Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1682: Rage power

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"That is to say, even a god-man can shuttle violent divine power?" Fang Chen asked.

The fat guy looked at him like an idiot and nodded, "Otherwise do you think?"

"Brother Fang, it's not me who said you, why would you enter the ruins of the gods as a warrior in the ancient realm? You said that you are not good at enjoying the blessings outside." Into Fang Chen's ear.

The latter interrupted quickly.

"Stop and stop." Fang Chen said: "Just empty brothers, we are going to shuttle violent divine power now, how do you say I'm here?"

Fang Chen is very helpless, why is it always his ears that are injured?

Interrupted by Fang Chen, the fat man gave the latter a sad look.

"You don't understand anything."

In a world where fat people are empty, those who interrupted his speech for no reason know nothing.

"Every brother ..."

Seeing Jie Kong's expression, Fang Chen wanted to laugh, but he refrained.

It's so funny.

"For the sake of making me happy, I won't care about you, let's go."

The fat man stretched out his hands empty and pressed on Fang Chen's body.

Suddenly, the majestic divine power penetrated into Fang Chen's body endlessly.

"So strong."

Fang Chen felt extremely shocked for the first close contact with divine power.

Only by controlling the divine power can it be regarded as a true god-man.

After a while, the Divine Power formed an armor, wrapped around Fang Chen's body.

"Okay, you are safe now." All empty body, the deity formed defense, with Fang Chen, rushed into the violent divine power.

Just after entering the violent divine power, Fang Chen felt that his body seemed to be squeezed in a small space, which was very uncomfortable.

"How is it? The violent divine power is very brutal. Thank you for meeting me. Otherwise, you can only spend the next three years on this wasteland." Fatty all said.

Fang Chen stared at the violent divine power around him.

He was surprised to find that from the beginning, his body was squeezed by the violent divine power, and now the violent divine power actually penetrated into his body.


The golden heart beats, actively absorbing the violent divine power of the outside world.


After discovering this scene, Fang Chen hurriedly asked: "Just empty brothers, can this violent divine power be absorbed?"

The fat guys seemed to have heard a big joke, "Are you kidding? Absorbing the wrathful power, don't you want to live? Even me, I dare not inhale the violent power."

"The violent body enters the body with only one result, that is, it explodes to death." The fat people all said: "I really don't know if your head is showing off, actually asked this idiot question."

Fang Chen found out that all the fat people were empty, not only talkatively, but also extremely confident.

Like to laugh at others, of course, a joke.

Fang Chen was accustomed to the fat man's attitude, and he didn't care.

He was watching the movement of the golden heart as he flew through the violent divine power.

The speed at which the golden heart absorbs violent divine power is getting faster and faster.

At the same time, with the passage of time, Fang Chen's body armor was also destroyed by the violent divine power, and gradually collapsed.

After walking for about three hours, the fat men turned their heads to look at Fang Chen, and said with a deep voice: "You are not a god-man, unable to provide divine maintenance, the divine armor is about to collapse. I will not act lightly, I will help you."

After all, the fat man will inject the magical power into Fang Chen's body.

Fang Chen was very moved. In this harsh environment, the fat man could do so much for himself.

"Don't think too much, I just don't want you to die so fast. Or who will listen after I speak?" The fat man laughed.

Fang Chen shook his head and rejected the fat man's kindness.

"Everyone is empty, I have your good intentions."

However, before Fang Chen's words were finished, he was scorned by all the fat people.

"Nonsense, what do you know? You don't understand the horror of violent divine power. If you don't infuse you with divine power, you will soon be smashed by the violent body." The fat man said angrily.

"Every brother is empty, does anyone use their flesh to resist the violent divine power?" Fang Chen Shen Sheng asked.

"Huh, the physical body resists? What do you think is the violent divine power? Is it the ordinary power of heaven and earth?" The fat man sneered: "The violent divine power decomposed from the heavenly divine power actually attempts to resist with the body unless someone does not want to live."

However, as soon as the fat man's words fell, Fang Chen pointed to his body and said, "Both are empty brothers."

Fang Chen's voice drew all empty eyes to himself.

At this point, the armor of Fang Chen's body had long collapsed.

A layer of golden luster covered him.

The trembling sword gas surrounds the whole body.

The violent divine power can't touch Fang Chen's body, which makes all the people shake in the hollow.

"This ... am I blind?"

The fat men rubbed their eyes hard and exclaimed, "You ... can you use your flesh to resist the violent divine power?"

Looking at Fang Chen like a monster, the fat man's eyes widened and he felt incredible.

He had never heard of someone who could resist the violent divine power with his flesh.

Moreover, this person is also a warrior in the ancient world.

Is this a miracle?

Thinking about it, fat people think it is a miracle.

The antelope hung its horns, no trace was found.

"Are you a reincarnation of the true god?" Fatty asked all empty.

Fang Chen shook his head and looked at the shocked fat man with a smile.

The reason why it can resist the violent divine power is first because of the golden heart, and secondly because of the perfect sword body.

The owner of the golden heart has said that the perfect sword is known as the strongest physique in the world.

In the lower realm, the perfect sword body has reached its peak.

But when he came to God Realm, Fang Chen discovered that there is still room for improvement in the perfect sword body.

With the improvement of cultivation, the perfect sword body is gradually strengthened.

However, logically speaking, the perfect sword body is not enough to resist the violent divine power.

However, it turns out that the perfect sword body has its special features.

Fang Chen couldn't understand it in a short time, so simply attribute it to the golden heart.

With the perfect sword body, Fang Chen felt able to easily resist the violent divine power.

The fat men on the side were empty, their eyes widened, and they observed Fang Chen.

"Every brother, are you okay?" Fang Chen asked.

Jiekong woke up from shock for a long time, and he kept sighing.

"Great, really amazing. Brother Fang, I have never seen such a miracle before." "You are the first person I've ever seen in flesh and resist violent divine power. It's incredible."

This is still fat people don't know, Fang Chen can absorb the rage divine power.

If you know this, I don't know how much he will be shocked?

"Every brother, is it not so exaggerated?" Fang Chen said.

Jie Kong suddenly straightened his waist plate, and the other party scolded his face with his face.

"Your boy obviously has such means, why should I entertain the fat man? I will give you the divine power to input the fat man, and I'm still reluctant to persevere. You are a bastard, fat man and I have no end."

"Fat man, I'm wrong. Can I apologize to you?" Fang Chen said quickly.

He knew that the fat man was not really angry, he was just kidding.

"Huh, no, you have to compensate my fat man for hurting my soul."

Soul hurt, Fang Chen was a little speechless.

"Fat man, let's hurry up as soon as possible. I will listen to you more after the big deal." Fang Chen said.


The fat man heard the words, his eyes widened, and he laughed: "Are you really willing to chat with the fat man?"

Seeing the cannibal posture of the fat man, Fang Chen hurriedly dodge.

The fat man was very happy and stopped talking, taking Fang Chen's rapid rage with violent divine power.

Huh ...

Rage divine power, covering the entire ruins of the gods.

In the process of marching, the golden heart has been absorbing the violent divine power.

The remains of the gods that have been silent for countless years ushered in a large number of gods and men.

These gods and men have fallen into every corner of the remains of the gods, and are looking for their own opportunities in difficulty.

Zhou Lei was in a place where violent divine power converged.

Rumble ...

Wan Lei slammed, raging divine power.

"The ruins of the gods are the biggest turning point in my life. I must let the world know how powerful Zhou Lei is." Zhou Lei said in a deep voice: "Xingyue is mine, and Lotus Mountain is mine. The land of the extreme east is my Zhou Lei. "

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