Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1685: Animal Park

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Solving the trouble of the Shaw Brothers, the two were a lot easier.

However, the laughter on Jiekong's face was gone, and it was replaced by dignity.

Shao Che was beheaded by Fang Chen, but Shao Peng fled with his blood.

Shao Peng will never give up with his brother Shao Che killed because of the character that the Shao Brothers must pay.

"Hurry in, rebuke the change." Jie Kong whispered.

In fact, Fang Chen also has concerns in this regard.

After all, this is the beast garden where the gods confine the beasts, and there must be treasures inside.

Once Shao Peng spread this news, there must be a lot of strong people coming, and even if they join forces, there will be no result.

"Directly through the light curtain?" Fang Chen asked.

The news came from everywhere, and he must have some knowledge of it here.

Jiekong stared at the light curtain formed by the violent divine power in the front, and his eyes flickered and said: "If it were before, I would still worry, I can't pass through the light curtain. But now it seems that there is no need to worry at all."


Fang Chen looked puzzled.

The latter's eyes also fell on Fang Chen's body.

"Brother Fang, according to the information I got, this light curtain is very likely to be a powerful formation. If I guess well, should you be an extraordinary formation mage?" Jie Kong asked Road.

"But why didn't I feel any breath of air?" Fang Chen was even more puzzled.


They all took a step forward, approaching the light curtain, and immediately his hands protruded.

Suddenly, the wild divine power was madly injected into the light curtain.

The original motionless light curtain has gradually changed at this moment.

After a few breaths, Fang Chen's eyes widened, because the formation hidden in the light curtain gradually revealed.

"What an exquisite method, can actually hide the formation so deep." Fang Chen could not help sighing.

If there is no intelligence, if you indiscriminately break into the light curtain, you will definitely die.

This formation contains a terrifying atmosphere.

Fang Chen felt that this formation was not weaker than the Qiankun formation, only because the gods had fallen for too long, the formation had experienced time baptism, and its power became weak and became incomplete.

"Brother Fang, can you crack it?" Jie Kong asked.

"If it is a complete formation, I can't crack it, but now in this state, I have confidence to crack it." Fang Chen said: "However, I need some time."

"I'll protect the law for you, you break the battle as soon as possible."

Fang Chen nodded, no longer nonsense, closed his eyes and felt the mystery of the formation.

Having experienced the experience of the Qiankun formation, Fang Chen has a unique understanding of the extraordinary formation.

Although this incomplete formation method is incomprehensible, Fang Chen can still feel its operating rules.

Time is fleeting.

After about three hours, Fang Chen finally thoroughly figured out the running path of the incomplete array method.

Then he started cracking.

Unexpectedly, it was very easy to crack.

Wow ...

Fang Chen opened his eyes violently, his hands wide open, and the wild air screamed.

Click ...

A small crack appeared above the incomplete array method.

Immediately afterwards, these cracks continued to expand.

After a few breaths, the crack expanded to a certain extent, Fang Chen called out: "Go in."

Seeing nothing, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately plunged into the crack.

Seeing that all the air enters, Fang Chen drills into it while maintaining his breath.


After Fang Chen and Jie Kong all entered, the incomplete array gradually recovered, and the light curtain was once again shrouded.

It seems as if nothing has happened here.

The violent divine power around is still roaring and roaring.


On the desolate plain, divine power raged, and a sword-like mountain rose from the ground.

This mountain, like a sword, is inserted on the ground, giving people a sense of ancient existence.

On the Blade Mountain, Shao Peng covered with blood, leaning on a bluestone, his face was pale and his breath was weak.

He has not yet completely controlled the Shao's blood vessels. Under this premise, if the burning blood vessels are used as a contraindication for blood escape, the side effects are very large.

A little carelessness will explode and die.

"It's all empty, I won't let you go."

Shao Peng's heart was very angry when he thought that his brother had fallen and he was seriously injured and struggling to die.

"My brother won't die in vain, and you can't even get what Shao Peng can't get. Offended me Shao Peng, I want you to regret it all your life." Shao Peng's eyes were scarlet, coldly.

As soon as the words fell, Shao Peng began to send messages to the brothers of Wangkong Mountain.

After the voice transmission was completed, a gruesome smile appeared on his face.

"It's all empty, this is just a gift I gave you. The real gift is still behind." Shao Peng said in a deep voice.


Through the light curtain, Fang Chen and Jiekong came to a lush valley.

They looked around and there was a light curtain at the entrance to the valley.

"Is this valley a beast garden?" Fang Chen asked aloud.

"It's so quiet."

All empty said in surprise.

It's too quiet here, like a paradise.

Moreover, there is no raging divine power, everything seems so strange.

"This should be the beast garden." After a long time, they all whispered empty. "Look carefully, you should be able to find the beast."

"Boss, the trail on the left, go to three hundred meters." Suddenly, the little mouse said.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, and immediately followed the mouse's guidance, and quickly came to the left three hundred meters.

He looked down and suddenly found that there was a pile of dead bones on the ground, which seemed to be a fallen beast.

"Every brother is empty." Fang Chen hurriedly shouted.

All flashed their bodies and came here.

"This is ... the body of the beast."

At a glance, they could see this pile of dead bones, which is the body of the **** beast.

"It seems that here is really a beast garden, but I don't know if there are still alive beasts." All eyes turned.

Fang Chen, in accordance with the guidance of the little mouse, picked up the dead bones piled on top, and finally found a thumb-sized bead in the body of the **** beast.

This bead with grey light is the so-called **** beast Neidan.

"This inner dan, it should be a second-class inner dan." Jiekong said: "Since you got it, Brother Fang, then this inner dan belongs to you, how?"

Fang Chen nodded and did not refuse.

The second-level Nedan, although not as good as expected, is not bad.

The level of the mythical beast is comparable to that of the human monk.

The second-level inner dan is the inner dan after the divine beast of the god-human level fell.

The **** beast of the **** level is the first class inner dan, and the most common inner dan.

The **** beast level god, the inner dan is the third level inner dan.

Under normal circumstances, the first three levels of inner dan are more common.

Naidan above level 4 is more precious.

The fourth-level inner pill is owned by the **** beast of the **** level.

If you want to kill a god-level beast of the realm level, you must at least wait for the strongest of the realm to do it.

"Look carefully." Jie Kong said.

Fang Chen nodded and continued his search.

"Boss, give me this inner pill," said the little mouse.

Without any hesitation, Fang Chen gave Neidan to the little mouse.

The latter rattled and swallowed Neidan.

"Shenbei Neidan, is it helpful?" Fang Chen asked.

The little mouse nodded and said, "It's a great help."

"Well, we continue to search."

The animal park is very peculiar, and the consciousness cannot spread, so it can only be found with the naked eye.

In this way, Fang Chen has an absolute advantage.

Follow the guidance of the little mouse, and continue to find the body of the falling beast, and then get Naidan.

In just half an hour, Fang Chen had obtained nine inner pill, and all of them let the little mice swallow.

But Jiekong just got a Nedan, or found it by accident.

This makes Jacques speechless, but there is no way.


Just as Fang Chen and Jiekong searched for the mythical beast Neidan, a deafening roar came from his ears.

The sound of this beast roared, and the blood and blood of Fang Chen shook.

"Is this ... is there a living beast?"

If there is a living beast, their trouble will be great.

According to the sound of the beast roar, it can be judged that the strength of this **** beast is at least the level of the spirit realm.

For a time, Fang Chen and Jiekong's faces were very dignified.

The two stared deep into the valley.

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