Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1798: A word from heaven

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For Fang Chen, defeating Luo Tian is nothing.

After all, he is a disciple of the ancient **** of the universe.

Moreover, it also devoured the power of the other four heirs. In this way, he inherited five inheritances. As long as the last person is beheaded, he can get the most complete inheritance of kendo.

Although cultivation is only a realm of gods, it is also difficult to find opponents in the realm of gods.

Although the sky is strong, after all, there are still some gaps with Fang Chen.

After leaving the third true dragon holy tower, Fang Chen quickly rushed to the fourth true dragon holy tower.

I thought I could enter the tower smoothly, but I encountered some troubles.

"this is?"

The dark eyes stared at the fourth True Dragon Saint Tower. Fang Chen's face was a little dignified.

Into the Saint-level formation, before the Dragon Dragon Tower, actually surrounded by a Saint-level formation.

"Boy, offend my Nanling sword palace, you are also dreaming of getting real dragon blood, really dreaming." Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Fang Chen looked up, and suddenly found that the falling sky shouted within the formation.

"Just the dog of the bereavement."

Fang Chen sneered, the person who arranged the formation was obviously a master of the formation.

It seems that after falling into the sky and being defeated by himself, the embarrassed fled and came to this true dragon holy tower, asking for the disciples of the Nanling Sword Palace.

"Senior Brother Luo, is this the person you are talking about?" A disciple who exudes a breath of air, asked in a low voice.

"Yes, this is the person. Brother Yao, don't underestimate this person, he is also a saint-level formation mage." Luo Tiandu said: "At the moment the master is at the moment, he can't deal with this person. We must prevent this person from entering the True Dragon Sanctuary. This heavy duty will be left to you. "

Luo Tiandu gently patted the person on the shoulder, Shen Sheng said.

This man is called Yao Zhen, and his cultivation base is not strong, but he has a very high status in the Nanling Sword Palace.

His attainments on the battlefield, even the elders of the inner palace, were quite shocked.

Of the disciples in the inner palace, only three had been summoned by Godless Sword Emperor. In addition to the elder brother and Luo Tiandu, it is him.

He was the only one who was summoned by the Wujian Divine Emperor as an array mage.

You know, Wujian Divine Emperor is the most powerful in God Realm.

Looking at the whole God Realm, there are only a few that can be compared with it.

Being able to be summoned by Wujian Divine Emperor is enough to prove their infinite potential.

Both Luo Tiandu and Fang Chen were hit hard and have not yet fully recovered.

Therefore, he found Yao Zhen and let him use the saint-level formation to resist this man's footsteps.

"Senior Brother Luo, don't worry, I also want to compete with the line masters."

After all, Yao Zhen's palm waved, and suddenly a wild breath filled him.

The whole Dragon Dragon Tower is completely wrapped in the Holy Rank Formation.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes and stared at the formation.

"This formation is quite magical."

Fang Chen is also a saint-level formation mage, but at the moment a terrified discovery. The formation arranged by Yao Zhen actually has something that he cannot understand.

"Boy, if you want to enter the True Dragon Saint's Tower, break through my formation first."

Rumble ...

In an instant, the monstrous atmosphere breathed Fang Chen.


Lower bound.

The human race unified the lower boundary, and the three protoss reached a consensus decision with the human race holy land to jointly manage the lower boundary.

The lower bound has entered a period of rapid development and is peaceful.

Among them, the most striking one is Green Bamboo Island.

Lvzhu Island is the only one with more popularity than the four holy places.

The dream of every warrior is to join the Green Bamboo Island.

However, because the status of Lvzhu Island is detached, it is very difficult to join Lvzhu Island.

On the Green Bamboo Island, the strong are like clouds.

Hei Tianzun, Yinyue Island, Saint Village, as well as Emperor Zisu and others.

In short, countless powerful people like to live in seclusion on Lvzhu Island.

The present owner of the Green Bamboo Island was the deputy island leader of Yinfang.

Yin Fang is also a strong man in life and death, and he has a very high status in the lower realm.

The forces of Lvzhu Island spread all over the lower bound and have been developing prosperously.

An island very far away from Green Bamboo Island.

This island is an unnamed island.

On the island, there are two old guys in life and death.

"Boy, ask you again, do you agree with our request?"

The old man in a gray shirt asked coldly, with some anger in his words.

"Boy, now in the lower realm, the strength of the two of us is enough to rank in the top ten of the universe. It is your luck to worship us as a teacher. Is your boy not agreeing?" The old man in blue shirt said.

The young warrior imprisoned on the island is Fang Chen's disciple Tian Xin.

Tianxin's potential is strong, and he is Fang Chen's apprentice.

Therefore, it has received a lot of attention in the lower realm, but Tianxin does not want to use Master's network to practice. So the incognito is far away from the Green Bamboo Island.

However, he accidentally fell into this island.

According to the words of these two old men, they slept for thousands of years, and only recently did they wake up completely.

After they found Tianxin, the first reaction was to accept the students, and they were very happy.

The two of them are the pinnacles of life and death, and they can see the extraordinaryness of Tianxin at a glance.

However, Tianxin did not agree with anything, and said how powerful his master is. In short, he looked down on the two old men.

This made the two old men very angry.

"We have no patience. If you don't agree, you can only beheaded." The old man in gray said.

Tianxin was very stubborn and said, "My Master, has entered the God Realm, and you can only play prestige in the lower realm."

"You ..." The old man in the blue shirt glanced at Tianxin and said: "Do you believe me, dare to kill you?"

"Humph, kill me, you guys also want to live." Tianxin said without fear.

"It's ridiculous. There is almost no threat to us from the lower realm." The old man in gray shirt said with a smile: "Besides, they will not fight against us for a weak warrior."

Tianxin was silent.

"Lao Lan, what do you say?" The old man in gray shirt asked.

"What can be done, beheaded him," the old man in blue shirt said.

"However, it is easy to find such a seedling, are you willing to give up?" The old man in gray shirt said slightly.

"How can that be?" The old man in blue finished his thoughts, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind. Then he looked at Tianxin and said: "Boy, you keep saying how powerful your master is, how strong are your green bamboo islands? It is better to fight How about a bet? "

"What bet?" Tianxin asked.

"We can remove the shackles from you and allow you to communicate with the outside world. If you come to the rescue and are run away by the two of us, you will be our apprentice." The old man in blue said with a smile.

"Yes, this method is good."

Sleeping for thousands of years, I just woke up and was very strange to the lower realm.

The two didn't even know about the so-called Green Bamboo Island, but they felt that there was a strong man in the lower realm.

"Good." Tian Xin said.

Immediately, the two old men removed the shackles of Tianxin.

Tianxin immediately went back to Lvzhu Island.


Green Bamboo Island.

The island's leader Fang is discussing some cooperation with a certain powerful leader.

Suddenly, the communication Yu Pei sounded.

"Tianxin, this kid, finally knows to send me a message." Yin Fang said with a smile.

However, after listening to the content of the summons, he suddenly exuded a terrible atmosphere.

Click ...

The Yu Pei was summoned and crushed directly.

His face was cold, his figure flashed, and he immediately appeared over the green bamboo island.


The sound of bells ringing through the green bamboo island.

Huh ...

One figure after another appeared.

Hei Tianzun, Emperor Zisu, Emperor Demon Sword Emperor, Bi Qingqing, Princess Xin, many powerful men in Yinyue Island, and the soldiers of Saint Village.

"Master Yinfang Island, what happened?"

"Yes, Lord Fang Island, you are so anxious for us, what the **** is going on?"

Almost all the powerful people who lived on Lvzhu Island were here.

They were very polite to Yin Fang and wondered what was the matter, which made Yin Fang so disoriented.

"Tianxin was hijacked." 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o


Suddenly, the entire Green Bamboo Island was in an uproar.

Many strong men are very angry.

"No matter who it is, he must be paid."

Soon, the news reached the Luo Holy Land.

The goddess Luo Liuli and the Lord of the Luo tribe immediately led all the powerful Luo tribes to leave.

Invisible, Tianxin's words spurred the lower realm.

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