Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1814: Somehow lying gun

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The archaic refining magic tactics displayed by Fang Chen made the broken armor men feel extremely familiar.

He could never forget that the **** guy had suppressed him here and almost fell.

"Although the breath is different, the moves are almost the same, it must be a group of people."

The broken armored man thought secretly in his mind, and his heart was burning with anger.

"God has eyes, let me meet you and get revenge."

During the talk, the breath of the man in the broken armor suddenly became sharper.

The spear in his hand is a top-grade god, and his power is very powerful.

call out……

Within the spear, a powerful light burst out and shot straight towards Fang Chen.

"Space fluctuations?"

Fang Chen frowned. He felt that this person's attack contained the power of the rules of space. When the spear pierced out, it was unclear.

If you change to someone else, it is difficult to avoid it.

However, Fang Chen is different.

First of all, he is proficient in the rules of time and space and has a high level of accomplishment.

Secondly, he is a warrior of the space-time repair system. He is too familiar with space fluctuations.

Therefore, when he sensed that the spear was attacking, he jumped forward and displayed the space-time book without hesitation.

Thump ...

The spear carried the power of terror and stabbed Fang Chen severely.


The broken armored man laughed wildly, increased his strength, his wrists were shaken, and his lance was stirred vigorously.

However, at this moment, Fang Chen, who was stabbed by a spear, gradually collapsed into the void.

Upon seeing this, the face of the man in the broken armor changed greatly and exclaimed: "Impossible."

The spearmanship he practiced contained space rules, and he studied the endless years, knowing the rules of space well.

The shot he stabbed first sealed off the surrounding space. Even the **** king realm, without knowing it, would never want to escape.

Right now, Fang Chen's figure actually disappeared.

His primordial spirit spread, covering the whole land in an instant, looking carefully.

Suddenly, his heart was even more horrified. Because he discovered that he could not find Fang Chen's trace.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

The first is that Fang Chen has a special method that can break through the space blockade, and has long since gone away.

The second is that he is still hiding in this neighborhood, but he can't detect it.

The broken armored man shook his head hard, his eyes showing shock.

Holding a spear in his hand, he stood in the void, exuding a terrible breath.

"Do you break the space blockade?"

He preferred to believe that this person could break the space blockade, rather than to believe that he was still hiding nearby.

"Huh, I thought I wouldn't be able to escape you?"

The broken gauntlet's eyes looked at Xingyue sensibly.


He snorted, his wrists jerked, and his spear pierced again, trying to suppress Xingyue, to force Fang Chen to appear.

Thump ...

Suddenly, a terrifying sword spirit appeared in the void, followed by Fang Chen's figure, and with his sword, Taikoo Refining God's Secret was again displayed.


The five swords came out together, and immediately attacked the long armor of the broken armored man, resisting it.

Pedal Pedal!

Unexpectedly, the body of the broken armored man continued to retreat and landed on the ground.

Finally, his face was somber, and his dark eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"I didn't expect that your attainments in space are so strong."

After a long time, the man with broken armor spoke.

To be honest, he also had to admire the hidden technique of the person in front of him.

However, they are enemies and never die.

"Who the **** are you and why did you attack us?" Fang Chen asked. "If we come here in a hurry and disturb you, I apologize here."

The broken armored man heard the words, grinning, and immediately said: "Who I am is not important, as long as you know, we are the enemy."

"Enemies? We have never met each other, how come hatred?" Fang Chen asked.

"Huh, I pretend to be less in front of me. If I weren't your gang, how could I be suppressed for tens of thousands of years, and even almost die?" The man with broken armor sneered: "I vowed , If you do not report this hatred, you will not be a person. "

"Our group of people?" Fang Chen was even more puzzled. Who did he consider himself?

"Although I don't know you, but your attacking style is exactly the same as that person. I will not forget even if I die." The broken armored man continued, his words full of coldness, eyes Staring sharply at Fang Chen.

Holding the spear tightly in the palm of your hand, the whole body breath appeared, ready to shoot at any time.

"Attack moves are exactly the same?"

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was stunned, he thought of a possibility.

"I just played the Taigu refining magic formula myself, and this person said that the mysterious person who suppressed him at that time was exactly the same as his attack. Is it that the person is the descendant of the six great heirs?" Fang Chen's mind, Thinking quickly.

Other descendants were killed by the descendants of the creation department.

The heir to the creation department was also killed by himself.

So far, among the six great heirs, only he and the heirs of the destiny are left.

Attacks that are exactly the same as their Taikoo Refining God's tactics can only be passed down by fate.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen shook his hand and shrugged helplessly.

Want to come, this person should be misunderstood.

His strength is extremely strong, even if Fang Chen's full shot is tied at most.

There is no injustice, no need to provoke such a strong enemy.

"I think you should have misunderstood." Fang Chen said with a smile.

"Misunderstanding? Impossible."

The broken armored man said coldly that he didn't believe the ghost words of the people in front of him. He was ready to shoot in his speech, but was blocked by Fang Chen.

"While you listen to me, are you deciding whether to shoot? Okay?" Fang Chen asked.

The broken armored man's eyes flickered and he stopped attacking. He waited for tens of thousands of years and was not in a hurry. He wants to see what tricks this guy can play?

Fang Chen organized the language, and then slowly said: "You are right, suppressing your mysterious person, exactly the same as my attack. I do not deny this. But we are not a group of people."

Fang Chen raised his palm and motioned for the man in the broken armor to be quiet.

Then I continued: "Once, I got a strong swordsmanship inheritance. This inheritance has a total of six copies. It is called six inheritances, and each inheritance corresponds to a rule. In addition to me, five people get Inheritance. What I get is Destruction Lineage, but the price we get is to kill each other until we can annex the power of the other five heirs to get the most complete inheritance. "

"Before that, I met the descendants of the creative department, fought against it, and finally beheaded it. In the process of absorbing his energy, I found that he had three distinct forces in his body. That is to say, at present So far, the only six heirs are me and the fate. He and I have never met him, but there will be a battle after all. In this way, we are actually friends. "Fang Chen said with a smile.

"Is the enemy's enemy not friends?"

Fang Chen looked at the broken armored man with a smile.

The broken armored man's eyes flickered and stared at Fang Chen. He was observing whether the latter was lying.

Fang Chen spread his hand and continued: "Do you think I have to lie? If I really want to fight, my wife and I join forces, you may not be our opponent. The reason to explain to you is that I don't want to be with someone for no reason Enmity only. "

Having said this, Fang Chen no longer ignored the broken armored man and walked to Xingyue.

"Are you all right?" Fang Chen asked softly.

Xingyue shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

"What you said is true?" The man in the broken armor changed his face and asked lowly.

"True and false, doesn't your heart already have an answer?" Fang Chen grinned.

The broken armored man thought for a moment, and finally put away his spear, and said in a low voice: "I will temporarily believe what you said, if I find you deceived me, even if I chase the horizon, I will kill you."

In fact, there is another reason besides what Fang Chen said.

He just woke up, his strength was not fully restored, and he didn't want to go all out.

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