Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1818: Yuanshen

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Feng Ni's personality is more introverted and generally never talks to people easily.

However, the strength is very strong. In a race with a strong background such as the Phoenix family, it can be a well-deserved arrogance in the heavenly **** realm, enough to see how strong its potential is?

"Relax, I know what to do." Fang Chen said.

According to Fang Chen's speculation, Feng Ni's strength should be comparable to Xiuyun swordsman.

If you do your best, defeating Feng Ni is not a problem.

However, Feng Ni Nai is the natural arrogance of the Phoenix family, and possesses the special means of the Phoenix family and cannot be underestimated.

Conversations with Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer let Fang Chen know some things about the Antarctic Gods List.

The conversation with the two women was much smoother.

The two women are nothing more than wanting Fang Chen to fight against the powerful of the two Orcs in the gods.

In fact, without them, Fang Chen will do his best. Xingyue's goal is to win the first place, so he will help Xingyue and remove obstacles anyway.


On the edge of the Antarctic continent, tides flowed in, splashing countless waves.

On a small hill, King Zen Chan and King Shen Yu sat cross-legged.

Huh ...

The Black Sword God King returned in a hurry, with a smile on his face.

"I have heard about the thief." The Black Sword God King said with a smile.

The Word King and Zen King opened their eyes and looked at the Black Sword King.

"That kid is called Fang Chen, and now he is a gold medal enshrined by the Phoenix family." Black Sword God King said: "Hum, thought we were hiding in the Phoenix family of the Antarctic continent, do we have to let him go? It's ridiculous to offend our Nanling sword palace, even It's a corner of the world, and there is no place for him to hide. "

"Although the Phoenix family has fallen, it should not be underestimated. There are even more powerful emperors in the family. We can't act rashly." Yan Shen said contemplatively.

The Zen King of God nodded his head, agreeing with the words of the King of God. "The strength of the Divine Emperor Realm is simply not comparable to ours. Since this person is a gold medal enshrined by the Phoenix family, it must be protected by the Phoenix family. We are trying to lead him out of the territory of the Phoenix family. We are not too late to start. "

The Black Sword God King nodded and said: "In any case, we must kill this son, otherwise, we can't explain to the death **** emperor. The temper of the death **** emperor, you also know that if we go back empty-handed, I am afraid that death will be We are. "

The three of them, for the time being, did not dare to tell the death emperor the news here, for fear that the latter would be angry.

"After a while, the God of God on the Antarctic continent is about to begin. We will behead the child before the beginning of the God." The black sword **** Wang said for a moment.

They have been out long enough and can no longer be delayed.

"Tightly watch this son's every move, as long as he leaves the territory of the Phoenix family, he directly captures it." Zen Chen said.


At this time, Fang Chen, who was in the territory of the Phoenix family, did not know at all that the three great kings of the Nanling Sword Palace had arrived on the Antarctic continent.

After Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer left, Xingyue returned to the room to absorb Fengming Stone.

Fang Chen also sat cross-legged and took out the Fengyuan Stone, ready to absorb its power and increase the strength of Yuanshen.

"My Yuanshen has almost reached the dual level." Fang Chen said secretly.

In God Realm, Yuanshen has a total of four levels, namely one yuan, two yuan, three yuan, and four yuan.

Ordinary warrior, after becoming a god-man, Yuanshen will be transformed.

Inside the Yuanshen, there will be a little gold man, and this little gold man is the root of the energy of the Yuanshen.

One Yuan Jing Yuanshen represents a little gold man.

From the god-man to the **** of heaven, the primordial **** must reach the dualistic realm. Within the primordial god, two little golden men will condense.

At this time, Fang Chen, there are two little golden people in Yuanshen, the breath is very strong.

However, because he didn't become a **** for a long time, the two little golden men seemed a bit illusory.

Only by fully substituting the Xiaojinren can there be hope that Yuanshen will step into the ternary realm.

It is necessary for Yuanshen to reach Sanyuan Realm to become a true God. Once this happens, the strength of Yuanshen will reach unprecedented strength.

As for the four yuan realm, almost only exists in the legend.

It is said that only the Cosmic God can elevate the Yuanshen to the Four Yuans realm.

The primordial **** of the four-level realm level can kill the true **** strong man with a single idea. Those strong men are simply not comparable to ordinary people.

Hiss ...

Fang Chen began to absorb the power in Fengyuan Stone step by step, and the golden heart suddenly jumped up.

Suddenly, Fang Chen found that his speed of absorbing Fengyuan Stone actually improved a lot.

For a moment, a piece of Fengyuan petrified into white powder, and Fang Chen smiled.

He felt that the spirit in his mind seemed to have changed.


Fang Chen was overjoyed and continued to refine Fengyuan Stone.

When more than 100 pieces of Fengyuan Stone were refined, Fang Chen's Yuanshen finally reached the peak of the Duality Realm, and was only one step away to reach the Sanyuan Realm.

"It seems to have reached the bottleneck." Fang Chen said with a lip.

In his current state, Yuanshen can only be promoted to this state.

It is difficult for Yuanshen to reach Sanyuan unless it is cultivated to step into Heavenly Divine Realm.

But even so, Fang Chen was satisfied.

"It's time to upgrade the soul repair level."

Since the ascension of God Realm, Fang Chen has been thinking of ways to improve the martial arts cultivation practice, ignoring the soul cultivation.

Fengyuan Stone is now an opportunity.


A large number of introductions about Soul Repair appeared in my mind.

In the spirit world, the god-level soul repair is the lowest-level soul repair.

Secondly, it is the **** level, then the true **** level, the universe level.

Each state is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak.

Fang Chen's perception of Soul Dao is very deep in itself, plus the help of Feng Yuanshi.

Soul repair level is almost increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In Yuanshen, the two little golden men sat cross-legged, a complex soul breath gradually emerged, and wrapped Fang Chen's whole body tightly.

This state lasted for an hour.

At a certain moment, Fang Chen opened his eyes, the soul of the whole body breath, instantly converged.

He spread his palms, his heart moved, and suddenly a strong and extreme soul breath appeared in his palms.

"Tenjin-class peak."

Fang Chen grinned, Feng Yuanshi's power was really strong enough.

In just one hour, he raised his soul repair level to the peak of the **** level.

"Soul repair level has been raised, but there is still a soul magic art."

Fang Chen pouted, somewhat helpless.

If you can get a corresponding Soul Dao art, only Soul Dao attacks, you can fight against the top Tenjin realm strong.

Thinking about it, Fang Chen is going to ask Feng'er.

Soon, Feng'er, who received the news, came to Fang Chen's courtyard.

"Brother Fang, do you have anything for me?" Feng'er asked with a smile.

"Feng'er, you know, where can you buy some magic on the Antarctic continent?" Fang Chen asked.

"Brother Fang wants to buy magic?" Feng'er asked in surprise.

Fang Chen nodded and Fenger said: "Brother Fang, you are a gold medal enshrine of our Phoenix family, you can choose a magic art for free."

Fang Chen shook his head, hehe smiled and said: "I want to buy a soul Taoist magic."

"Soul Dao Art? Brother Fang also studied Soul Dao?" Feng'er asked with blinking eyes.

"Slightly understood." Fang Chen said.

Feng'er thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and said with a smile: "Brother Fang, I know a place, I can definitely buy Soul Taoism. But it takes a lot of **** stones."

"Where?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Antarctic Chamber of Commerce, as long as you pay enough, you can buy anything." Fenger said.

"Antarctic Chamber of Commerce?"

Fang Chen said in his mouth, and then said: "Take me to see."


On the Antarctic continent, in a gloomy place, the Black Sword God King is monitoring Fang Chen.

Suddenly, when he saw someone coming out of the territory of the Phoenix family, he fixed his eyes and suddenly found that the coming person was Fang Chen.

"Boy, are you finally willing to show up?"

At the same time, the Black Sword God King immediately transmitted a voice to the Word God King and Zen God King.

He quietly followed behind Fang Chen, which was too close to the territory of the Phoenix family, he did not dare to act lightly.

Wait a little further, and get started.

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