Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1683: Shaw Brothers

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Rage divine power, spread all over the remains of the gods.

It is more difficult to travel to a safe place.

Within the ruins of the gods, there are treasures everywhere.

Fang Chen decided to go forward while exploring after discussing with Jiekong.

After all, it didn't take long for the two to enter the ruins of Tenjin, and they didn't have much information.

If you want to survive in the remains of Tenjin, you must first thoroughly understand all the conditions in the remains of Tenjin.

At this point, fat people are much better than Fang Chen.

He has a lot of information.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, during which the golden heart absorbed enough violent divine power.

At the beginning, after the violent divine power entered the golden west heart, it was completely absorbed and digested by the latter.

But gradually, the golden heart became full.

When the golden heart was completely full, Fang Chen's heart gave birth to a crazy idea.

Since the rage divine power is so powerful, what if it is used against the enemy?

In fact, this matter is not nobody thought about.

It's almost impossible to contain the wrathful power.

And Fang Chen has a golden heart, which is naturally different.

Holding a try mentality, he began to store his violent divine power with a golden heart.

Sure enough, Fang Chen was overjoyed and continued to store crazy.

On this day, all the fat men suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Fang Chen asked.

They all frowned, their dark eyes looked away, and whispered: "I got a very important message before I entered the remains of Tenjin."

"what's the message?"

"The owner of the Tenjin Ruins, who loved captive gods and beasts during his lifetime. It is said that within this Tenjin Ruins, there is an area called the Beast Garden, where many gods and beasts are held." All are empty.

"For such a long time, even if imprisoned, I am afraid they are dead?" Fang Chen said with a lip.

"What do you know? The reason why the Divine Beast is called the Divine Beast, even if it is dead, the body is very valuable. If we can enter the Beast Park, find the Divine Beast, and get Neidan, the strength will definitely rise." All empty.

The inner beast of the mythical beast contains all the powers of the mythical beast.

Even if the **** beast dies, Nedan will remain intact.

If the human warrior swallows the mythical beast Nedan, his strength will surely rise.

Fang Chengangyu spoke, and the little mouse said, "Boss, the **** beast Nei Dan, is very important to you."

Fang Chen heard the words, gently nodded, and then said: "Since that is the case, do all the brothers know where the animal park is?"

All nodded empty, then looked forward.

"If I guess good, after going around the peak, there should be a light curtain, through the light curtain, you can find the beast park." Jie Kong said.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Fang Chen's mind.

Immediately, he looked empty.

The two of them never met, just because they walked together for a few days, they both told him such important information?

Is there anything wrong?

"Jie Kongkong, why did you tell me this information?" Fang Chen asked.

Seeing Fang Chen's expression, they all guessed what Fang Chen thought.

"Do you think I am willing? I wouldn't want to take you if I were not looking at someone as strong as your flesh." Jie Kong pouted.

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment. Isn't it too straight to speak?

However, it was because they were all talking directly that Fang Chen's trust was all empty.

"Then I would like to thank all the empty brothers." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

In fact, Jie Kong has long been watching Fang Chen.

When he discovered that Fang Chen's body could resist the violent divine power, he had already made a decision.

Do n’t look at it. It ’s a tuberculosis, but its IQ is very high, and you can see your nature through dialogue with you.

In the conversation with Fang Chen, he felt that this person should not be a bloodthirsty and ruthless devil.

In summary, Fang Chen was informed of the news.

"Let's go quickly, rebuke the change." Jie Kong whispered, his face dignified.

He was guessing that he should be the only one who knew the news.

Huh ...

Fang Chen and all are empty, quickly skimming towards the mountain ahead.

In a blink of an eye, the mountain was bypassed.

After the mountain, the violent divine power was even more rampant.

However, Fang Chen was ecstatic, because the golden heart could not store any more violent divine power.


The violent divine power stored in the golden heart is very large. If it is released at once, even if it is a strong man in the god-human realm, is it enough to eat a pot?

Even the strong man who meets the divine spirit realm can calmly leave.

Rumble ...

The violent divine power is raging everywhere, and the end is not seen at a glance.

In the sky, thunder flashed.

This area is very dangerous. If a warrior with weak flesh enters, he will definitely crush his bones.

"The Beast Garden is here?" Fang Chen asked.

All empty faces dignified, focusing on the head, said: "According to the information, the animal park should be nearby. Hurry up and find the light curtain, enter the animal park as soon as possible, it is too dangerous here."

Although Jacques is a strong man of God and Man Realm, his physical defense is not as good as that of Chen.

Coupled with the rampage of the violent divine power, the action was a bit clumsy.

Looking at Fang Chen, it is a lot easier.

The perfect sword body can almost ignore the violent divine power, and with the help of the golden heart, it is like entering a no-man's land.

Soon, Fang Chen entered the area where Thunder raged. Look for the so-called light curtain here.

After half an hour, Fang Chen seemed to find something.

"Every brother, here."

Fang Chen shouted, all heard nothing, and hurried over.

Not far away in front of Fang Chen, the raging rage divine power gradually connected together, forming a flashing light curtain.

"This is the light curtain?" Fang Chen asked.

Everyone laughed, "Yes, this is the light curtain."

"What are you waiting for, go in." Fang Chen said.

However, at this moment, Jiekong's face changed slightly, and he said lowly, "Someone is here."

Sure enough, as soon as Goku's voice fell, there were two figures, who passed through the violent divine power and appeared across from Goku.

"Two, it's dangerous here, hurry and leave." One of them laughed.

"Don't you dare to come here, really looking for death." Another humane.

All were empty, and his face was somber.

It's enough to make the hippie's smiling face so empty, enough to see the beginning of the two.

"Shaw Brothers in Wangkong Mountain?"

After hearing the words, there was a hint of teasing on the faces of the two, saying, "Since we know us, don't you get off?"

Wangkong Mountain, Fang Chen also heard Han Longling Wang said.

In the extreme east is a large sect, although there is no such strong force as the Zhou family and the Lotus Mountain, but it is much stronger than the Holy Sun Sect.

The Shao Brothers are the two great arrogances of Wangkong Mountain.

Shao Peng and Shao Che are actually not without Tiantianjiao, who is stronger than the two of them in Wangkong Mountain.

However, their two brothers are relatively famous. The reason for this is that the two brothers are descendants of the Thao, an ancient survivor.

However, after the great destruction of the universe, the ancient Tsao tribe has long since fallen.

Till now, the Thao people have almost no descendants.

After the Shaw Brothers were discovered, they were taken seriously by Wangkong Mountain.

Moreover, the Shao's bloodline also gradually recovered in the bodies of their two brothers.

It would be terrible if Shao's bloodline could be fully recovered.

At that time, the ancient Tsao tribe had the strength to dominate the God Realm.

Shao Peng and Shao Che are both powerful people of God and Man.

The two of them also got some clues about the animal park, and have been looking for it during this time.

I finally found it, but I was surprised to get on first.

After seeing all the fat men empty and Fang Chen, the Shao Brothers sneered. Although this fat man is a god-human state, their two brothers are fearless. The other person can just ignore it. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

In fact, they are also curious, why should the ancient warriors come in, is it to die?

"You will go first in a while, I will support them." Jie Kong whispered.

"However, you alone can't fight both of them." Fang Chen shook his head and rejected the empty proposal.

"You only have a dead end if you don't go. If you leave, I may have a chance to escape." Both stared at Fang Chen with a deep voice.

"Jie Kongkong, in fact, we don't need to be so pessimistic. We've worked hard to find the beast garden, and let people's hands, are you willing?" Fang Chen asked back.

"What if you're not reconciled? The Shaw Brothers joined forces, I can't match it." All sighed.

Fang Chen secretly transmitted a message to Jiekong: "Brother Kongkong, I have a way, maybe I can relieve the present dilemma."

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