Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1687: Tenjin means

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Bluestone steps, I do not know what material is made, very hard.

Around the steps, the rich atmosphere surrounds, and many ant royalty can't get close.

After hearing the words of the Divine Beast, Fang Chen and Jiekong glanced at each other, and then said: "Brother Kongkong, what should I do?"

"I will try first."

After they were all empty, they stepped out and stepped on the second step.

At this time, his whole body flickered and seemed to be greatly resisted.

Fang Chen seemed to be very distressed after seeing Jie Kong's savage face.

However, Jie Kong has been insisting, and after a while his divine power gradually stabilized.

Fang Chen knew that Jie Kong had adapted to the pressure of the second floor, and the next step was to sprint to the third floor.

"All empty in the realm of God and Man, it is considered very strong. I don't know if I can step on the third step." Fang Chen thought to himself.


All I saw was a roar in the air, long hair fluttering, and the whole body's divine power surged instantaneously. Then he gritted his teeth and took this step.

With Jiekong's insistence, the first foot has stepped on the third bluestone steps.

However, his body was trembling and the pressure on him was doubled.

After holding on for a while, Jiekong's face was pale, and he quickly retreated to the first step.

"Jie Kongkong, are you okay?" Fang Chen hurriedly held up Jikong, asking with concern.

Jie Kong's face was pale, and he shook his head and said, "The pressure on the third step is too strong. I feel that Yuanshen will be squeezed. It seems that we can't step on the third step."

Jiekong was disappointed.

He underestimated the power of the bluestone steps, but did not expect the strongest power to erupt, and he still set foot on the third step.

"On the second step, you need strength. And on the third step, you need comprehensive understanding." Shenshen said.

"All empty brothers, let me try." Fang Chen said.

He has no divine protection, but he has a perfect sword body and golden heart.

Fang Chen always felt that he could succeed.

Jiekong knew Fang Chen's ability, and did not block it, but told him to be careful.

Fang Chen urged the perfect sword body, the rich sword energy, surrounding the whole body, forming a defensive armor.

He stepped out and stepped on the second step.

"So strong."

Fang Chen felt the strong pressure from the crowding around, and the sword-shaped runes on the surface of the skin flashed quickly, which could withstand the horrific pressure.

At the same time, the golden heart was beating rapidly.

After a moment, Fang Chen completely stabilized on the second step, and he began to try to impact the third step.

The third level of the test is a comprehensive understanding, so the defense requirements for the physical body will certainly not be too high.

Fang Chen has a perfect sword body protection, not worried at all.

He gently straddled a foot and stepped on the third step.


The rich martial arts breath instantly filled.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Budo breath wrapped Fang Chen's whole body, squeezing him.

However, at the same time, the golden heart was also beating rapidly.


Drops of golden liquid emerged from the heart.

In an instant, Fang Chen seemed to enter a state of epiphany.

He felt deep in the sea of ​​martial arts, full of martial arts breath.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and realized the breath of martial arts.

Seeing this, they were all overjoyed with empty faces.

"Really a mysterious guy."

The more you contact Fang Chen, the more you can feel that this guy is too mysterious.

Even if they are empty, they can't see through, and they can often do unexpected things.

Under the gaze of Jiekong, it lasted for half an hour.

Suddenly, the gentle breath of martial arts became wild and ravaged Fang Chen's body.

"not good."

All empty faces changed greatly, shouting loudly, wanting to wake Fang Chen.

But the latter seemed to be in a state of addiction and could not wake up at all.

"No, if you go on like this, Brother Fang's body is absolutely unbearable." Jie Kong was very worried and very anxious.

He turned to look at the beast and asked, "Is my brother in danger?"

"This boy is very sensible, he is feeling, you must not disturb him." There was a touch of joy in the voice of the **** beast.

Despite the saying of Shenshen, Jiekong was still worried about Fang Chen.

He stared closely at Fang Chen, and if something unexpected happened to the latter, he would take the first shot.

"I hope it's okay." All empty secretly prayed.

At the same time, Fang Chen stood on the third floor of the bluestone steps.

Deep in the ocean of martial arts, with the help of a golden heart, his cultivation practice is improving.

Rumble ...

Deafening sounds came from Fang Chen's body, and immediately they found out that the latter's breath was rapidly rising.


Everyone was overjoyed, waiting quietly.

It seems that Fang Chen is about to succeed.

Sure enough, after a short time, Chen Chen opened his eyes. In such a short period of time, he realized the cultivation experience left by the gods. Cultivation broke through two small levels in one fell swoop.

"So comfortable."

After waking up, Fang Chen still had some intentions. If he was given a period of time to practice again, the cultivation base would certainly rise.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.


At the moment when Fang Chen broke through, suddenly on the third floor of the bluestone steps, a ghost image appeared, breathing into the sky.

"this is……"

Fang Chen and Jie Kong stared at each other, and the injured beast was very excited.

"Master, is it really you?"

The appearance of this phantom caused many members of the ant royal family to retreat one after another. They felt tremor and panic.

"I knew that year, after I fell, the ant royal family will definitely betray, but fortunately I left behind." Xu Ying said lightly, he was a trace of remnant left by the gods.

call out……

The ghost's palm waved, and the whole bluestone tremble suddenly.

At the next moment, the ghost's body began to change. When the ghost turned into a fiery red ball, it finally stopped.

The densely packed ant royal family retreated crazy and wanted to leave this land of right and wrong.

However, it is too late.

The fiery red ball is the means left by the gods, and it is very scary.


The fiery red ball hit the ground fiercely.

Suddenly, the power of terror swept across the animal park.

Strangely, Fang Chen, who was standing on the bluestone steps, was empty, without any harm.

The invisible forces around the bluestone steps protect them.

Rumble ...

In just a few breaths, the entire beast garden turned into a ruin.

The ant royal family died completely, and the body was scattered in every corner of the animal park.

"What a terrible power."

All trembling in the hollow, if this powerful force is used to deal with them, it will be terrible.

After the shock, the animal park returned to calm.

The **** beast looked up to the sky and the ant royal family was finally completely destroyed. He was very happy.


Outside the animal park, in front of the light curtain.

The disciples of Wangkong Mountain crouching here suddenly felt a terrifying airflow and emerged from the light curtain.

"Go away."

The disciple standing at the forefront shouted in horror.

Huh ...

In a blink of an eye, all the disciples retreated. But even so, there are some weakened disciples of the Divine Realm who were beheaded by the terror stream.

The terrifying airflow also dissipated the violent divine power around, and everyone was very shocked.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"There has been so much movement in the animal park that the two thieves who wanted to kill Brother Shao Che have fallen."

"Are there treasures born in the beast garden?"

Many disciples have a lingering discussion.

The only disciple standing at the front was a somber face.

"All cheer me up, if someone comes out of the light curtain, be sure to capture me."

"Brother Brother Fang, we have so many disciples in Kongshan, are we afraid of those two debris?"

"That is, if they dare to come out, they will definitely die."

Most of the disciples of Wangkong Mountain are gathered here.

As the first disciple, he is also a strong man in the spiritual realm.

The Shaw Brothers have many friends in Wangkong Mountain, and they are the key disciples trained by Wangkong Mountain.

The death of Shao Che was a big loss for Wangkong Mountain.

Therefore, these two murderers must be beheaded in any case, otherwise, they will not be able to explain to the top of Mount Wangkong.

The disciples of Wangkong Mountain have surrounded the light curtain, and even mosquitoes can't fly.

They cast a net, waiting for the fish to hook.

"Dare to kill my disciples at Wangkong Mountain, really looking for death."

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