Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1689: Sword Master Destruction

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Three days later, the golden heart has absorbed all the inner dan.

Fang Chen opened his eyes and glanced at the empty space beside him. In front of him, there was still a lot of Neidan.

I have to sigh that the speed of absorption of the golden heart is indeed very fast.

"The golden heart seems to have changed."

Fang Chen stared carefully, and found that the golden heart seemed to be bigger.

Moreover, a bright spot appeared in the center of the golden heart.

"What is this bright spot?" Fang Chen was puzzled.


Suddenly, the breath inside the golden heart turned wildly.

In an instant, Fang Chen's eyes were blurred, as if he had fallen into an illusion.

A thunderous thunderous voice came into his mind, and the Yuanshen was shaking.

"The destruction of the sword master should have the power to destroy the world."

A short sentence contains a trembling breath.

It seems to be coming from another time span across endless time and space.

As soon as this sentence came out, the sky of the animal garden changed.

In a blink of an eye, dark clouds spread across the sky.

The sound of thunder sounded through the sky.

Fang Chen in shock, felt the air, full of unheard killing intent.

"The destruction of the sword master should have the power to destroy the world."

Fang Chen said this in his mouth.

The whole world seems to contain a breath of destruction.

Fang Chen stood above a ruin, looking down.

"Is this the universe? The universe after the Great Destruction?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened and asked in doubt.

At this moment, he saw the great destruction of the universe.

The entire universe, all creatures, made a miserable cry.

Breath of destruction swept over.


This is destruction, which is terrifying.


Fang Chen's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he came out of the illusion instantly.

In his heart, he was afraid after a while, and his heart was palpable.

"Is that just an illusion? It's terrible."

Although I only glanced at the great destruction of the universe, Fang Chen's heart was very shocked.

He seems to know something about the word destruction.

"Is it really the great destruction of the universe?" Fang Chen asked to himself.

However, he quickly denied it.

That should not be the real destruction of the universe, but the golden heart turned out to help you understand the word destruction.

Is the ultimate of the golden heart the destruction code?

The order of the universe is built from six rules and countless laws.

The six rules are unique and govern the operation of the universe.

Time, space, destruction, creation, destiny, reincarnation.

These six rules, with Fang Chen's current strength, cannot be fully understood.

However, he knew that the word destruction in the destruction of the sword master definitely did not refer to the rules of destruction.

Go beyond the rules of destruction and go to the ultimate destruction?

What is the ultimate ruin? Is it creation? Is it a freshman?

For a time, countless doubts emerged in Fang Chen's mind.

However, he also knew that he could not digest this information in a short time and he needed calm.

The light spot in the golden heart exudes a soft light.

Fang Chen's body is being slowly changed.

"What do you mean by the destruction of the sword master?"

Fang Chen was talking in his mouth. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, and immediately he widened his eyes and looked at the golden heart in disbelief.

"Don't ..."

Fang Chen thought of something.

The master of the golden heart, in this world, has a total of six heirs.

And he is just one of the six heirs. Just after the golden heart transformed, he issued the sentence of destruction of the sword master.

Does it mean that you are the heir to destruction together?

The other five successors correspond to the five rules.

The more I think, the more incredible I feel.

The owner of the golden heart, too powerful? Is he the true **** of legends?

Six heirs, six rules.

And the inheritance he accepted was to destroy the inheritance.

Fang Chen gradually straightened out the misunderstandings in his mind, and his heart was extremely shaken.

"One day, I will meet the other five successors. But before that, I must become stronger." Fang Chen clenched his fists and secretly said.

This time the transformation of the golden heart brought great pressure to Fang Chen.

However, Fang Chen also understood the future direction of his sword.

Sword master destruction, there should be the power of extinction.

Although this sentence is simple, it has given Fang Chen a good path.

What he cultivates is the destruction of swordsmanship, then he should take the destruction.

"If you can understand the rules of destruction, Kendo's sentiment will definitely increase rapidly." Fang Chen said secretly.

Fang Chen pondered that the mouse had changed a lot.

After devouring the fourth-level inner dan and the fifth-level inner dan, the Devouring Rat began to metamorphose.

The little mouse has already reached the ancient realm. According to Fang Chen's guess, this time of transformation should be able to become a **** beast.

"I don't know what power the Sky Devouring Rat will have if it reaches the God Realm?" Fang Chen was looking forward to it.

At the same time, he also protects the mouse.

The whole body of the little mouse was purple shiny.

In my mind, the inherited memories flickered, and obscure inherited memories appeared in the mouse's head.


While protecting the little mouse and the sky, Fang Chen felt that the light curtain of the animal garden was shaking.

"Someone is attacking the light curtain?"

Fang Chen blinked, his eyes staring straight at the exit of the animal park.

"It seems that the disciples of Wangkong Mountain can't sit still." Fang Chen said secretly: "Unless the disciples of the Wangkong Mountain have a superior-level formation master, otherwise, it is impossible to break the formation in a short time."

As an extraordinary level mage, he is very clear about the formation hidden in the light curtain.

If you want to break open with power, even the strongest of the spirit realm can't do it.

He was not worried at all.


On the top of Lotus Hill, on the bluestone.

Xingyue will spend some time every day to come here and overlook the entire lotus mountain.

Unconsciously, this has become her habit.

After learning that Fang Chen entered the remains of Tianshen, Xingyue would come every day.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Chen." Xingyue muttered to himself.

She could feel that Fang Chen should not be in danger.

However, she was still worried.

"Yue'er, quickly come to the Lotus Temple."

A gentle voice came into Xingyue's mind.

This is Master Ripple Tenjin calling her, Xingyue quickly turned around and walked towards the Lotus Temple.

Soon, he came to the Lotus Temple.


Xingyue saw a white robe in addition to Master Ripple Tenjin in the Lotus Hall.

The white robe looked at Xingyue with a smile.

"It's so strong, it shouldn't be weaker than Master." Xingyue felt great pressure.

"Yue'er, let me introduce to you, this is Panyue War Immortal." Rianyi Tianshen introduced.

Although he didn't know Panyue Zhanxian, Xingyue greeted him respectfully: "Younger Xingyue, meet senior Panyue Zhanxian."

"Hahaha, yes, ripple you this time but received a good apprentice." Baipao Ren Panyue Zhanxian said with a smile.

"Panyue, you don't need to sell the key anymore, just tell me anything." Ripple Tianshen Road.

Panyue Zhanxian is old with her and has a good relationship.

This time, Panxian War Immortal came to her and asked what was happening, but refused to say that he had to see his disciple Xingyue.

"Ripple, in fact, the purpose of my coming, you guessed it when I wanted to come. I'm proposing for my incompetent apprentice." Pan Yue Zhanxian smiled.

Hearing the words, Xingyue was a little stunned, and soon felt a little nervous in his heart.

The strength of Panyue Zhanxian is not weaker than that of Master.

He came to pray for his disciples. What if the master agreed?

Xingyue's eyes stared straight at Ripple Tenjin, waiting for Master's reply.

"Panyue, if it's usual, if you come to beg for marriage, I will definitely agree with you." Ripple Tenjin thought and replied: "However, you also know that I have released the news, and the remains of Tenjin are on. If at this time I Promise you, didn't you offend all forces in the Far East at the same time? "

Panyue Battle Immortal seemed to know that Ripples Tenjin would answer this, shook his head and said, "Of course I know this, and I will not embarrass you. My disciple has been closed, and after leaving the border, the remains of the gods have been closed. Looking for you, I want to make you acquainted. Let my disciple step directly into the lotus mountain and fight against those arrogance coming out of the remains of the god. "

"As for whether he can get your eyes, it depends on his ability." Panyue Zhanxian said.

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