Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1826: Discarded seeds

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The tray was covered with red cloth, and Luan Jing walked to the tray, and his little white hand stretched out and placed on the red cloth.

"In this large-scale auction, the last auction item is ..."

Her intentionally lengthened voice aroused curiosity in the hearts of everyone.


When the atmosphere reached its zenith, Luan Jing waved his hand and suddenly lifted the red cloth.

That is

A seed, a thumb-sized plant seed, lies quietly in the tray.

"A seed just makes everyone cry like this?"

Fang Chen is a little puzzled. What important treasure does he think it is? However, it is just a seed.

However, his incomprehension was quickly awakened by the old man in blood robe.

"Boy, what do you know? This seed is not an ordinary seed." The old man in blood robe Shen Sheng said: "This is the seed of the world tree, if properly bred, it will be able to breed a world tree.

world Tree!

Fang Chen's mind rang loudly.

He widened his eyes and looked at the insignificant seed in the tray.

God, this seed is actually the seed of the world tree? It's crazy. Does the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce even sell the world tree seeds for auction? are you crazy?

After living in God Realm for so many years, Fang Chen naturally knows what kind of world tree exists.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world tree is the most powerful plant in the entire universe, not one of them.

In the world tree, it seems to be a self-contained space, containing the rules of operation of the entire universe.

Moreover, every day, the leaves contain the basic martial arts. For the martial arts, it is simply the best practice.

The history book records that the appearance of the world tree in the last cosmic era triggered the war of the gods.

Some of the Divine Emperor Realm Powerhouses participated in it, but in the end it was obtained by a God Emperor Realm Powerhouse who had gone shit.

After he got the world tree, he hid in the world tree and disappeared into the universe.

Let the **** emperor realm also helpless.

After the endless years, the strong man stepped back on the world tree and set off a **** storm in God Realm.

At the beginning, those powerful emperors who dealt with him were retaliated by them one by one.

In the end, it has achieved the reputation of immortality.

The world tree itself survives under the operation of the rules of the universe, which internally contains the order of the universe. Even if it is strong to the Divine Emperor Realm, it also has a lot of attraction.

It's crazy, not only the three big orcs, but even a lot of gods, it's crazy.

The three great kings of the Nanling Sword Palace stood up and stood up.

"It's actually the seed of the world tree, how is it possible?" They were a little unbelievable, and had a thought of wanting to be summoned immediately to the strong man of the God Emperor Jianling in Nanling.

However, at this moment, the voice of doubt sounded.

"I don't believe that the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce is willing to take out the world tree seed for auction. Should this world tree seed have any problems?"

Questioning the appearance of the voice made the entire auction completely quiet in an instant.

Everyone is thinking about this problem. Yes, would anyone like the precious things like the seeds of the world tree be willing to put them out for auction?

The Antarctic Chamber of Commerce also has true gods, they do n’t even know it?

There must be a problem with the world tree seeds.

The people with hot heads gradually calmed down.

Luan Jing smiled slightly and explained: "The preciousness of the world tree, everyone present, must know better than me. This world tree seed is problematic, otherwise how would the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce come up with an auction?"

It is said that there is a lot of noise in the auction hall, and there are problems.

"This world tree seed was inadvertently obtained by our Antarctic Chamber of Commerce. After countless years of repeated inspections and tests, it was found that the world tree seed was damaged and it was almost impossible to breed a new world tree. This is not an absolute thing. After all, some powerful people's methods are unbelievable. Maybe they can repair the damage inside the seeds. "Luan Jing said with a laugh.

Listening to her saying this, the enthusiasm of everyone suddenly weakened a lot.

The Antarctic Chamber of Commerce must have passed countless trials. Failure means this seed, which is almost an abandoned seed.

It is almost impossible for such seeds to breed a world tree.

Luan Jing said this, in fact, just to let everyone have more thoughts about seeds.

"Although the seed of the world tree is detrimental, its value must be known to everyone. The starting price is one million **** crystals, and each price increase is not less than 100,000 **** crystals." Luan Jing said.

Everyone sucked in a breath of air, an abandoned seed, asking for such a high price?

However, only these ordinary gods would think so.

The three Orcs would not think so.

In the VIP room on the 1st, Emperor Longpeng sneered: "A group of idiots, even the discarded seeds, are enough to benefit the powerful in the Emperor Realm."

"Two million **** crystals."

The bidder is Longpeng Shenhuang.

"Three million **** crystals."

"Four million **** crystals."

Although the people still thought about the abandoned seeds, they did not participate in the auction.

Only three big orcs are bidding.

"My Tianpeng tribe has some interest in this abandoned seed. Five million **** crystals." Longpeng Shenhuang said with a smile.

"My Devil Bird Clan is not willing to give up, ten million **** crystals." Black Bird God Emperor said.

The Phoenix family is naturally reluctant to give up, followed by price increases.

For a time, the bidding of the three Orcs fell into a stalemate.

Fang Chen saw this, but also a little helpless.

Worthy of being the seed of the world tree, although it is abandoned, the price has soared to this point.

According to Fang Chen's guess, the price of this world tree seed will eventually exceed 100 million **** crystals.

The divine crystal they use now is the inferior divine crystal.

A divine crystal of 100 million grades, that is a million crystals of middle grade crystals, and a crystal of 10,000 grades of spirits, is definitely not a small sum.

However, for the three big orcs, it will not hurt too much.

"Senior, why don't you bid?" Fang Chen asked.

The old man in blood robe was calm, and seemed to be waiting for the opportunity.

"What's the use of asking prices now?"

Fang Chen heard the words and nodded slightly. It is indeed useless to ask the price now, and until the three companies increase the price, they are almost bidding.

However, Fang Chen felt that the old man in the blood robe was somewhat unfathomable.

"Can he compete with the three big orcs?" Fang Chen thought to himself.

In an instant, the price has soared to the point of 50 million **** crystals.

At this time, an unexpected scene appeared.

The Phoenix family in the VIP room No. 3 suddenly gave up.

"Hum, it really fell, and 50 million **** crystals gave up." There was a mocking voice in the VIP room No. 2.

"This is just the beginning." In the VIP room No. 1, Emperor Long Peng also sneered.

In the auction house, everyone whispered, very puzzled why the Phoenix family gave up without warning.

VIP room number three.

"Patriarch, why did you give up? We have prepared enough **** crystals for this." Feng Xiuer asked puzzled.

"Yeah patriarch, how can we say that our Phoenix family is also an ancient race with profound heritage, how can it be ridden by the other two orcs?" Feng Ni, who has always been unspoken, also said.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter. In the end, the Tianpeng and Devil Bird Clan will not get it." Phoenix Patriarch said slightly.

Feng Ni and Feng Xiu'er were surprised, but the Phoenix patriarch closed his eyes and said nothing more.

"Black Bird Divine Emperor, how about giving me the seeds of the world tree?" Long Peng Divine Emperor said with a smile.

"But I also want it very much. It's better than Longpeng Divine Emperor. Let me give it to you." The two Divine Emperors shouted from the air.

No one wants to step back, it can only compete fairly, depending on their financial resources.

"60 million **** crystals."

"70 million **** crystals."

"80 million **** crystals."

"One hundred million **** crystals."

Sure enough, the price rose to 100 million **** crystals. However, it seems that the speed of improvement has not weakened.

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart and deserved to be the finale item. He suddenly increased the transaction price by more than 100 times.

It should be known that some of the previous auctions, although not low in price, are all millions, not tens of millions.

The two big orcs are fighting very fiercely and they can't have a relationship.

Fang Chen turned his head and looked at it. The old man in blood robe was still calm and calm, as if he didn't care about the result.

"Senior, the price has reached 100 million." Fang Chen whispered.

"Oh, I know, don't worry." The old man in blood robe heard this, nodded gently, and then closed his eyes.

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