with anger, very furious.


The sixth round of the game ended in shocking eyes.

Including Fang Chen, fifteen disciples advanced to the final, and all other disciples were eliminated.

Being able to stand out from more than a thousand people has already explained everything.

And Fang Chen is the best among these people.

Fang Chen defeated Zhou Chen, which also means that his strength has threatened Zhou Fengyang and others.

Some people are even speculating that Fang Chen may be among the top three.

However, everything is possible before the final result is released.

In the finals, the rules have changed slightly, which is different from the previous knockouts.

There are a total of fifteen people in the final, and each person has two opportunities to challenge others.

Challenge who you choose.

Two challenges, if they all fail, they will be eliminated on the spot.

Of course, the strong cannot actively challenge the weak.

For example, Zhou Feiyang, the number one player in Gubang, is unlikely to challenge other warriors.

This also put an end to some powerful disciples and was eliminated in the early stage.

The fifteen people, except for Fang Chen, are the original Gubang strongmen.

Zhou Feiyang closed his eyes directly and didn't want to think about these things.

Moreover, no one challenged himself.

The top ten strong players in Gubang did not move.

Fang Chen saw this and took the lead.

"Since all are waiting, then let me start."

Fang Chen chose to challenge Zhou Fengyang, the fourth in Gubang.

"I challenge Zhou Fengyang."

When Fang Chen's voice fell, Zhou Fengyang smirked.

"Boy, you dare to challenge me, you will regret it."

Zhou Fengyang stepped out and came to the Yanwu platform, staring at Fang Chen with anger.

"The battle begins."

Zhou Fengyang exhibited a tyrannical attack, and the momentum was tremendous.

"Fire Demon Sword Art."

Fang Chen did not arrange the Qiankun formation, but exhibited the fire demon sword technique.

call out……

The power of the ultimate law of flame condenses into a huge fire demon in front of him.

This fire demon has a height of 100 feet, standing on the Yanwutai, which is very terrifying.

The fire demon has a golden luster flowing.

Upon seeing this, the patriarch and others on the rostrum's face changed slightly, a little surprised.

"It seems that we still underestimated Fang Chen's potential." The patriarch laughed.

"Yeah, it's really awesome that the Fire Demon Sword Skill has reached the third level."

"Don't forget, this was done without the mental formula."

"Really a kendo genius."

The elders spoke highly of each other's Chen, and they were surprisingly consistent.

Now, they finally understand how wicked the patriarch's vision is.

On Yanwutai, the fighting continued.

Click ...

The fiery demon with a height of 100 feet stepped on Zhou Fengyang's body, leaving the latter's body staggering.

"Damn ..."

Zhou Fengyang roared in his heart and fought back.

"Fire Demon Sword Technique alone cannot defeat Zhou Fengyang."

Fang Chen secretly said that although the fire demon sword technique has been cultivated to the third level in a year, it still can not compete with Zhou Fengyang.

"Then let you try my fantasy formation."

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's figure receded, and at the same time his hands were bound with the seal of Fa.


The fantasy array appeared, and the fantasy rule swept the entire performance stage.

"Phantom array?"

There was a cry of exclamation on the rostrum.

Although Zhou Fengyang is very powerful, he cannot resist the fantasy formation.

Extraordinary level formation, unless it is a god-man, otherwise it is difficult to resist.

In the end, Zhou Fengyang lost the game.

He was very unwilling, but was much smarter than Zhou Chen and said nothing.

Just glanced sadly at Fang Chen and left Yanwutai.

In the second challenge, Fang Chen randomly found one next to him.

Unexpectedly, this warrior had not fought, so he directly conceded defeat.

For a time, Fang Chen became a nightmare in the hearts of many disciples.

"Both challenges were won, is there nothing for me?" Fang Chen asked with spreading his hands.

"You go to the side and wait, when the last ten people are left, you come to compete for the final place." The referee nodded.


Although Zhou Fengyang lost to Fang Chen, he still ranked among the top ten with his strong strength.

After half an hour, the five disciples were eliminated, leaving the last ten.

The patriarch stood up, looked around at the ten people below, and then said, "There are only the last ten people left. Except for Fang Chen, your ten people are all the top ten powerhouses in the original Gubang."

"The next game is very simple. You can challenge whoever you want to occupy. If you win, you can take the place of the opponent. If you lose, you can keep the ranking unchanged." Said the patriarch.

Fang Chen defeated Zhou Fengyang, so he temporarily ranked fourth in the ancient list.

If he wants to win the first place, he will challenge Zhou Feiyang.

In fact, this is the result that Fang Chen wants, which is even simpler.

He does not need to waste time, as long as he challenges Zhou Feiyang.

"Zhou Chang, fight me."

Zhou Xixuan came to Yanwutai and said softly.

"it is good."

Zhou Chang laughed and happily leaped to Yanwutai to fight Zhou Xixuan.

The battle between the two was fierce.

However, Zhou Changnai is an array mage, and he has a high level of attainment in the array.

In the end, Zhou Changli took the lead and won the game.


Zhou Xixuan arched his hand.

"Xixuan, your strength is not weak. My advantage is in formation, without formation, I am not your opponent." Zhou Chang said directly.

Zhou Fengyang looked at the few people in front of him, and his heart was extremely complicated.

There is no certainty to win any challenge.

Especially Zhou Chang and Zhou Xixuan originally thought they had the opportunity to defeat the two.

Now it seems that I think too much.

Zhou Chang's strength is beyond his imagination.

Just when Zhou Fengyang hesitated, Fang Chen stepped onto Yanwutai.

Everyone's eyes fell on him, who wanted to see who he would challenge.

"Zhou Chang or Zhou Xixuan?"

The nine people present were qualified to challenge Fang Chen, and only Zhou Chang three of them.

Zhou Feiyang is too strong, and everyone guesses that Fang Chen will not challenge.

"I challenge Zhou Feiyang."

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