Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1688: Massive Netan

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Beast Park, on the bluestone steps.

Fang Chen and Jiekong were shocked to see the beast garden turned into ruins.

The last minute was still green, like a paradise.

After a minute, it turned into a devil hell. If it wasn't for your own eyes, you couldn't imagine what happened during this time.

It's too shocking. So many years after the death of Tenjin, the means left behind are still so powerful.

So many ant royalty, all were destroyed in an instant.

Boom Boom Boom!

When Fang Chen was shocked, Ant Egg struggled desperately, and finally broke out, turned into a streamer, and rushed into the pile of ant royal corpses.

"Huh? What is that?"

They all asked in doubt.

"Broker, that's an ant egg I accidentally got."

Even if Fang Chen doesn't say it, the **** beast can recognize it, it's better to say it directly.

"Ant Egg ..."

Jiekong stared at Fang Chen dumbfounded, and then gave a thumbs-up, said: "Brother Fang, I really can't see you more and more. You can even get something like Ant Egg?"

"Ant eggs absorb the power of the ant royal family's corpse, and they will soon come out of the shell. Brother Fang, you may be able to really cultivate a real ant emperor." Jerry continued.

The Divine Beast glanced at Ant Egg and turned to Fang Chen and Jiekong.

"My life is not much. I said that you helped me destroy the ant royal family, and I will give you a chance." The beast said with relief.

The ant royal family rebelled, the mythical beast was very angry, but no one could rival many descendants of the ant royal family.

Watching all the gods and beasts in the beast park, all were destroyed by the ant royal family, the gods and beasts were very angry, but they were helpless.

Now, the ant royal family is finally wiped out, and his obsession is also gone.

In an instant, the breath on the **** beast weakened a lot.

It seems to have reached the point where the lamp is dry.


The beast garden was shaking, and the beasts of the inner beast, broke out of the ground, suspended in mid-air.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was covered by the dense beast Neidan.

"This is the opportunity I gave you." The **** beast said weakly: "These inner dans were all taken out of the body of the **** beast once held in the beast garden by the owner. The role. "

"These inner dans are basically the inner dans within the third level." The beast drew two golden candid inner dans from his arms.

"These two inner dans are level four inner dans. You two each have one." The mythical beast threw out two golden candid inner dans, and Fang Chen and each empty one.

"Four-level Nedan."

The two looked at Jin Cancan's Neidan and were very excited.

The fourth-level inner pill, which is possessed by the **** beast level **** level, the power contained therein is very powerful.

The eyes of the Divine Beast fell on Fang Chen.

His face was full of smiles.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to wipe out all the traitors. You have great gratitude to my beast garden. I'm about to die. After I die, the inner pill in my body will belong to you." Shenbe said.

Of course, Kai Kong has no opinion.

After all, without Fang Chen, he could not step onto the third bluestone step.

A little carelessness, it is very likely to die here.

"Besides the beast garden, there are many human monks. You can go out after you practice."

As soon as the beast's voice fell, his body began to shed. His breath also quickly dissipated.

After a while, the mythical beast fell completely.

Fang Chen and Jiekong did not speak, and the air was filled with endless sadness.

call out……

Before the body of the mythical beast turned into dry bone, a black inner pill burst out and came to Fang Chen's chest, suspended quietly.

Among the black inner dan, it exudes vast power, and its appearance obscures the light of the fourth-level inner dan.

"This is ..." Fang Chen reached out his palm and held the black inner dan, suddenly a strong breath penetrated into the body.

Fang Chen was very shocked. This inner pill is at least a five-level inner pill.

"Congratulations, Fang, if I guess it's good, this inner pill is very likely to be a fifth-level inner pill." All the sides were empty, very excited.

According to the records, the color and the breath of this black inner dan are the same as those of the fifth-level inner dan.

In other words, this inner pill should be a fifth-level inner pill.

As for the beasts who sent them their chances before, the peak strength should be a divine situation.

Thinking of this, they all shook in the hollow.

Worthy of beast master, can actually control such a powerful god.

If you fight against the enemy, it is equivalent to two gods shooting together, which is very remarkable.

Fang Chen put away the black inner dan and looked at it all empty.

"Jie Kongkong brought me to the animal park, but I didn't expect the last big interest, but it was occupied by me." Fang Chen said a little embarrassedly.

They all emptied their hands, and without Fang Chen, they could not even get these gods and beasts Neidan.

"Brother Fang, what do you do, what is your role, I see it in my eyes." Jie Kong laughed.

Fang Chen smiled and said: "All brothers, what should we do next? The **** beast said before his death, there are a lot of human monks outside the beast garden, I think it should be the strong man of the sky."

The three words Wangkong Mountain frowned.

"As far as I know, among the disciples who have entered the Sky God Ruins this time, the strongest person should be a strong spirit realm. The others are some god-human realms, and there are disciples of the **** realm." : "Now, for us, the biggest threat is this powerful spirit realm."

"However, we don't have to worry, maybe we swallowed these **** beasts, and cultivated to be able to break through." Jie Kong hey smiled and said: "Anyway, we are not in a hurry, there is time."

Fang Chen also laughed at seeing Jiekong's wretched smile.

The densely packed Nedan in the sky was soon separated by the two.

There are 30,000 dandans in total, and 15,000 per person. There are seven thousand second-grade inner dans and three thousand five hundred per person. The third grade Nei Dan is relatively rare, with a total of 1,000, 500 per person.

The fourth grade Nei Dan, a total of two, has been separated.

As for the five-level Neidan, there is only one in Fang Chen's hands.

After finishing Neidan, they sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Fang Chen communicated with the little mouse, "You can take all these Nedans you need."

"Boss, I need level 4 inner dan and level 5 inner dan, you can devour other inner dan, it's good for you," the little mouse said.

Fang Chen nodded, without hesitation, handed the fourth-level inner Dan and the fifth-level inner Dan to the little mouse.

Then, sitting cross-legged, he began to absorb these inner dans.

According to the suggestion of the little mouse, the absorption of the inner beast of the beast needs to be done step by step.

First absorb the first grade Nei Dan, and then progress.

With a total of 15,000 first-class inner pill, Fang Chen began a long absorption process.

Hiss ...

Fang Chen's palm rested on a first-class inner pill.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and in a flash it absorbed the power of the first-class inner dan.


Fang Chen froze for a moment, and was immediately overjoyed.

The golden heart is interested in Nedan.

"Suck it, absorb it."

Next, Fang Chen began to absorb Neidan in large quantities.

In just one day, all 15,000 first-grade inner dans have been absorbed.

At this time, Jiekong only absorbed more than a thousand pieces.

Fang Chen's speed is completely empty.

All this is because of the golden heart.

After absorbing 15,000 inner pill, the golden heart has undergone obvious transformation.

Fang Chen continued to absorb the second-class Nedan.

Time is like running water, Fang Chen and Jiekong have entered a long practice.

Outside the beast garden, the disciples of Wangkong Mountain have been waiting.

Some disciples with impatience even want to rush into the animal park.

"Brother, it's not a way to wait like this. They know that Brother Shao Peng is not dead. We hope that Kongkong Mountain will come to retaliate. I'm afraid they won't dare to come out?

"There is also a possibility that there are other ways to go out in the animal park. Maybe they left the animal park long ago."

"Yeah, we can't wait. There are inheritances everywhere in the ruins of the gods. If the disciples of other sects get ahead first, we will come in."

"When it's time to fight together, we look to Kongshan to lose."

In order to be eligible to enter the Lotus Mountain, and even marry Xingyue, a disciple of Ripple Tenjin, they are desperate.

"Waiting for three days, if there is no movement, rush in." The headed Wangkongshan disciple said indifferently, without expression.

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