Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1681: Koruo Xuanhe

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The vast expanse of space, where the divine power is raging, a little careless will crush the bones.

The place where Fang Chen is located is a wasteland.

This wasteland is small and the only safe place.

Throughout the remains of the gods, divine power raged everywhere, except in the wasteland.

This is also a place for the latecomers to die, so as not to die without a foothold.

"Is this the relic of Tenjin?" Fang Chen looked around with emotion.

I still underestimated the power of Tenjin.

However, it's also because I don't have much knowledge.

The only gods I have seen are the Hanlong Spirit King and Heavenly Priest.

Both of them are gods of the **** realm.

Like gods and gods, there are three realms.

God Sect Realm, God Waiting Realm, Heaven God Realm.

Ripple Tenjin is the pinnacle of Tenjin Realm, almost invincible under the true God.

Shenzongjing Tianshen, among some medium-sized forces, can also be regarded as a leader.

And the God of Waiting Realm is almost already a prince of one side, shaking his arm, can quickly gather countless strong men, occupying the land as king.

The major forces are competing to attract the powerful waiting for the situation. The Holy Sun Sect is considered to be a medium-sized sect in the extreme east, but there are not many powerful waiting states in the door.

As for the heavenly realm, it is already a rare existence.

After all, the true God is already the strongest person standing at the pinnacle of God Realm.

Without the true god, the powerful gods are almost invincible.

This is also the reason why Ripple Tenjin is famous in the extreme east.

Fang Chen is still not sure what the realm of the master of this heavenly remains is.

However, feeling the violent extreme power outside the wasteland, the scalp tingled for a while.

"These magical powers are very strange, what the **** is going on?"

Just as Fang Chen racked his brains, suddenly a chubby god-man appeared on the wasteland.

"Fortunately, Fatty, I'm not late."

The man just landed, muttering in his mouth.

His body is full of breath, according to Fang Chen's speculation, this person should be a strong man of God-man realm.

The fat man also found Fang Chen. After seeing the latter, a trace of surprise flashed on the fat man's face.

Immediately, his eyes widened and he stared at Fang Chen with a smile.

"Brother, which force's disciple are you?" The fat man asked beside Fang Chen.

Fang Chen watched the fat man alertly and replied: "St. Sun Zong disciple."

"When did Saint Sun Zong come out with such a great disciple?" The fat man asked in surprise.


Seeing Fang Chen's puzzled look, the fat man smiled and said: "Brother, if you haven't even reached the Divine Realm, dare to enter the remains of the God of Heaven. Fat, you can't do it. "

I don't know what's going on, although I don't know fat people.

But Fang Chen felt that the fat man had no hostility.

Moreover, he also has a crush on this fat man.

"Life is just forcing." Fang Chen smiled calmly, "I don't know which Zongmen disciple Xiongtai is?"

"Me?" Fatty said: "Fatty, I am a self-cultivator, follow Master, and make you a family. You just call me empty."

It's all empty, this is an interesting name.

"Buddha pays attention to the four major vacancies. Are you a Buddhist cultivator, Xiongtai?" Fang Chen asked.

The fat man shook his head and said, "Fat man, I hate the stinky monks of the Buddhist door most. How can I repair the Buddha?"

"Then why do you call it all empty?" Fang Chen asked inexplicably.

Fat people like to explain the reasons for their names.

"Well, it's a long story, you listen to me."

Next, the fat man began to talk to Fang Chen endlessly, explaining the reason for the name.

The two-word name was interpreted by the fat man for three hours.

Fang Chen was dead, and the fat man was still explaining in the saliva splash.

Looking at the fat man with a mouthful of mouth, Fang Chen wished to hit the wall with one end.

"God, how long has this fat man not spoken?" Fang Chen shouted inwardly.

After three hours, the fat man finally finished.

However, Fang Chen did not hear a word.

"Brother, I think you are in a relationship with me. The ruins of God are dangerous in this day. How about we explore together?" The fat man smiled.

In fact, the fat guy happily found a guy who was willing to listen to his heart.

In the outside world, people who are familiar with themselves hide far away every time they see themselves, which is really boring.

"Yes." Fang Chen said.

Although he is a little speechless to fat people, being able to stay with him is at least greatly reduced.

"By brother, I don't know your name yet." Fatty asked empty.

"My name is Fang Chen."

"Fang Chen, let me think about it, why did your parents give you this name?" Jiekong thought about it for a moment, and immediately patted his thigh, saying: "I know, you and listen to me."

"Come again?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, full of helplessness.


I have to say that the fat man's eloquence is really good.

If he encounters an enemy, he will absolutely be crazy.

Fang Chen just said his name, he thought of a large list of content, and also explained to Fang Chen.

Seeing Fang Chen's painful appearance, all the fat people asked emptyly: "Brother Fang, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"My ears are uncomfortable." Fang Chen said listlessly.

"Vulgar, vulgar is impatient. People like you are not only vulgar, but also unsentimental. The average person is fat and I don't look down on it. To tell you this, it's fat, I think you are pleasing to the eye. I will be angry if I don't believe in fat people? "The fat man said displeasedly.

Fang Chen said angrily: "Yeah, after listening to your words, Fatty, I feel that there is nothing like the ten years of hard work."

Fang Chen's sarcasm did not make the fat man feel uncomfortable, but was even more happy.

"Are you complimenting me? I can't remember how long it was. Someone praised me so much, hahaha, fat man, I'm very happy today." The fat man played very well himself.

Fang Chen sighed with his hands in his hands.

Just entering the remains of Tenjin, why did you meet such a crazy person?

Hate the stinky monk, but still everything is empty?

Obviously, he never talks nonsense, but he talks eloquently, and he can't stop talking.

Fang Chen felt so speechless, there were such wonderful people in the world.

"Brother Fang, let's leave here as soon as possible." Suddenly, the fat man stopped laughing and whispered.


"Although this wasteland is safe, it is also temporary." Fatty all said empty.

In an instant, Fang Chen knew what the fat man meant.

"Wait a moment, I will inject the divine power into your body, and let the divine power wrap you forward." Fatty said: "The divine power outside the wasteland is very terrible, and if you are careless, you will crush your bones. Even if it is me, Dare to be arrogant and aggressive. "

Speaking of the remains of Tenjin, the fat man finally returned to normal.

Moreover, he seems to know the remains of Tenjin very well.

"It's all empty, why is it also the divine power, the divine power in the remains of the gods, so overbearing?" Fang Chen asked puzzled.

The fat man glanced at Fang Chen, then shook his head and said, "Yes, you are not even a god-man, and you don't understand divine power at all. I tell you that the divine power you see is not really divine power at all, but decomposed by divine power Here comes. "

"What? Heavenly Divine Power came out?"

Fang Chen's heart shook.

Celestial power is one level higher than divine power. That kind of pure energy cannot be resisted by God-man.

"The owner of this ruin was a deity before his death. After his fall, his vast celestial power gradually covered the entire ruin as the years passed. Then, it began to decompose in nature. Fortunately, the time is long enough, the deity Power has been completely decomposed into divine power. Otherwise, how many dies and how many come in, and no god-man can survive. "

Fang Chen focused on his head, and the fat man was absolutely empty.

The terrifying power of the gods is enough to do this.

"However, because these divine powers are decomposed from celestial powers, the extra rage cannot allow it to touch your body, otherwise, it will forcefully decompose your body." Fatty said solemnly.

"It turns out so."

"The god-man uses his own divine power to form a divine armor, which can be shuttled through these violent divine powers." Fatty all explained: "Because the divine powers belong to the same power, they will not have an impact on the divine power."

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