Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1686: Ant Royal

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Deep in the valley, the roar shook.

Fang Chen and Jie Kong's ear periosteum are ringing, giving a shocking feeling.

However, Fang Chen also discovered the mystery in this voice.

"Jie Kongkong, what did you find?" Fang Chen said solemnly.

Obviously the sound of the beast roar, but why does it contain some strange notes? This made Fang Chen very puzzled.

"Look at it in the past."

"If there is a living beast, we are in danger." Fang Chen reminded.

He nodded empty-handed and made this decision. He had already thought of a lot, including the dangers he might encounter.

"For so many years, even if there are living beasts, I am afraid that their strength will be greatly reduced." All empty.

Wealth, wealth and insurance, in order to get a powerful beast Neidan, we must test the risk by ourselves.

After a brief discussion, the two began to act.

Along the way, Fang Chen asked about the situation of the little mouse. The latter was also at a loss, but only felt that there was a faint breath of gods and animals in the vagueness.

On the way to the depths of the valley, they encountered some bodies of fallen beasts, and the two put away Neidan.

A moment later, the two came to a small hill in Houshan.

The roar of the beast came from behind the hill.

Fang Chen and Jiekong stood on the hill, looking deep into the valley.

In the distance, densely packed, a piece of black pressure was creeping.

"What is that?" Fang Chen asked in surprise.

Everywhere was empty, his eyes widened, and he looked at the amazing scene in the distance.

After a long time, he said with a deep voice: "Ant Royal, there are actually Ant Royal in the animal park."

Hearing the sound of Jiekong, Fang Chen's heart shook.

The ant royal family, isn't it the race of the ant egg that I got before?

The royal family among the ant tribes, the most top and powerful race is the ant royal family.

The ant royal family is in God Realm and rarely appears.

However, once infested, they are in groups.

Fang Chen carefully stared at the dense ant royal family, and was shocked to find that the ant royal family at this time seemed to be biting a reminder of a huge beast.

"What kind of animal is that?"

Fang Chen and Jiekong glanced at each other, and instantly understood that the sound of the previous beast roar should have come from the bitten beast.

The bite of the beast is as big as a small hill.

It seemed injured, lying on the ground, struggling desperately.

However, the ant royal family is everywhere, crawling on it and biting hard.

The people of Ant Royal Family are terrible.

"All brothers, what should I do?" Fang Chen asked.

Faced with the ant royal family, they dare not have the slightest care.

Otherwise, once besieged by the ant royal family, even if it is a **** spirit realm, it will certainly die.

"The strength of these ant royal families is not strong, and there should be a leader nearby." Jie Kong Han said in a cold voice.

It has been determined that there should be an ant royal nest in the animal park.

Suddenly, a crazy thought flashed in Fang Chen's mind.

"Jie Kongkong, you said that these ant royal families were kept by the owner of the remains of Tenjin?" Fang Chen asked.

They all shook their heads and the master of the remains of the gods has fallen into endless years.

Even if the captive ant royalty is not the one in front of you.

"They should have come in from some place." All empty.

Suddenly, they were shocked in the hollow, and he looked at Fang Chen stunned.

"Don't ..."

In fact, at this time Fang Chen also thought of a possibility.

That is, the body of the gods and beasts in the beast garden is most likely given by the ant royal family.

If that's the case, it would be terrible.

"Brother Fang, let's leave this place as soon as possible." Jie Kong whispered.

He is a small god-man powerhouse, and he dare not provoke the ant royal family.


Fang Chen nodded and turned to leave.

However, their whereabouts were discovered by the ant royal family.

The members of the ant royal family, who are biting the beast, suddenly come to Fang Chen and Jiekong.

"Go away."

All empty, shocked, roared loudly, and the speed was increased to the extreme.

Fang Chen, who was running away, felt the shaking of the ant eggs in his body.

"There is movement? Is it because of the ant royal family?" Fang Chen said to himself.

The speed of ant egg shaking is getting faster and faster, and a trace of ant royal atmosphere is gradually released.

In the end, Ant Egg seemed to rush out of Fang Chen's body.

This scene made Fang Chen shocked.

It was at this time that the mythical beast that bleeds all over the body suddenly heard Fang Chen and Jiekong.

"You help me destroy the ant royal family, I will give you a big chance."

Wen Yan, Fang Chen and Fang Chen looked at each other.

"The ant royal family is too strong, we simply cannot destroy them."

Even if you are excited about the big chance, you can't take your own life, and you all immediately refused.

However, the **** beast seems to have known the reaction of the sky.

"I have a way for you to destroy the ant royal family." The beast continued to spread the voice.

"Then why don't you destroy it yourself?" Jie Kong still refused.

"My breath is weak and I can't exert my strength during the peak period, otherwise, I won't be bullied by the ant royal family. If you help me, I will give you the whole beast garden, and you will find out that there are things Worth it. "Divine Beast Road:" And, I have a way for you to destroy this group of ant royalty without any danger. "

"How do we believe your words? Also, if you want us to help, we will first lift our plight and then say it." All the empty faces and gloomy faces, like the tide-like royal family behind them, have already chased.

If you are not going out, you will definitely die.

"Did you see the blue stone steps beside me?" Said the beast, "This blue stone step contains the breath that my master left before his life. Although the breath has weakened a lot after the endless years, it is enough to deter the ant royal family. . "

"How do we know if what you are saying is true or false?" Jie Kong asked.

"My master was a beast master during his lifetime. This group of ant royals is a descendant of the ant royals he controlled. After the owner died, these ant royals rebelled. They always wanted to leave the orchard, but without success. Said the beast.

After hearing this, Fang Chen and Jiekong finally moved.

Unexpectedly, the master of the remains of Tenjin was a beast master before his life.

Moreover, it also controls a large number of ant royalty.

"It seems that the purpose of this **** should be to cultivate a real ant emperor." Fang Chen thought to himself.

"Brother Fang, what do you think?" Jie Kong asked.

The ant royal family behind him like a tide is close at hand and must make a decision.

Fang Chen spread his hand, what is the solution until now?

Moreover, from the depth of Fang Chen's heart, he also hopes to destroy these ant royalty.

In this case, maybe you can get the ant eggs you get, and you can hatch a member of the ant royal family.

"Okay, we promised you, I hope you don't lie to us."

All were empty.

Immediately, he clenched his fists and burst out with a fist.


Behind the large group of members of the ant royal family, was suddenly blown away by the terrifying air waves.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, both Kyo and Fang Chen's body flickered continuously, and in a blink of an eye, they came to the bluestone steps that the beast said.

The bluestone steps have three floors in total.

Just stepping on the bluestone steps, Fang Chen felt a force of terror.

This power is much stronger than the violent divine power outside.

"It seems that it did not deceive us." Fang Chen said.


A large number of members of the ant royal family came, but they did not dare to approach the bluestone steps.

For a time, the two sides confronted each other.

The ant egg in Fang Chen's body was beating quickly, and it seemed to break out.

"Let's say, is there any way to destroy these ant royal families." Jie Kong looked at the beast and asked.

The latter's head turned a bit, and immediately said in a hoarse voice: "The answer is on the bluestone steps. There are a total of three steps, and the first step can activate the brand left by the owner."

"The first layer of branding can only protect you from being approached by the ant royal family. The second layer of branding can already form a substantial attack against some weak and powerful beasts. The really powerful branding is on the third layer, if you two Able to step on the third floor and activate the brand left by the owner, you can wipe out the ant royal family. "Divine Beast Road.


Fang Chen and Jie Kong glanced at each other, no wonder they stepped on the bluestone stairs, feeling a little depressed.

"As for whether you can step on the third bluestone stairs, it depends on your ability." Shen Beast said lowly.

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