Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1817: Antarctic **** list

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One-eyed enshrined, is the strong **** of the black bird clan.

Because of its strong strength, it is difficult to find opponents in the heavenly realm. And in order to pursue a higher level of martial arts, there is also seeking asylum. Finally chose to join the Phoenix family.

Naturally, the Blackbird tribe has become a subsidiary race of the Phoenix tribe.

One-eyed worship has always been very high-profile after joining the Phoenix family. I hope that the true gods can notice themselves, so that they can get better training resources.

He believes that this time the gods are a chance for him to show himself.

However, in the end it was lost.

His strength is no match for other offerings, naturally venting his anger on Fang Chen's body.

He believes that Fang Chen is too young and should have not experienced any life-and-death battle. Although his strength is strong, his combat skills should not be strong.

Therefore, he threatened to challenge Fang Chen.

In this way, to obtain the quota of Tenjin.

"I lost, handed over the quota, get out of the Phoenix family?" Fang Chen smiled, "Then did you lose?"

"I won't lose." One-eyed said with confidence.

"What if?" Fang Chen continued to ask.

One-eyed enshrined sneer: "If I lose, I apologize to you and stop entangle you."

"It's ridiculous, Brother Chen will leave the Phoenix family if he loses, and you just apologize for losing?" Xingyue aside, sneered.

"There is no copy of you here."

The one-eyed offering was very angry in itself, and Xingyue chimed in. He immediately vented his anger directly on Xingyue's body.


Xingyue frowned, exuding a cold breath, and the temperature of the surrounding air dropped instantly.


One-eyed enlightenment sensed the breath of Xingyue and changed his face.

At this moment, Fang Chen took Xingyue's little hand and motioned her not to do it. Then thoughtfully looked at the one-eyed offering.

"Okay, just as you said." Fang Chen agreed happily.

Right now is a troubled autumn, the Phoenix family is fighting against the Tianpeng and Devil Birds at the same time.

The Blackbird tribe enshrined in one eye is also considered a small force. If the one-eyed enemies are forced out of the Phoenix clan, the Blackbird tribe will certainly leave, which is not good for the Phoenix clan.

"Go to Yanwutai."

The one-eyed enshrined figure flashed away towards Yanwutai.

Huh ...

Fang Chen also came to the Yanwu stage.

Feng'er is below, looking at Fang Chen with some worry.

"Sister Yue'er, will Brother Fang be okay?" Feng'er asked.

Xingyue nodded, calm and at ease.

No one knows Fang Chen's strength better than her. Although the one-eyed worship is strong, there is no chance of winning.

"Go ahead." Fang Chen said with a shrug.


One-eyed enshrined a low drink, immediately flashed in shape, the power of terror shouted out.

Fang Chen stared at the one-eyed offering, thinking in his mind.

Since it is necessary to kill chickens and monkeys, it is necessary to suppress the one-eyed worship with a strong attitude. In this battle, it is necessary to win beautiful things.


Fang Chen's figure disappeared like a ghost in the space-time book.

Before the one-eyed enshrined reaction, Fang Chen's Xingyin sword had reached the throat of the latter.

Above the Xingyin sword, the sword gas surged. As long as Fang Chen exerted a little force, a blood hole would be pierced in the throat enshrined in one eye.

"One-eyed enshrined, I do not know if this battle is necessary to continue fighting?"

Fang Chen's lazy voice passed into the ears enshrined in one eye.

The latter's face changed, and his heart was full of humiliation.

"How can it be?"

One-eyed worship cannot believe the facts in front of him, but he knows that if he fails, he loses completely.

After a short thought struggle, the one-eyed enshrined like a deflated ball, lowered the high head.

"I'm defeated." One-eyed enshrined said these three words with difficulty.

The gods who were secretly paying attention to this battle all took their breath.

"God, how could this enshrined strength be so strong?"

"His body style is too weird to capture his trace at all."

"I'm afraid that these strengths can already be compared with Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer?"

There were still many people who wanted to challenge Fang Chen, but after this war, they secretly left, and they didn't want to ask for fun.


Fang Chen and the one-eyed enshrined war quickly spread among the Phoenix family.

Many people are full of shock in their hearts. They did not expect this gold medal to be enshrined. Their strength is so arrogant.

In an elegant courtyard, Fang Chen and Xingyue sat on a stone bench and chatted.

Suddenly, Feng'er walked in with a smile.

Behind him, followed by two beautiful women with outstanding style. The temperament of these two women is different.

One of them gives a hot feeling, while the other one gives a cold feeling.

"Brother Fang, Sister Yueer." Feng'er smiled and walked to Fang Chen's side. "Let me introduce to you, this is the younger sister Tianjiao Feng Ni of our Phoenix family. Don't look at Sister Feng Ni's cold appearance, but the heart is still very enthusiastic, but just not good at speaking."

During the speech, Feng Ni nodded gently at Fang Chen.

"You are Fang Chen? Sure enough, young. My name is Feng Xiu'er." Feng Xiu'er is more active. He didn't wait for Feng Er to introduce himself.

"Brother Fang, the two of them also heard that you and the one-eyed enshrined war, and were surprised at your strength, so come and see." Fenger said slowly.

Fang Chen nodded and reached out to signal the two to sit down and talk.

A group of people sat on the stone bench.

"Brother Fang, Sister Feng Ni and Sister Feng Xiu'er, although they are women, their strength surpasses almost all the gods in the family." Feng'er twitter said endlessly, "And, they are both in Antarctica In the Tenjin list, it is also among the top ten superpowers. "

"Antarctic **** list?" Fang Chen was puzzled when he first heard about this list.

"Fang enshrined, let me introduce it to you." Feng Xiuer said: "The Antarctic Gods List is actually a list representing the combat power of the Antarctic continent. The entire list has a total of thirty-six places on the list. The strong man almost covers the strongest celestial **** in the entire Antarctic continent. "

"In order to rank according to combat effectiveness, in fact, it is basically our three big orcs, and few gods of other small races," Feng Xiuer said.

Fang Chen nodded, so it turned out.

"I don't know the ranking of the two beauties?" Fang Chen smiled.

"Feng Ni ranked third, I was slightly inferior to some ranked seventh." Feng Xiu'er said.

"Oh?" Fang Chen heard the words, his eyes flickered, and immediately said: "If I guess good, the first two of the Antarctic gods list should be Mo's own eagle wings, and the Fengpeng of the Tianpeng tribe, just not? I know who is the first of them. "

"Smart, it seems that you also have a certain understanding of the Antarctic continent, and actually know the arrogance of the other two orcs." Feng Xiuer smiled, "The top of the **** list is Fengpeng of the Tianpeng tribe, his body It is Golden Winged Dapeng, whose blood vein concentration is second only to the ancestor, and it is the number one enemy of the gods this time. As for the wing, it is slightly inferior, but it should not be underestimated. "

Fang Chen nodded, in fact, he did not care much about the Antarctic Tenjin.

The only thing that matters is the two rivals, Eagle Wing and Feng Peng.

"According to the ancestor's words, Xingyue's strength can be among the top ten. And you can be defeated by one-eyed one-eye worship, and the strength should not be underestimated. This time, the gods are mainly dependent on the four of us." Feng Xiuer Road.

"I would also like to see how strong the top strong in the Antarctic Tenjin List is." Fang Chen looked up at the blue sky and said to himself.

Feng Xiuer heard the words, coughed softly, and said with a smile: "Fang worship, you misunderstood. We are here to discuss the matter of the gods, your task is to defeat one of Bing Peng and Tian Qinzi, As for Feng Peng and Eagle Wing, you are not their opponent. "

After hearing the words, Fang Chen froze for a moment, then smiled indifferently, without explaining anything.

"Bingpeng ranks fourth and Tianqinzi ranks fifth. According to our plan, Fengpeng gave Feng Ni to deal with it, and I will deal with Eagle Wings. You and Xingyue deal with Bingpeng and Tianqinzi. Our Phoenix family will have more opportunities. "Feng Xiuer continued.

Fang Chen grinned.

"This time, the gods of the Tianshen tribe and the devil clan are not good at coming, and they will definitely deal with our Phoenix family in the dabis. I hope that the Fang worship can take into account the overall situation, and we will work together to break their conspiracy." Feng Nidi Open once.

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