Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1680: Ripples Tenjin

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"Brother Fang, you must be cautious when you enter the remains of the gods." Han Long Ling Wang kept telling.

"Relax, Brother Hanlong, I have my own sense." Fang Chen smiled.

After saying goodbye to the Heavenly Priest and the Cold Dragon Spirit King, Fang Chen jumped up and fell into the Void Stone Gate.

This scene caused a shock.

"God, what the **** is this kid, dare to enter the ruins of Tenjin?"

"He is looking for death. Even if he is a man of God, he dare not enter easily. Isn't he going to die if he enters the eternal realm?"

"Thought to be a brother to the gods, can you survive the remains of the gods?"

These people think that Fang Chen is an idiot, knowing that the inside is dangerous and going to die.

Cold Dragon Spirit King and Heavenly Priest glared at everyone, and the God-Man in front of the Void Stone Gate suddenly closed his mouth.

The gods were angry, and the dead body was millions.

They dare not provoke the gods.

Fortunately, the Hanlong Spirit King and Heavenly Prison Saints did not have general knowledge of these gods and men.

After confirming that Fang Chen entered the remains of Tenjin, he returned to the Holy Sun Sect.


The top of Lotus Hill, inside the Lotus Palace.

After returning to Lianhua Mountain, Xingyue has been paying attention to the movement of the token.

In the past three months, the token has been shaking slowly, which means that Fang Chen has been practicing in the Holy Sun Sect.

And in these few days, the token suddenly shook even more.

Xingyue was very nervous, because she knew that Fang Chen should be on the way to Lianhua Mountain.


Just now, the token calmed down.

Xingyue's face was full of complex looks.

"Brother Chen has entered the remains of Tenjin." Xingyue secretly said.

All she can do now is to pray for Fang Chen to be alive.

I don't know when Ripple Tenjin appeared beside Xingyue.

"Yue'er, what are you thinking about?" Ripple Tianjin asked aloud.

For his own disciple, Ripple Tenjin still attached great importance.

She hopes to take this heavenly ruins to help Xingyue find an excellent husband.


Xingyue converged and whispered, "I didn't think about anything."

"Yue'er, you don't have to think about it anymore. The opening time of the Tenjin Ruins is three years. During these three years, they will fight within the Tenjin Ruins. They can live out of the Tenjin Ruins and be eligible to step on the Lotus Hill. Teachers will definitely choose a wishful Lang Jun for you. "Ripple Tenjin smiled softly.

Xingyue shook her head, and her eyes were complicated.

"Master, I was married when I was in the lower realm." Xingyue said.

She has already mentioned this matter to Master more than once.

However, Master said that the warriors in the lower realm, like ants, are simply not worthy of their apprentices.

Sure enough, when he heard Xingyue, Ripple Tenjin frowned slightly, and flicked his sleeves. "Yue'er, you are also my apprentice of Ripple Tennessee, and you have reached the state of God, and it will not take long. Reach the God-Man Realm. "

"You are the princess of Lianhua Mountain. Although you are married in the lower realm, what is that? We cultivators should be able to afford and let go." Ripple Tianshen Road: "Netherworld warrior, it is very difficult to want to ascend God Realm .. I think your husband, the lower realm, I am afraid there is no chance to soar to God Realm in this life? "

Seeing Xingyue's complexion, it was a bit bad.

Ripple Tenjin continued to persuade: "Furthermore, even if he can one day ascend to God Realm, but you and him are also the gap between heaven and earth, you still forget him."

"Master, you once taught your disciples to follow your heart. But now you are persuading your disciples to give up their obsessions?" Xingyue asked.


Ripple Tenjin's face eased down, and he said with a long heart: "Everything done for the teacher is for your own good. In God Realm, a woman is helpless and hopeless to grow up. It is too difficult for the teacher. Young The mistakes made at that time will never allow my apprentice to repeat the same mistakes. "

"Your potential is very strong. If you continue to practice as a teacher, you will have unlimited achievements in the future. Don't mistake yourself." Ripple Tianshen Road.

Xingyue thought about it, and finally said the news that Fang Chen came to God Realm.

"Master, my husband has tried hard to cultivate in order to seek me. From a weak to a warrior like a ant, he has practiced to the present day. He has never forgotten me. How can I be so unrelenting?" Xingyue Tao: "Again, he is not as unbearable as Master, as you said. He had soared to God Realm a few years ago."

"Huh? Soaring God Realm? Have you seen him?" Ripple Tenjin's perception is very keen, capturing the slight expression on Xingyue's face.

Xingyue did not conceal, and nodded directly to admit.

"Yes, some time ago, when I left Lotus Hill, I just went to see him."

"Where is he?" Ripple Tenjin asked with a frown.

"He is in Holy Sun Sect, but now he should have entered the remains of Tenjin." Speaking of this, Xingyue's face showed a happy smile.

A man is willing not to even kill himself, this kind of man is worth trusting.

"He entered the ruins of Tenjin because of me." Xingyue seemed to be caught in his memories, and said slowly, "When I went to see him, he wasn't even a god-man, but after learning about my situation , Resolutely stepped into the ruins of the gods. In order to be able to take me away from the master of the scenery in the near future. "

"Nonsense, a warrior from the ancient realm, dare to enter the remains of Tenjin?" Ripple Tenjin said coldly.

"Master, for the person he loves, I would rather give everything, even if there is no complaint in life, is this man not worthy of trust?" Xingyue asked calmly.

"He is stupid, and I will never agree that you are with such a person." Ripple Tenjin's attitude is very firm, "even his situation can not be predicted, angry behavior, only idiots will do. He ca n’t walk out of the ruins of the gods, so you die of this heart. "

Knowing that Xingyue's husband in the lower realm entered the remains of the gods, the attitude of the rippled gods to Chen Chen was even worse.

"But ... what if he could live out of the ruins of Tenjin?" Xingyue asked seriously, that expression, as if the child was asking about his parents.

Serious and persistent.

"Do you think that the warriors of the ancient realm can come out of the ruins of the heavenly gods? I tell you that even those geniuses in the gods and human realms, even the gods and spirits, will have a large number of fallen in the remains of the gods." Channel.

"Master, you would rather give all younger generations in the Far East a chance, why don't you give him a chance?" Xingyue said. "If Master sees him, he will love him."

Ripple Tenjin saw Xingyue so sighed, and then said: "In order to let you die, I will give him a chance. If he can come out of the remains of Tenjin alive, I will give him priority."

"What is priority?" Xingyue asked hurriedly.

"Live out of the remains of the **** of heaven, but only qualified to step on the lotus mountain. Want to marry my rippled god's favorite apprentice. Must pass my layers of tests." left.

Xingyue breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Master leave.

Anyway, Master Zun is finally relieved, giving Brother Chen a chance.

"Brother Chen, I believe in you, it will do."


In the clouds.

Ripple Tenjin looked down at Xingyue below, and there was a sigh in his mouth.

"Sister, why do you force Yueer?"

Beside the Ripple Tenjin, stood a noble lady in luxurious clothes, her body exudes the temperament of the superior.

She is the sister of Ripple Tenjin and the queen of the Xianxu Dynasty.

"Sister, do you think I'm wrong?" Ripples asked.

The noble lady looked at the Ripple Tenjin, her mind filled with thoughts, as if she had returned to her youth.

Lian Bu moved lightly to the front of Ripple God.

"Sister, have you lived tired all these years?" The lady asked. "You never let go of your obsession, but asked your disciples to put down their obsession. Why is it so painful?"

"Huh, that kind of pain, I can bear it alone. I don't allow my disciples to repeat my mistakes." Lianyi Tianshen expressionless.

"However, after all, you still did not give up hard." The lady said with a smile.

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