Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1816: One-eyed dedication

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The ore like Fengyuan stone itself is something that can be encountered but not sought.

Unexpectedly encountered here, Fang Chen is also a bit stunned. But after a short period of consternation, it was ecstatic.

At the time of the lower realm, he cultivated his own soul with his sword, and his level of soul repair was gradually improved.

All along, the soul repair identity has helped him solve a lot of troubles, and it is also a big killer.

However, after coming to God Realm, he has been busy raising his own realm, and seems to ignore Soul cultivation.

The promotion of Yuanshen also relies on the promotion of realm and strength to promote the promotion, without deliberately practicing.

In this way, Soul Repair was almost forgotten by Fang Chen.

But now, in Fang Chen's heart, the flames were ignited again.

With this Fengyuan stone, the promotion of Yuanshen will come naturally, and the level of Soul Repair will inevitably be able to be quickly upgraded.

Huh ...

Take a deep breath and try hard to suppress the inner excitement.

Fang Chen sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "It is not yet a time to be happy, first help Yueer mine enough Fengming stone, and then mine Fengyuan stone for his own use.

After all, is there any strongman found here, do not know, it is unsafe anyway.

Fang Chen intends to mine back first, and then use it slowly.

"You mine Fengming stone, I will mine Fengyuan stone." Fang Chen said to the four guys.

"no problem."

The little mouse took Xiao Huang with them and quickly went to mine Fengming stone.

And Fang Chen is carefully mining Fengyuan stone.

In his mind, a lot of information about Fengyuan Stone emerged.

Fengyuan stone is different from Fengming stone, which contains some special powers about Yuanshen.

Therefore, although Fengyuan stone is an ore, it is actually very fragile.

Once broken, the internal special forces will collapse, in which case, Fengyuan Stone will have no value.

Therefore, Fang Chen must use special methods to mine Fengyuan stone.

Crunch ...

Holding the Xingyin sword in his hand, the golden heart was beating, and the golden liquid completely poured into the Xingyin sword, and finally gathered on the tip of the sword.

Fang Chen used the Star Hidden Sword to draw a trace on the white ore, and then carefully took out the cut block.

The first mining was very laborious. It took half an hour to mine a piece of Fengyuan stone.

Looking at the milky white Fengyuan stone in his palm, Fang Chen was extremely excited.

"carry on."

With the first experience, the next mining is obviously more proficient.

Time is passing, Xingyue has been absorbing the power in Fengming Stone.

Finally, half a month later.


Inside the mine veins, a deafening sound sounded, and Fang Chen was immediately alarmed.


Fang Chen was almost the first time, came to the retreat of Xingyue.

At this time, Xingyue, the whole body is full of the power of the phoenix to the extreme. Behind her head, there seems to be a vague phoenix dancing vaguely.

"So strong."

Fang Chen's heart shook, and the breath from Xingyue's body made him feel oppressed.

"Are you going to break through?"

Fang Chen was a little excited. Xingyue was already in the heavenly realm, and in the future it was the true god.

However, it turns out that Fang Chen thinks too much.

Even Xingyue and other evil talents, it is very difficult to break through to the real **** realm in a short time.

The vast God Realm, the number of people practicing is trillions, but most of their lives are trapped in the God Realm.

There is an insurmountable gap between the gods and the true gods.

The true **** strongman, already regarded as the upper class strongman in the **** realm, especially the **** emperor realm strongman, has already stood on the most top pyramid of the **** realm.

This is why, since the endless years, there are only so many reasons for the true God of God Realm.

Hiss ...

Soon, Xingyue's powerful breath dissipated quickly.


Xingyue opened her beautiful eyes, and a phoenix stone in her palm instantly turned into powder.

At this time, Xingyue stood up, with a fiery red phoenix in his eyes, soaring his wings.

Fang Chen's heart shook, and since Xuanyin Phoenix was awakened, Xingyue's cultivation behavior became more and more unfathomable.

He even thought that if he didn't work hard, he might be thrown away by Xingyue.

"Yue'er, congratulations." Fang Chen smiled and took Xingyue into his arms.

Three thousand Qingsi covered Xingyue's face, but faintly could see a hint of blush.

In the time with Fang Chen again, Xingyue is very happy although he has been experiencing escape.

"Brother Chen."

Xingyue said softly, lying in Fang Chen's arms.

For a time, the atmosphere in the air was very romantic.

After a long time, Xingyue left Fang Chen's arms.

"Brother Chen, I have absorbed enough Fengming Stone. The Xuanyin Phoenix body seems to have been strengthened, and it is temporarily unable to absorb it." Xingyue whispered.

Fang Chen nodded and said, "I'm not afraid. Fengming Stone is good for you anyway. We mine more and put it in the Xumi Ring. When you need it later, you can use it directly."

Xingyue heard the words and nodded gently.

With the help of Xingyue, the mining speed is obviously much faster.

In fact, it can be said that the mining speed of Xingyue alone hangs them all.


One day, Feng Yuanshi has been mined by Fang Chen.

"Boss, is it almost?" The little mouse asked.

Roughly calculated, during this time they mined a total of 10 million Fengming stones, placed in the Xumi ring, piled up like a mountain.

Fengyuan stone is relatively less, and the total is only 10,000 pieces.

"It's almost two months since we came out, and it's time to go back." Fang Chen nodded.

The Fengming stone ore veins are very large, and it is impossible to complete the mining without a few hundred years.

Nor can they waste their time here all the time.

So, simply stop mining and leave.

After returning to the territory of the Phoenix family, it happened to meet Feng'er.

She was still wondering where Fang Chen went during this time.

"Brother Fang, Sister Yue'er, you are finally back." Fenger Dalaoyuan saw Fang Chen and Xingyue and said with a smile. "If you don't come back, you won't be able to catch up with the God of God."

"Oh? Shouldn't the time of Tenjin Dabi have come yet?" Fang Chen asked.

"The time of Tenjin Dabi has not yet arrived, but the time for our Phoenix family to screen the Tenjin is long past." Fenger said with a glance Fang Chen.

Fang Chen patted his head, then remembered.

"What should I do?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

Seeing Fang Chen's anxious look, Feng'er smiled, and then said: "Hee hee, kidding, even if you come back late, you can participate in the Tenjin Dabi. This time, we are very valued by the Phoenix family, so we have to filter The one hundred gods with the strongest fighting power in the clan. Needless to say, Sister Yue'er, the ancestor named him personally to let them participate, and Brother Fang, you are offering a gold medal, naturally there is a quota. "

After hearing this, Fang Chen was relieved.

"But ..." Speaking of this, Feng'er talked back and said, "Although Brother Fang is a gold medal, there are several gods in the family who do not accept you. They think you have occupied their original position. . This time has been threatening to challenge you. "

"Challenge me?" Fang Chen frowned.

"But Brother Fang, don't worry, you are a gold medal enshrined. With their own strength, they will challenge you. You can just refuse." Feng'er said.

Fang Chen shook his head, I'm afraid it was not as simple as Fenger thought.

If you don't show some strong strength, someone will bother you in the next time.

Just thinking of this, I heard a noise.

Fang Chen looked up, and suddenly found that three or four gods quickly came towards himself.

"Are you the Fang Chen enshrined?" Asked one of the one-eyed old man Shen Sheng.

"Yes, I am." Fang Chen nodded.

"You are a gold medal enshrine when you are so young. I am extremely suspicious of your strength. I should have belonged to my gods, but they were taken over by you. I will fight with you. If you lose, please hand over the quota. , Get out of the Phoenix family yourself. "One-eyed enshrined.

"One-eyed dedication, you are too much." Feng'er frowned and said unpleasantly.

"Dare you dare?" The one-eyed devotion directly ignored Feng'er and asked Fang Chen's eyes.

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