Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1797: Three

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Luotiandu is very strong, and it is a rival for its work.

After he briefly fought with Fang Chen, he felt the strength of his strength, and he would not be able to defeat it at all for a while.

Even if you try your best, it will eventually be a victory.

At that time, it will have a great influence on getting the treasure.

Therefore, he made peace with Fang Chen. Temporarily do not interfere with each other, and wait until everything enters the 130th floor.

Fang Chen did not have much objection to this, he also sat cross-legged and began to understand.

Genius, the reason why it is genius, is that it can crush opponents in all aspects.

Only a strong man who despairs his opponent can be called a genius.

Luotiandu is known as a genius, but in front of Fang Chen, he really knows what a genius is.

Perhaps because of the golden heart, Fang Chen's perception of basic martial arts is very profound.

Although it has just entered the second level, it is always improving.

In this layer of space, Fang Chen only stepped out and disappeared on this layer after only a day of enlightenment.

In this scene, the face of Luo Tiandu changed suddenly.

"Did he enter the 130th floor?"

Luo Tiandu's heart is full of unwillingness.

At the same time, the other party is full of hate.

"The treasure is mine, no one can take it away."

Luo Tian shouted angrily, his fists clenched, and hit the ground violently, suddenly a big pit was smashed by him.

"The 130th floor, I have to enter." In the mind of the falling sky, the breath of basic martial arts instantly diffused.

His eyes were scarlet, as if in a state of madness.

However, it was his state like a madness, but by chance, he successfully opened the 130th floor of the door.

"Boy, I will let you know what real despair is."

The falling sky flashed into the 130th floor.

The True Dragon Pagoda, within 130 floors.

Fang Chen is communicating with Taling, "Senior Taling, don't know if you can give me Dragon Ball?"

Taring nodded, just took out Dragon Ball, suddenly his face changed a bit, and then said: "Your competitor is here."

After Ta Ling finished, the figure of the falling sky quickly came to Fang Chen.

"The treasure is mine, you are not qualified to **** it with me." Luo Tiandu said coldly.

Fang Chen frowned. He didn't expect this to fall into the sky, so he came to the 130th floor so quickly.

It seems that a war is inevitable.

"If you want treasure, it depends on whether you have that skill."

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword and slammed it toward Luotiandu.

The latter naturally knew that Fang Chen's swordsmanship was so powerful, he hurriedly dodge, and at the same time took out his own long sword of the **** artifact and exhibited the peculiar skill of Nanling Sword Palace.

"Boy, I'm going to break you to pieces."

The sky is full of anger and roar, the whole body breath, full of extreme.

His body, like a sharp sword, was inserted horizontally on the ground, giving an extremely shocking feeling.

"Nanling lore technique."

Luo Tian shouted and exhibited another sword technique in Nanling Sword Palace.

The Nanling lore technique is a sword technique with a sword on the front.

The most important feature of this swordsmanship is its erraticness, but it is the perfect swordsmanship for assassination.

When the Nanling lore technique was on display, the figure of the falling sky disappeared into the void instantly.

Only a terrifying sword light appeared suddenly from the void.

"Superb swordsmanship."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh. If he had an understanding of Kendo, Nanling Sword Palace was the first.

This sky is just a disciple of the inner palace of the Nanling sword palace. What if the elders of the inner palace of the Nanling sword palace? There is also the legendary master of the Nanling Sword Palace, known as the Swordless Emperor. How strong is his strength?

Fang Chen didn't dare to think about it. Those who wait for the strong, they can't get in touch for the time being.

Space Time Book!

The best way to deal with the Nanling lore technique is the space-time book.

The time and space cultivation system was put on display, and Fang Chen's figure was instantly hidden.

"Play hide with me?"

Fang Chen sneered. Time and Space is the originator of this aspect. The swordsmanship that falls everywhere is unmatched.

Sure enough, Fang Chen's trace was lost in the attacking sky, and his face became gloomy again.

"This is another trick."

Falling into the sky cursed, and at the same time the speed of the sword in his hand became faster and faster.

He wanted to use violent attacks to force the opponent out.

But obviously, he still underestimated Fang Chen's strength.

"Taiwan refining the magic formula."

After finding the right time, Fang Chen displayed the five swordsmanship of Taikoo Refining God's tactics in one breath.

Suddenly, the color of the world changed, and the atmosphere in the entire 130th floor became extremely dignified.

Even after seeing these five sword moves, Taring was exclaimed.

"This is not easy."

Although the Taling didn't know Taigu Refining God's Secret, but from his perspective, this swordsmanship was too mysterious.

Compared with the swordsmanship of Nanling Sword Palace, I do not know how many times stronger.

"I didn't expect this cosmic era, there was such a wicked genius." Ta inspiration sighed.

When Taring said to himself, the battle was divided.


The five great sword moves turned into five distinct atmospheres, and finally merged into one, turned into a horrible sword light, and shot towards Luotiandu.

"Do not……"

Luo Tian felt fear and shouted loudly.

At the same time, his figure receded quickly.


There is almost no resistance to it, and the swordsmanship that is displayed in the falling sky is instantly crushed.


When Jianguang struck Luotiandu, the latter's body suddenly flew away.


Directly smashed the ground out of a big pit.

Thump ...

Luo Tian vomited blood, his face pale.

"who are you?"

Luo Tian asked coldly.

This person's strength is close to the brother. It is absolutely impossible to be anonymous in the extreme south.

The only explanation is that this person hides his appearance.

"There is no strong man like you in the younger generation." Luo Tiandu stood up and continued: "Are you Jianyu or Jianhe?"

These two in the mouth of Luotiandu are the strongest in sword repair in the extreme south.

In the heaven of God, it is almost invincible.

And they are all strong men of the older generation, who have lived forever. Even if the masters meet them, they should be afraid of three points.

Falling into the sky all determined that the person in front of him must be Jianshou or someone in Jianhe. The reason why he is easy to face is that he doesn't want to tear his face completely with Nanling Sword Palace.

After all, Nanling Sword Palace is one of the top seven forces of God Realm.

"No." Fang Chen said directly.

The sky shook his head suddenly and said, "Impossible."

He didn't believe Fang Chen's words, but Fang Chen didn't care.

Falling into the sky is nothing more than a defeat of his men.

Luo Tian also realized that he had lost his gaze. He stared at Fang Chen, his expression a little complicated. Finally, coldly said: "Offend me Nanling Jian Palace, you will not have a good ending."

Let's just say, the whole body falling into the sky, blood mist spewing.

He cast a kind of escape technique similar to blood escape, and left the true dragon holy tower.


Taring's voice suddenly appeared.

"You are this cosmic era. I have seen the most talented young generation. Especially your perception of Kendo, which shocked me too. As if you were born for a sword, I really did not expect that there is such a demon man of."

After watching the battle just now, Ta Ling also admired Chen Chen very much.

Taring dare to assert that in the future God Realm, there must be a place for this person.

Especially his achievements in swordsmanship may surpass the swordless emperor of the Mausoleum in Vietnam.

Wow! 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

With the third one in hand, Fang Chen was overjoyed.

"I can feel that the first two dragon **** have also been obtained by you. Take these three dragon **** and go to the last real dragon holy tower, and step on the top floor, you will get the real dragon blood." Taring said.

"Thank you Senior Taling." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

Ta Ling waved his hand: "You should n’t be too happy. Although you got three dragon balls, whether you can get the blood of the real dragon is a difficult problem. Furthermore, it ’s not only you who entered the real dragon treasure this time. One person. There are a few enemies in the last true dragon holy tower. "

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, it seems that the enemy that Ta Ling said should be said to be the master of the inner palace of the Nanling Sword Palace.

The same basic martial arts sentiment reached the second level, its strength was stronger than that of the sky, and it had a half-step **** king Xiu Wei's evil strong.

Fang Chen took a deep breath and left the third True Dragon Pagoda.

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