Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1865: Helm of the Helm

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When I first came to the Tiangu Palace, I discovered such a thing, so Fang Chen was also puzzled.

Tian Gu Palace, however, has the bone ancestors sitting in town. These holy light teachings still dare to break the law at the feet of the emperor.

In the territory of the Tiangu Palace, there is a gentle atmosphere of time everywhere, which makes Fang Chen's time and space book more handy.

"No wonder."

Fang Chen, hiding in the void, could not help but sigh.

The warrior of the space-time repair system will explode in strength within the territory of the Tiangu Palace.

This is why disciples of Tiangu Palace are generally reluctant to go out and will only practice hard in Tiangu Palace.

Guzu is worthy of being the top powerhouse of God Realm, and such means make people tremble.

Fang Chen looked down, and there were five figures in the courtyard. Four of them are gods, and the remaining one is the **** king. Although he hides his breath, Fang Chen still perceives it.

"Boss, will we be found?" One of the men with a grimacing face asked.

"Yeah, but here is the site of the Tiangu Palace, where the ancestor of the bone ancestors haunts. Once we are found, the consequences will be disastrous."

"What are you afraid of? Even the Guzu, it's impossible that the consciousness has been covering the entire territory of the Tiangu Palace? We are in the crowd, he will not notice us at all."

"Yeah, just wait for us to complete the task and retreat immediately. Tiangu Palace can't take us."

The four people expressed their views one after another, and finally all their eyes fell on the headed God King.

The **** king realm has a high status in Holy Light religion.

This time they sneaked into the Sky Bone Palace in order to rescue a Master of the Holy Light who once fell in the battle of God Realm.

This holy light teaches the helm, during the peak period, he is a powerful god.

If it can be resurrected, it is of great significance to the Holy Light Church.

"When the night is quiet, we will set off." The headed God King strongman whispered. "This time the destination is the Unreal Mountains. You should pay attention to the fourth one. After entering the mountains, everything will depend on you."

"Relax, boss, I've explored it for a long time. Although there are illusions everywhere in the Unreal Mountains, those illusions are not at all fearful by my means." The guy called the fourth man said confidently.

After discussing for a while, the five stopped talking, closed their eyes, and waited for the time.

Fang Chen wanted to show up and beheaded the five. But when I think about it, why not just go along and destroy their mission?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen smiled and continued to hide in the void.

The passage of time and the dark night sky covered the whole earth.

The huge imaginary city couldn't reach with his fingers.

At one moment, the five people in the courtyard suddenly opened their eyes, nodded to each other, and then quickly left.


Fang Chen screamed, followed, and followed.

After a while, the remnants of the Holy Light taught left the Unreal City.

They ran all the way and spent two hours before they came to a huge mountain.

Although it was late at night, Fang Chen could vaguely feel the hallucinogenic breath from the mountains.

"What a weird mountain."

Fang Chen sighed, his deep eyes looked into the mountains.

At this time, the guy known as the fourth son walked in the forefront, his palms were constantly waving, and the atmosphere was filled.


With the order of the fourth elder, the five mermans suddenly entered the unreal mountains.

"Into the Holy Rank Array Master?"

Fang Chen grinned, if he beheaded the saint-level formation mage, presumably the Holy Light Church would be distressed?

He followed behind silently and entered the Unreal Mountains.


Fang Chen was a little surprised. The phantom array in the Unreal Mountain Range was actually serial.


Fang Chen's wrist trembles, and his breath is filled, and he successfully broke the serial magic array.

With Fang Chen's current position, these illusions are not worth mentioning.

Soon, Fang Chen once again found five remnants of the Holy Light Religion. With the help of their fourth son, they had reached the depths of the Unreal Mountains.

"Huh? They walked towards that mountain."

Fang Chen said to himself, followed into the depths of the mountains.

Deep in the mountains, there is a mountain peak. This mountain is very inconspicuous, but because of his inconspicuousness, most people will not notice at all.

The five came to the foot of the mountain and stared carefully.

"Boss, should it be here?" Asked the fourth.

The boss took out a dark black bead from his arms, and immediately the strong evil breath spread out instantly.

Finally, the evil breath suspended in the sky gradually poured into the rock layer at the foot of the mountain.


The rock layer shattered and a strange breath came out.

At this moment, the boss cut his finger and a drop of blood dropped under the rock layer. Suddenly the debris on the rock layer kept sliding down.

Then, something broke out.

"That's ... an altar?"

Fang Chen is no longer familiar with this kind of altar, and has encountered it before.

Soon he wanted to understand that he wanted to use these altars to resurrect the strong men who fell within the resurrection church.

"Boss, you can start."

Seeing the second son, his face was overjoyed.

Success is only one step away from them. As long as you successfully summon the rudder master's remnant and bring it back into the religion, you can make a great contribution.

"Shoot together, summon the rudder master."

The boss said excitedly, and immediately the palms of the five people waved, the breath of evil spread out instantly, and finally all poured into the altar.

Hiss ...

Time is fleeting, and the evil breath that has poured into the altar is increasing.

The altar gradually changed a little, shaking slightly.

Fang Chen knew that the time was almost up and it was time to shoot.


Fang Chen moved his mind to directly break the illusion surrounding the remnants of the Holy Light.


The boss suddenly opened his eyes and growled.

The other four were also a little surprised, looking around and found nothing.

"Boss, are you wrong? No one." Asked the youngest.

The boss shook his head violently, frowning: "Impossible, I clearly felt the illusion around us broke."

call out……

The boss's words just fell, and a more terrifying formation immediately filled them all around and surrounded the five.


The five people saw their faces and their faces changed greatly.

"This is ... Peerless formation? Damn, we were found."

The fourth man was a formation mage, and at a glance he saw the supernatural-level formation, filled with fear.

"Get out of here."

The boss stopped the output of evil breath and slammed into the void with a punch.

"You continue." Old Avenue.

At this moment, smiling Fang Chen came out of the void.

"The courage of the holy light teaching is really getting bigger and bigger, and actually dared to mix into the territory of the Tiangu Palace, really looking for death." Fang Chen sneered.

"Disciple of Tiangu Palace?"

Seeing the boss, his heart tightened and asked coldly.

"Knowing that I am a disciple of Heavenly Bone Palace, you can capture without a hand?" Fang Chen continued.

After discovering that only Fang Chen was alone, the boss sneered and said: "Just relying on you alone, trying to stop us?"

When the boss spoke, he sent a voice to the other four people, letting them speed up to summon the rudder master's residual soul.

"Want to delay time? Unfortunately, you have no chance."

With Xingyin Sword in hand, Fang Chen directly exhibited the Taiko Refining God's Secret.

call out……

Although the boss is a strong king of God Realm, but its strength is not as good as the Black Sword God King.

Fang Chen confronted him and almost prevailed. And in a very short time, it was suppressed.

"too weak."

Pushed a sword, cut off the boss's head, and then extinguished his soul.


The four yelled, their teeth split.

It is also at this time that mutations burst.

Inside the beheaded boss, a mad evil breath appeared, which was completely absorbed by the altar.


A slight crack appeared on the altar, as if there was something to rush out.


Fang Chen screamed badly, raised his sword and dropped four swords in succession, directly beheading the remaining four.

At the same time, the altar exploded and an evil voice came out.

"Hahahaha, no one can stop the resurrection of this rudder master."


Archaic refining magic tactics were carried out, and the Xingyin sword carried a terrifying breath and hacked on the broken altar.

Suddenly, the sound of concussion sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a horrified voice came from the altar.

"You ... your swordsmanship?"

The remnant soul of the rudder master in the altar also felt a little afraid.



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