Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1672: Zhou Feiyang

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"I challenge Zhou Feiyang."

Fang Chen's voice sounded calmly.

But it was like a thunder on the ground, which exploded in everyone's mind.

The whole square was noisy. All the disciples widened their eyes and stared at Fang Chen.

"God, is he crazy? Dare to challenge Zhou Feiyang?"

"Zhou Feiyang is the first in the ancient list. The strength is so powerful that even the patriarch can't praise it. Isn't he comparable?"

"I don't believe he can beat Zhou Feiyang."

The voices of questioning one after another were endless.

However, all this is within the expectation of the high-level within the family.

Fang Chen's formation is very strong, in the eternal world, it is difficult to find opponents.

Even Zhou Chang is probably not his opponent, and only Zhou Feiyang is present.

They are also looking forward to this battle, whether Zhou Feiyang can crack Fang Chen's formation.


Zhou Feiyang opened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen indifferently.

"Do you want to challenge me?" Zhou Feiyang asked.

"I want to reach the top of the list, only to challenge you." Fang Chen said calmly.

Zhou Feiyang nodded and came to Yanwutai, "no one has challenged me for a long time."

"That's because they are not sure."

"What about you? Are you sure?" Zhou Feiyang asked.

"My goal is first." Fang Chen said calmly.

"Your formation is very peculiar, but I also have killer skills. If you want to rely on the formation to deal with me, you will be disappointed."

His smile was creepy.

Below, Zhou Chang looked nervously at Yanwutai.

"Zhou Chang, who do you think can win?" Zhou Xixuan asked softly.

Zhou Chang shook his head, he did not know.

But his intuition told him that the most likely winner in this battle is Fang Chen.


With a bang, Zhou Feiyang's body showed a terrifying breath.

Eternal world is ninefold, Zhou Feiyang did not become a god-man. But the breath from his body shocked everyone.

"You are the strongest martial arts low-level martial artist I've ever seen." Zhou Feiyang's hands spread out, a terrifying breath gathered in his palm. "In order to show respect to you, I will use my strongest attack to deal with you."

Zhou Feiyang's words just fell, and suddenly a spear appeared in his hand.

Red tassel, top-grade artifact, Zhou Feiyang's weapon.

Wow ...

The red tassel slammed into the void, suddenly the void twisted, and a large ripple appeared.

The vast power emerged from the red tassel, and the world changed.

"Flame magic gun, the gun breaks the world."

With Zhou Feiyang's roar, a bright red dot appeared on the tip of the red tassel. The temperature contained in this red dot made many disciples below feel shocked.

"So strong."

Fang Chen also felt Zhou Feiyang's power.

With his strength, it is impossible to fight Zhou Feiyang.

"Dream formation."

In an instant, Fang Chen arranged a dream formation.

The power of the dream law swept the entire Yanwutai crazy and surrounded Zhou Feiyang.

Zhou Feiyang held a spear and slammed hard into the fantasy formation.

"District array method, also want to trap me?"

When he stabbed the red tassel, his pupils turned gray.

As if I could see through everything, through the fantasy formation, I found the trace of Fang Chen.

"His hiss ..."

The red tassel carried the power of terror and thrust into the fantasy formation.

Suddenly, there was a crack in the dream formation.

Fang Chen was horrified to find that there was magical power on the red tassel.

"Magic power?"

Divine power is the exclusive power of God and Man. Zhou Feiyang has not become a God and Man, but has been able to mobilize a small amount of Divine Power.

From this point, we can see Zhou Feiyang's power.

"Fire Demon Sword Art."

Fang Chen once again exhibited the fire demon sword technique, and the fire demon with a height of 100 feet appeared, confronting Zhou Feiyang's red tassel.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Chen arranged the Qiankun formation.

The deafening sound of Zhoujiachengchi resounded through the sky.

All eyes are on Yanwutai.

However, what they did not know was that there was a strong man in the void cloud.

Cold Dragon Spirit King looked at the scene below, a smile of relief appeared on his face.

"The potential of my brother is really extraordinary. It took only a long time for me to fully master the Qiankun formation." Hanlong Lingwang smiled.

Looking at the scene below, Han Long Ling Wang did not worry about his brother.

He believes that the ultimate winner will belong to Fang Chen.

"Let's watch it for a while, and when the battle is over, take him away."

At first, after the Dragon King Ling was rescued by Fang Chen, he left in a hurry.

Now that the matter was over, Han Longling Wang returned to the Northern Territory again and wanted to take Fang Chen away.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Zhou Jiabi, who secretly watched in the clouds of the void.

With the strength of the Hanlong Spirit King, he wanted to hide with all his heart, and no one in the entire Northern Territory could find its trail.

In the entire Northern Territory, the strongest person is nothing but the strongest in the spirit realm.

God-man and **** are different.

Zhoujia Chengchi, performing on the stage.

After the formation of the Qiankun formation, Zhou Feiyang's offensive was temporarily stopped.

"Good mysterious formation." Zhou Feiyang held a red tassel and said: "If I crack this formation, the battle should come to an end?"

Although the formation is exquisite, Zhou Feiyang speculates that Fang Chen's strength is too weak to maintain the formation for a long time.

He began to attack the formation frantically.

Fang Chen controlled the formation and felt Zhou Feiyang's attack, but also somewhat helpless.

"Too strong." Fang Chen sighed.

Fortunately, I have the Qiankun formation, otherwise, I don't know how to resist it?

call out……

A series of gun shadows permeated the formation, and Zhou Feiyang's attack became stronger and stronger.

"The divine power has done a great deal of damage to the Qiankun formation." Fang Chen frowned: "But I don't believe that Zhou Feiyang can fully control the divine power."

Fang Chen's guess is correct, and Zhou Feiyang's divine power is not uncontrolled.

After a quarter of a crazy attack, Zhou Feiyang's offensive finally slowed down.

At this time, in Fang Chen's mind, a flash of light flashed into an epiphany.

On the rostrum, everyone looked at each other.

At this juncture, he can still enter an epiphany.


The patriarch said in a deep voice.


A wilderness a hundred miles away from the Zhoujiacheng pond.

"Master, I have inquired clearly. The Zhou family is doing discipleship." An elder came in a hurry.

"Oh? Disciple Dabi?" The master of the ghost dragon gate asked: "What dark horse can there be?"

"A guy named Fang Chen, a sudden rise, a losing streak in the top ten of Gubang, is now challenging Zhou Feiyang." The elder said, he gave a complicated glance to the ghost dragon master, and then asked: "Master, don't you mean Do n’t move the Zhou family for now? Why ... "

"I naturally have my plan." The owner of the ghost dragon gate waved his hand to stop the elder's inquiry, and then said: "Go, let's go to the Zhou family to see."

Under the leadership of the ghost dragon gate master, many members of the ghost dragon gate went to the Zhoujiachengchi.

Soon, he came to Zhoujiachengchi.

"What the **** are you doing here?"

The Zhou family elder got up and stared into the distance.

"Chou Laowei, don't you welcome me?" The voice of Lord Guilongmen came.

Ghost Dragon Gate everyone has entered the Zhoujiachengchi.

"Patriarch, the ghost dragon gate is not good." The elder reminded.

"Don't act rashly."

Right now, the disciples of the Zhou family are not over yet. The visit of the ghost dragon gate at this time is obviously not good intentions.

"The owner of the ghost dragon gate came to my Zhou's house, which really made the Zhou's family prosperous." The Zhou family head laughed.

Lord Guilongmen looked at the direction of the square and said, "Old stranger Zhou, my visit to Guilongmen has nothing else to do. I just want to have friendship with your disciples of the Zhou family."

"Unfortunately, my Zhou family is doing disciple Dabi. Everything, let's talk after the Dabi is over." The Zhou family said.

"Isn't this just right? After the Dabi, my disciples of the Dragon Gate challenged you to the strongest younger generation of the Zhou family more easily." Guilongmen said.

In the void clouds.

Hanlong Lingwang stared at the ghost dragon gate master, he frowned slightly, and seemed to feel something was wrong.

"what happened?"

The Hanlong Spirit King locked the master of the ghost dragon gate and looked carefully.

After a long time, Han Longling's face was completely gloomy.

"Huh, the courage of the Holy Light Church is too great, dare to come to the Far South to preach?"

The body of Hanlong Lingwang exuded a terrible killing intention.

However, he did not act rashly.

See if you can catch a big fish out of it.

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