Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1838: Hidden strength

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The battle on the Yanwutai was fierce.

In the void clouds, the four great emperors are facing off.

Originally, Devil Bird Ancestor and Tianpeng Ancestor were paying attention to the God of God, but when they saw that Fang Chen was using the body method, his face changed greatly.

Because, they recognized Fang Chen's body style.

"Sky Bone Palace."

They concluded that Fang Chen's body method should come from the Tiangu Palace.

The Sky Bone Palace's void practice system is really mysterious. Many Divine Emperors have suffered losses on Guzu.


Ancestral Devil Bird wanted to notify the Emperor of Black Bird, but was stopped by Phoenix Ancestor.

"Magic Bird Patriarch, do you want to break the rules?" Phoenix Patriarch said coldly.

At this time, Tianpeng ancestors and Shura Divine Emperor also appeared.

"Huh, it's your Phoenix family who broke the rules first. That kid is clearly the person of the Sky Bone Palace, and you actually sent him to play. If he casts the Sky Bone Palace's Void Cultivation System, no one can capture his trace when he is present. "The Devil Bird Ancestor said coldly.

The Tianpeng ancestor on the side nodded slightly.

"Huh, even if he is the person of the Heavenly Bone Palace? Now he is a worship of my Phoenix family. It is natural to play on behalf of my Phoenix family." Phoenix ancestor said without giving up.

The Shura Divine Emperor frowned: "Magic Bird, Tianpeng. I don't care what kind of grievances there are between your three great beasts. But I'll just explain one thing. The grievances between your three tribes, strong people above the true **** can't shoot at will. Otherwise, the Antarctic continent will be plunged into life. The God of God, you three parties agreed, I will not say anything, but is it a bit excessive if the divine emperor intervenes? "

The reason why Shura Divine Emperor agreed to stand on the side of the Phoenix Ancestor was also that he did not want to see the three big beasts slay the killing ring, which caused the Antarctic continent to be charcoal.

After all, he was also a native Antarctic continent emperor, and naturally did not want to see that happen in his hometown.

The ancestor of Tianpeng pondered for a moment, and nodded immediately: "Demon Bird, forget it. What if he is a person in Tiangu Palace? My Tianpeng tribe claims to have the highest speed among the birds, especially Fengpeng, and the body is even more Goldwing Dapeng, although not as fast as one-tenth of mine, is almost invincible among the gods. "

The ancestor of Tianpeng is very obvious. This person should hand it over to Fengpeng.


The Devil Bird Ancestor snorted and stopped talking.

In the square below, no one knows, in the void clouds, the four great emperors are watching this battle.

Fang Chen has been escaping, and finally caused the dissatisfaction of the sky birds.

"Boy, don't run away if you have the ability."

Tian Qinzi roared in anger and turned into a vulture, which was extremely fast, leaving a residual image and attacking Fang Chen.

Fang Chen, hiding in the void, felt the time was almost up.

call out……

Xingyin sword appeared in his hand, he suddenly appeared behind Tian Qinzi, and then Taikoo Refining God tactic was displayed.

Suddenly, the terrifying breath of destruction penetrated into the sword light, and a sword penetrated the body of the vulture.


A miserable cry came from Tian Qinzi's mouth, and blood continued to flow from his back.

Tian Qinzi was furious in his heart, spread his wings, and the other party launched the strongest attack.

"go to hell."

Fang Chen had expected this long ago, and his figure disappeared again. The next time it appeared, it was another sword that stabbed into the body of the sky bird.

At the same time, Fang Chen secretly urged the golden heart and let the golden liquid secretly merge into the Sword of Destruction.

Hiss ...

After these two heavy blows, the beast was unable to maintain his body, turned into a human form, and his whole body was embarrassed, and blood was spilled into the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Chen once again exhibited the Taiko refining magic formula.

However, in order not to attract attention, Fang Chen deliberately only displayed a trick, giving the impression that his body is very strong and the attack power is average.

Thump ...

Xing Yin sword waved out, a sword pierced into the head of Tian Qinzi.

"Boy, go die."

Tian Qinzi fell into a state of madness, he urged the power in his body, instantly ignited.

Rumble ...

The force of the horrible explosion swept through the entire performance stage, directly submerging Fang Chen's body.

"not good."

On the rostrum, the faces of the four great emperors changed dramatically.

No one expected that a little-known waiting guy could actually persuade the natural fowl to explode.

The self-explosive power of the powerful gods is really too powerful.

Fortunately, the Antarctic Divine Emperor promptly took action to restrain the explosive force on the Yanwutai.

Rumble ...

The deafening voice gradually dissipated.

All the gods, Mu Ne looked at Yanwutai.

"How is Fang Chen?"

In the Phoenix family area, many gods are looking for the trace of Fang Chen.

The areas of the Devil Bird Clan and the Tianpeng Clan are unbelievable.

"Damn, how could this be?"

The strong wind blew away, dispersing the power on the stage.

A figure appeared staggering in the sight of everyone.

Fang Chen's whole body, sword-shaped runes circulated, and his clothes were a bit ragged, but it didn't matter.


Upon seeing this, everyone in the Phoenix family was relieved.

This battle really gave them too much shock.


Many people were cheering, Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer's eyes widened, their mouths open, and they looked at Fang Chen on Yanwutai in disbelief.

"Actually killed the beast?"


Feng Xiuer's heart shook, and the strength of Tianqinzi was much stronger than him.

There was cheers across the square.

Some people are happy and others are sad.

The black bird emperor and longpeng emperor on the rostrum had gloomy faces and had not spoken for a long time.

They negotiated many times for this, and Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer were counted, but they were not counted. In the gold medal offering, such a powerful demon appeared.

After a long time, the black bird **** emperor clenched his fists and secretly cursed: "Damn."

Soon, the two great emperors adjusted their mentality.

Tenjin, comparison, looks at the final result, not the process.

Although this son is very strong, he killed the celestial bird. But in the end it is not about to die in the hands of Eagle Wing and Feng Peng.

As long as there is no problem between the Eagle Wing and Feng Peng, the final result of the God of Gods, the Phoenix family must end in a fiasco.

As long as Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer fall, the gods of the Phoenix family will have faults, which is a great blow to the Phoenix family.

The Antarctic Divine Emperor stared at Fang Chen, his heart shaken.

The happiest is the Patriarch Phoenix, and at the beginning, he was very worried about Fang Chen. Now it seems that she looked away.

"It seems that this time the gods are compared, we may be able to counterattack." Phoenix patriarch secretly said in secret.

In the cheers, the first round of the game ended completely.

A total of one hundred and fifty games, detailed calculations, the gods lost by the Phoenix family, even with the two big orcs.

This is something I didn't dare to think about before the game.

Moreover, if it is calculated in a strict sense, the biggest loss is the Devil Bird Clan.

Although they also beheaded several gods of the Phoenix family, the Tianjiao birds in the family fell.

The fifth strongest player in the Antarctic **** list is second only to the eagle wing in the family.

However, in the first round of the game, he was beheaded.

Eagle Wing's eyes fell on Fang Chen's body, a flash of murderous intention flashed deep in his eyes.

"Tianqinzi is such an idiot. It's too arrogant. But even so, it is also a member of my Devil Bird Clan. He will not die in vain." Eagle Wing said secretly, "I hope you can live longer, otherwise, It ’s too cheap for you to die. "

The second round of competition will be held tomorrow.

Under the leadership of the Divine Emperor, the gods of the three big orcs, Yuguan left the square.

The huge square suddenly became very quiet.

The news that Fang Chen beheaded the Tian Qinzi spread throughout the Antarctic city in an instant.

All the warriors exclaimed.

On this day, all the inns in the Antarctic city can hear the word Fang Chen.

In a hidden courtyard.


Alleged that the **** king slapped on the stone table in front of him, and suddenly shattered the stone table into pieces.

His face was full of anger.

"Damn it, this kid's life is too big, right?" Said God King.

The Zen King on the side thought deeply, and then said: "This kid seems to have a relationship with the Heavenly Bone Palace. When the God of Heaven is over, he must be captured and taken back to the Nanling Sword Palace for a good question."

"I'm afraid he will be beheaded until the end of the God of God. How will we explain to the death **** emperor at that time?"

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