Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1819: Play with the three great kings

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"Brother Fang."

Feng'er jumped alive, very happy, holding Fang Chen's arm, walking with a smile.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's movements were a little stiff, and his brows were slightly frowned, but they soon became normal.

"Brother Fang, what's wrong?" Feng'er also felt Fang Chen's something wrong and asked quickly.

Fang Chen shook his head and said it was okay.

However, he had already guessed who the secret follower was.

"It's really lingering," Fang Chen said secretly.

He pretended not to find someone who was secretly following, looking at staying away from the Phoenix family, suddenly displayed the space-time book, and quickly disappeared into the void.

The Black Sword God Wang, who was following Fang Chen, was surprised for a moment, and found that he was lost.

"Damn ..."

The Black Sword God King roared with anger, and immediately transmitted a sound to the Zen King God.


Antarctica, the most lively city, is called Antarctic City.

In this city, almost all the orcs of Antarctica have gathered.

The Antarctic Chamber of Commerce was in the Antarctic city, and under the leadership of Feng'er, Fang Chen finally came to the Antarctic city.

"Brother Fang, this is the Antarctic city." Feng'er pointed to the city ahead.

Fang Chen nodded, then quickly entered the city.

After a while, the two came to the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce.

"It's spectacular."

Fang Chen was quite shocked. In such a remote place in the South China Sea, there was such a luxurious pavilion. It was really eye-opening.

"Go, let's go in." Feng'er took Fang Chen's arm and entered the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce.

The first floor of the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce basically sells some ordinary things.

The real good things are in the upper level.

"Hello, may I ask what you need?" A staff member ran quickly and asked.

"Do you have Soul Taoism in the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce?" Fang Chen asked directly.

"Of course, please follow me." The staff took Fang Chen to a room on the second floor.

"This is the elder of our Chamber of Commerce who is in charge of Soul Taoism. If you have any need, just tell him." The staff introduced.

It was a ruined old man who saw Fenger.

"It turned out to be the little girl of the Phoenix family." The elder smiled.

"Elder, this is the gold medal offering of our Phoenix family." Feng Er introduced the elder, who was obviously surprised. Unexpectedly, the young people in front of him are the gold medal enshrined by the Phoenix family, which is quite surprising.

"You need Soul Taoism?" The elder asked.

"I need Divine Skills, don't know if the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce?" Fang Chen asked.


The elder took a breath and looked at Fang Chen with some surprise. "If it is an ordinary celestial divine magic, our Antarctic Chamber of Commerce is naturally. But soul Taoism is rare and very precious. It is difficult for our Antarctic Chamber of Commerce to bring out Soul Taoism at the celestial level."


The eyes of Fang Chen and Feng'er fell on the elder.

"It is really time for you to come. One day later, our Antarctic Chamber of Commerce will hold a large auction. At this auction, there will be a heavenly spirit soul magic, as for the specific spirit magic, I am not I know. As long as you have enough money, you can buy it. "The elder said with a smile.

"Large auction?" Fang Chen said slightly.

"Yes, our Antarctic Chamber of Commerce large-scale auction, once every ten years. Every auction, there will be a lot of peerless treasures, two can go and see." The elder said: "However, the **** stone in the auction is unusable, Only divine crystals can be used. "

Fang Chen nodded, he was no stranger to God Crystal.

The universal currency of God Realm is the spirit stone, but above the spirit stone, there is a higher level of spirit crystal.

One piece of divine crystal can be exchanged for 100 pieces of superb deity stone, and its value is quite high.

Almost all the high-level powerhouses of God Realm are using God Crystal. The spirit stone is just the currency used by ordinary god-men.

"Thank you for reminding."

Fang Chen and Feng'er left the second floor and came to the first floor.

"Brother Fang, do you have a divine crystal?" Feng'er asked.

"It will be there soon."

Killing Luotiandu and Xiuyun swordsman, there are many things in the Xumi ring that can be used to exchange for God Crystal.

Soon, Fang Chen found the place to buy sundries, and took out all the things in the two Sumiya rings.

After the staff finished the inventory, they said to Fang Chen: "Your things are worth a million **** crystals."

After the transaction, Fang Chen put the divine crystal into the Sumiya ring and left the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce with Feng'er.

"It's a disciple of Death Divine Emperor, who has so much wealth."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh. Of the one million **** crystals, 800,000 belonged to Xiuyun Swordsman, and the remaining 200,000 belonged to the sky.

In the Nanling Sword Palace, the status of the two is almost the same.

Xiuyun Swordsman is the chief disciple, and Luotian is the second-ranked disciple.

However, the wealth of the two of them is quite different.

Eighty thousand **** crystals are equivalent to eighty million super **** stones.

For a younger generation in the heavenly realm, 80 million Need for God Spirit Stone is definitely a large sum.

"According to past experience, there are many competitors in every large auction. One million **** crystals don't know if I can get the soul magic art I want." Fang Chen thought secretly.

Anyway, try again.

Fang Chen did not return to the territory of the Phoenix family, but stayed in the Antarctic city.

After all, the big auction will start tomorrow, and it ’s not too late to go back after you have participated.

On this day, countless gods poured into the Antarctic city, and even some true gods were hidden in the dark.

The annual large-scale auction attracted countless powerful people.

The three great kings of the Nanling Sword Palace also came to the Antarctic city.

"Black Sword, why did you lose it?"

King Chenchen said displeasurely.

A **** king followed a god, but he could be lost.

"King Chenchen, that kid's concealment method is very good. I suspect that he is good at space rules, and disappeared in front of me in a blink of an eye." Black Sword King said awkwardly.

"What should we do? Do we do it now?" Asked the God of Speech.

"Do it directly tonight." Shenchen God King said in a deep voice.


Into the night.

There is a little starlight in the dark night sky.

The three great kings shot together and came to the mansion where Fang Chen lived.

"Quick battle and quick decision."

This is an Antarctic city after all, and the three of them do n’t dare to make it too much.


The three great kings quickly rushed into the mansion, rushed straight into the room where Fang Chen lived, and launched a fierce attack.

However, what surprised them was.

There was no one in the mansion.

"what happened?"

Shen Sheng, the black sword god, asked.


At this time, the King of Zen only sensed the existence of the imprint of death.

He jumped over and jumped onto the roof, his dark eyes staring at the front.

At this time, Fang Chen smiled and looked at the three gods of the Zen King in front of the window in a certain floor of the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce not far from the mansion.

"Boy, do you think hiding in the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce, we can do nothing about you?" King Chenchen shouted across the sky.

"The **** king of the Nanling sword palace is nothing more than that. The three **** kings joined forces to deal with me a weak god, and actually let me escape, and it will definitely make me laugh." Fang Chen grinned.

"Boy, Hugh is going to be rampant. If you offend the Death Divine Emperor, you will die without a burial place." Black Sword God Wang Bing said.

The **** king on the side exudes a terrifying breath, ready to start.

However, it was blocked by the Zen King.

"The Antarctic Chamber of Commerce has the powerful God Realm sitting in it, don't act lightly." The eyes of Chanchen God King have always been on Fang Chen.

The latter did so in a naked provocation. But they cannot act rashly.

King Chenchen clenched his fists, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Boy, I do n’t believe that you will always shrink in the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce." Zen King Shen said: "As long as you come out, I will let you survive and not die."

"Yes, you don't have much time to live. Enjoy the last time of God Realm." Words of God King said.

The black sword **** Wang Yinsen sneered: "Catch you back and let you taste the means of death **** emperor. You will know how painful it is to live in the world."

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