Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1837: Show weakness

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Including the gods of the Phoenix family, many people have hardly seen Xingyue shots, nor do they know how effective it is.

There are some worries on Feng Xiuer's pretty face.

After all, the opponent is Mo Peng, the tenth in the Antarctic Tenjin List. His strength is very powerful. Even if Feng Xiuer takes his own shot, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

"Fang enshrined, is Xingyue okay?" Feng Xiuer turned to look at Fang Chen and asked.

Fang Chen smiled lightly, then shook his head.

He knew the strength of Xingyue best, let alone solve this guy, even if Eagle Wing and Feng Peng shot, they might not be able to get the benefits.


The purple robe on Xingyue's body, no wind, automatic, cold breath, gradually escaped, sweeping the entire Yanwutai.

Mo Peng, opposite, was a little bit angry when he saw Xingyue being so arrogant.

"Chick, rest assured, I will keep my hand." Mo Peng grinned.

Xingyue's cold eyes looked at Mo Peng and said softly: "But, I won't keep my hand."

As soon as the voice fell, Xingyue's palm suddenly waved, and the extremely cold breath immediately locked Mo Peng's body directly.

"court death."

Mo Peng's face was full of anger, he was about to attack, and he was shocked to find that his body could not move.


Mo Peng's heart was horrified. He just wanted to speak. Suddenly he felt pain all over his body, and Yuanshen trembles.

"Do not……"

Immediately afterwards, a miserable cry came from Mo Peng's mouth, and the next moment Mo Peng's Yuanshen shattered directly, and his body was bombed out of Yanwutai.

Xingyue, who was in a purple robe, stood quietly as if nothing had happened before.

On the rostrum, Emperor Black Bird and Emperor Longpeng stood up.

At that very moment, their two great emperors actually felt their heart beat faster. This kind of situation is really rare.

"what happened?"

The two emperors glanced at each other, and they finally dared not look down on the purple robe woman in front of them.

"Huh, the personality is hot, the more I like this, the more I have the desire to conquer." Feng Peng sneered. In his view, Xingyue was just killing Mo Peng, the tenth Antarctic **** god list, if he shot, The opponent will have no room to fight back.

There was an uproar throughout the square.

Xingyue first shot, shocked the audience.

The gods of the Phoenix family exclaimed, and even Feng Ni and Feng Xiu'er were a little dazed.

After a long time, Feng Ni nodded gently, seeming to understand why the ancestor spoke in person and let Xingyue participate in the gods.

In the eyes of everyone, Xingyue walked down from Yanwutai.

"Great." Feng Xiuer gave Xingyue thumbs up.

This battle also made Xingyue suddenly become the hottest **** god strong man, be able to kill Mo Peng in one blow, enough to show that Xingyue's strength, can be included in the Antarctic gods list.

In the crowd, everyone is talking.

"This woman called Xingyue is too strong."

"Yeah, for the first shot, he was ranked in the top ten of the Antarctic Tenjin list, and he hasn't tried his best."

"It seems that the Phoenix family is also prepared, but there was no news before this genius."

Many people are praising Xingyue, and some even believe that Xingyue's strength is enough to rank among the top five.

Everyone in the Tianpeng tribe has a grudge against Xingyue.

In the next game, the gods of the two orcs were even more aggressive.

The number of casualties of the Phoenix family is gradually increasing.

Of course, the Phoenix family is also fiercely fighting back. For example, Feng Xiuer, her opponent is very weak, Feng Xiuer does not have indecision, and at a critical moment, directly kills her opponent.

In just half a day, the first round of the game is coming to an end.

Roughly calculated, the Phoenix family lost about ten gods, while the demon losses of the devil and clan tribes are relatively less.

The last one to play was Fang Chen, who shot as a gold medal enshrined by the Phoenix family.

And his opponent is the Devil Bird's Celestial Bird, and the fifth-ranked Celestial Bird in the Antarctic Tenjin.

Tianqinzi is very powerful and fierce. The people of the Phoenix family did not expect that Fang Chen's opponent would be Tian Qinzi.

On the performance stage, Fang Chen and Tian Qinzi are opposite each other.

"Boy, you will be the last **** of death in the first round of the Phoenix family." Tian Qinzi said darkly.

Fang Chen grinned and said, "Why didn't you die? I thought you would be the last **** of death in the first round of the Devil Race."

On Fang Chen's face, there was no fear. On the contrary, he was full of smiles, very relaxed, and it seemed that he didn't look at Tianqinzi at all.

Upon seeing this, the bird was really angry.

"Hey ..."

Tian Qinzi grinned gruffly, and everyone familiar with him knew that this was his angry expression.

"You are the most arrogant **** I've ever seen." The hoarse voice of Tianqinzi spread across the square.

Fang Chen spread his hands and said: "Your strength is pretty good, but unfortunately you met me."

After all, Fang Chen was surrounded by a powerful atmosphere.

However, he released his breath, and even made the wild bird smile on his face.

"Did the Phoenix family have fallen to this point? Even the gods who are waiting for the gods are sent to participate in the gods?" Tian Qinzi mocked.

The people of the two big orcs are also pointing at each other.

The strongest of the heavenly **** realm may fall, let alone the goddess of the heavenly realm.

"Boy, self-discipline, if you wait for me, you can't keep the whole body." Tian Qinzi sneered.

Fang Chen put his hands behind his back, his face full of confidence, and said: "If I were you, I would think about why a **** in the waiting environment would appear on the battlefield, instead of taunting his opponents without such brainlessness."

"As the top ten of the Antarctic Tenjin list, it is such an idiot. I really have some doubts about the authority of the Antarctic Tenjin list. Is it possible to be listed as long as an idiot?" Fang Chen continued.

His sharp words instantly angered the celestial birds.

At the same time, it also caused dissatisfaction.

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

The faces of Feng Peng and Eagle Wing gradually gloomy.

They squinted and stared at Fang Chen.

"Tian Qiao Zi, how to do it, without me talking?"

The sound of the eagle wings passed into the ears of the sky birds.

The latter heard the words and focused on the head, saying: "Relax, if you don't kill him, what other faces of my fowl will be mixed on the Antarctic continent."

Afterwards, Tian Qinzi turned to Fang Chen, and said coldly: "Boy, I will let you know that the top ten in the Antarctic Gods List are not something you can insult. And, I will also let you know that the waiting situation The gap between the heaven and the gods. I hope you will keep your eyes open when you are a man in your next life. Do n’t offend people who should n’t offend easily. ”

Fang Chen pouted his lips, and was speechless. "It seems like you can really kill me."

"You ... It seems that you really can't see the coffin and can't cry. Since that's the case, there is nothing to say. I hope you won't kneel and ask for forgiveness for a while." Instantly filled.

His offensive speed is extremely fast and he doesn't want to give Fang Chen any chance to admit defeat.

Click ...

Tian Qinzi's body turned into a black eagle-like bird beast in the void, and rushed towards Fang Chen.

Directly penetrated Fang Chen's body, the latter's body was fragmented.

"Huh? Afterimage?"

Tian Qinzi suddenly discovered that he was actually the afterimage of the latter, and his face changed suddenly.

"It turned out to be a bald eagle."

Fang Chen's voice came from behind Tian Qinzi.

Tian Qinzi's eyes stared at Fang Chen coldly, and said coldly, "Boy, you are dead."

He hates people calling him a vulture the most, Fang Chen is poking his taboo.


On the performance stage, a wild wind blew up.

Suddenly, Yan Yantai was wrapped tightly, and then the speed of the celestial bird increased to the extreme, and the other party launched an offensive.

call out……

Fang Chen's body is constantly flashing. Although the speed of the sky bird is fast, he can't catch Fang Chen's body.

This is also Fang Chen's strategy, showing the enemy weak first, making the Tianqinzi think he will only escape, and when he gives up his alert, it is when he shoots himself.

Do not ask for anything else, just be able to slash the opponent with one blow without giving him any chance to survive.

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