Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1827: Feel free to increase the price

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The unexpected withdrawal of the Phoenix family caused a lot of exclamation.

However, the two orcs are quite happy, after all, there is one less competitor.

Now, the price has soared to 100 million **** crystals, it looks like this is still skyrocketing.

Although the Tianpeng tribe and the Devil Bird tribe have some business contacts, they will never give in to the seeds of the world tree.

"110 million."

"120 million."

At this moment, everyone became a spectator, and even Fang Chen was helpless.

Unexpectedly, the price will soar. Is an abandoned seed worth buying at such a high price?

Luan Jing on the stage, Qiao face full of excitement.

Before that, she was still worried that it would be cold. Who would have thought that the Tianpeng and Devil Birds were so crazy.

"Keep going up." Luan Jing prayed in his heart.

The higher the price, the more her commissions and the higher her reputation.

It ’s not easy to be in their business, and it ’s pretty good to be able to achieve her speciality.

What they value more is fame. If the transaction amount of this large auction breaks the previous record, she will definitely become famous.

150 million, 170 million, 190 million, 200 million ...

Prices are still skyrocketing, and everyone is completely out of control.

The three **** kings in the last row of the Nanling Sword Palace sneered in their hearts and looked at it all with cold eyes.

"Huh, these two orcs are really stupid enough to bid so high for an abandoned seed." Black Sword God King sneered.

"Yeah, they really thought that they would be able to repair this seed after they bought it back?" The words of the King of God were full of disdain.

As for the Zen King, the expression says it all.

The three of them just waited for the auction to close quickly, and then the other party used Thunder to capture it.

Time passed bit by bit.

While the price of the last auction item soared, the Black Bird Divine Emperor and Long Peng Divine Emperor were also persuading each other to want the other to give up the competition.

However, no one wants to give up.

When the price soared to 300 million God Crystal, the growth rate finally slowed down.

The hearts of the two great emperors are full of helplessness, but they will not give up.

For a time, the auction fell into a state of anxiety.

"I don't know who will get it in the end?" Fang Chen thought to himself.

However, no one noticed that the old man in blood robe beside Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

He glanced at VIP rooms 1 and 2, and then nodded and said, "It's almost time."

He stood up slowly, stretched lazily lazily, and then said: "I have 500 million **** crystals."

Although the voice of the old man in blood robe was not loud, it instantly broke the silence of the auction house.

The two great emperors, who were thinking about it, suddenly stunned after hearing this voice, and their faces were completely gloomy.

At this time, some people dare to compete with them? This is looking for death.

There was also an uproar in the auction house.

Countless warriors, with wide eyes, looked at the old man in blood robe in disbelief.

"Old man, you will be punished for lying about the price."

"Yes, I advise you not to seduce others, otherwise, the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce will not let you go."

"Not to mention the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce, even the two big orcs will not make you happy."

Many people kindly lifted the **** old man, hoping that he would be cautious when bidding.

The original 300 million people loved one, and was suddenly raised to 500 million, which is a big leap.

Fang Chen was also somewhat stunned. He widened his eyes and looked at the old man in blood robe.

"500 million?"

Fang Chen was a little bit trapped. The old man in this **** robe seemed lazy, but he suddenly called out the price of 500 million yuan, which is too rich?

No wonder he said before that the goal is the final item.

"who are you?"

While everyone exclaimed, Longpeng Divine Emperor spoke.

"Who am I in your control?" Said the old man in blood robe, not the bird Emperor Longpeng, said lightly.

"Do you know that you will offend our two orcs at the same time?" The voice of Divine Emperor Long Peng was full of threats.

The black bird **** emperor in the VIP room No. 2 also said one after another: "I advise you to be more cautious. The seed of the world tree, my devil bird family is bound to win. If you want to compete, you are an enemy of my devil bird family."

The old man in blood robe chuckled and said: "It's ridiculous. The reason why the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce became famous on the Antarctic continent is entirely because of its fair and just rules. Large-scale auctions, as long as you can afford the price, you can participate in the auction. Do you two big orcs still force me to fail? "

Between speaking, the old man in blood robe looked at Luan Jing.

Luan Jing froze for a moment and hurriedly said: "This old gentleman makes sense, our Antarctic Chamber of Commerce is fair and just, as long as you can afford the price, you can participate in the auction. There is no threat to threaten."

Luan Jing's words seemed to be hitting the two emperors.

However, she represents the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce, but she will not be afraid of the two great emperors.

"Old man, are you sure you want to do the right thing with our two big orcs?" Emperor Longpeng and Emperor Black Bird are still unwilling and want to intimidate the old man in blood robe.

"Is the two great orcs powerful? Why didn't I feel it?" Said the old man in blood robe casually, without any fear on his face.

After a moment of silence, the Emperor Longpeng spoke again: "Looking at the Antarctic continent, our three great orcs are absolute rulers. It is very unwise for you to do this, and it will cause you to kill yourself."

"Yes, if you are stubborn, no one can protect you." Black Bird God Emperor said coldly.

The old man in blood robe directly ignored the two great emperors and asked: "Little girl, since no one bids, should the result be announced?"

Wen Yan, Luan's scenic spot, according to the rules is like this.

However, her heart did not want to announce the result, she was still praying, and the two great emperors bid again.


Longpeng God Emperor was anxious and a little angry, but he couldn't openly shoot at the site of the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce.

"Five hundred and ten million divine crystals." Longpeng Divine Emperor increased the price.


Long Peng God Emperor had just finished bidding, and the old man in blood robe raised the price to 1 billion, which raised so much at once, which shocked everyone.

Fang Chen frowned, thinking in his mind, who is the old man in blood robe.

"God, is he crazy?"

"A billion **** crystals, can he get it?"

"He is so determined that he has to fight against the two orcs."

After a brief silence, a loud noise rang through the auction house.

Luan Jing on the stage, the body began to tremble.

Billion God Crystal, this is definitely a record she has been responsible for all previous auctions, and no one can break it in a short time.


Luan Jing clenched his hands tightly, his chest trembling, very excited.

"One billion and ten million." The Black Bird Divine Emperor almost barked his teeth.

"Two billion."

However, something more **** happened. The old man in blood robe once again raised the price to 2 billion.

This soaring degree, even Luan Jing can't bear it.

Fang Chen aside, his face was full of shock.

"Two billion, it's really ridiculous, I don't believe it. I asked the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce to conduct an investigation on this person." The angry voice of the Black Bird Divine Emperor came out.

The Antarctic Chamber of Commerce stipulates that participation in auctions does not allow false reporting of prices.

Once a false quote is found, it will be heavily punished.

The Black Bird Divine Emperor believes that this person must have falsely quoted the price, otherwise, it would be impossible to increase such a price at will.

"Yes, I highly doubt that this person is here to make trouble, and I also ask the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce to be able to verify this person." Longpeng Shenhuang also spoke.

The attitudes of the two great emperors are the same, and they firmly believe that the old man in the blood robe is making false bids, preventing them from bidding.


For a time, Luan King was a little embarrassed.

"Huh, it's really ridiculous. Are there two billion **** crystals? You two can't get it out, it doesn't mean that others can't get it out." The old man in blood robe sneered.

"You fart, two billion **** crystals, will our Tianpeng tribe care?" Longpeng God Emperor was anxious and cursed directly.

"In any case, if the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce does not investigate this person today, then I will put down the identity of the Black Bird Divine Emperor, and I will do it myself." The Black Bird Divine Emperor said coldly.

"The proposals of the two emperors are also in line with the rules of the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce." Luan Jing froze for a moment and said immediately.

The old man in blood robe frowned and waved: "Not so troublesome."

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