Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1866: Soul Road Upgrade

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Another sword, directly chopping the altar, a broken primordial light group, suspended in mid-air, wrapped in evil breath.

The voice came from here.

"You can't kill me, I am the helm of the Holy Light Church."

"Is the Holy Light teaching rudder master very powerful?" Fang Chen stared at Yuanshen Light Group and asked rhetorically.

"Of course it is powerful. During the peak of the rudder master, the **** emperor's realm was almost invincible. The position within the Holy Light Church is even more than ten thousand people. If you let me go, the local master will take you to the Holy Light Church Give you supreme glory. "The rudder master remnant soul said.

Fang Chen sneered and said, "Since you are so powerful, how could it be like this now?"

"Huh, what do you know? If it weren't for the negligence of the master of that year, would it be hit by those old guys of your human race." When it comes to that battle, the remnant of the master is very angry.

Fang Chen's face showed a playful smile.

On him, the breath of destruction appeared, and he walked step by step towards the ruined soul of the rudder master.

"Boy, if you kill me, the Holy Light will not let you go." The rudder's remnant soul threatened.

Fang Chen shrugged. He has heard this sentence many times, and he has been living well so far.

Seeing Fang Chen disdain, the rudder's remnant trembles slightly, and immediately said: "Boy, how are we going to make a deal?"

"What deal?" Fang Chen asked with interest watching Yuanshen Light Group.

"There is a death mark on you. I can help you get rid of the death mark, but you must let me go."


After hearing that, Fang Chen was interested. "Can you help me remove the mark of death?"

"Huh, when Lord Rudder was in the realm of God, you were not born yet. How can you imagine the means of Lord Rudder? If I guess well, you should offend the Death Divine Emperor. If you do n’t get rid of it, The imprint of death, the Divine Emperor will surely chase you to the end of the world. "The rudder master's remnant soul sneered.

"You can also let go, but you have to help me get rid of the death mark first." Fang Chen said secretly.

Forgive him that he can't play any tricks, Fang Chen wants to try.

Indeed, as the rudder's remnant said, death is imprinted on his body, and he is always worried.

If it can be removed, then naturally the best.

"Deal, I hope your kid can keep his promise." Rudder master remnant soul said, "Release your body and mind, let me enter your mind, expel the imprint of death for you."

Fang Chen nodded, closed his eyes, relaxed his body, and converged the soul breath.

call out……

The broken Yuanshen Light Group suddenly fell into Fang Chen's mind.

"Ha ha ha, **** is still old and spicy, this kid's body, fully meets my standard of winning the house." The rudder lord sneered secretly.

Immediately, within the Yuanshen Light Group, a powerful evil breath was released, which instantly wrapped Fang Chen's Yuanshen.

"Boy, you regret it."

The rudder's remnant soul laughed, it seemed that victory was in sight.

As long as this kid is taken away, returned to the Holy Light Church, and cultivated for a few years, he will surely sweep the God Realm again.

"I don't know what to do if you know you."

Fang Chen sneered, golden heart trembling, golden liquid, instantly filled.

At the same time, the blood of the true dragon also passed into the mind through the blood vessels.

The remnant soul of the rudder master was hit on all sides, and the latter's defense was completely defeated.

"No, impossible, how are you ..."

The rudder's remnant soul shouted, he couldn't imagine, he had wrapped this child's primordial spirit, making it unable to move. Why this child can also mobilize the strength of the body.

Moreover, this power actually contains the blood of horrible true dragon.

"Do not……"

The rudder master shouted in horror and struggled desperately.

But Fang Chen didn't give him a chance, the golden liquid and the blood of the real dragon attacked one after another, and the ruined soul of the rudder master had been fragmented for a moment.

"Boy, let me go, I can tell you a secret." The rudder lord shouted wildly.

But Fang Chen didn't stop the attack, the wild breath directly swept through his mind and drowned the rudder master's residual soul instantly.

"I will tell you all the secrets I know, and let me go for a life."

At this time, the ruined soul of the rudder master was afraid to talk to Fang Chen about the conditions, and all the secrets he knew were revealed at once.

"Under this mountain peak, there is a cold lake, which can condense the Yuanshen ..."

The rudder master had no time to talk about it, and it completely disappeared.


Fang Chen was relieved, and his eyes fell on the rocky layer at the foot of the mountain.

"Under the peak, is there a cold lake?"

Fang Chen was a little emotional, and his mind moved, his figure hidden in the void.

After a while, he dived into the bottom of the rock layer. Looking closely, there is really a lot of space under the ground.

Fang Chen dived directly into the ground along the direction of the altar breaking out of the earth.

Soon, Fang Chen landed on the ground.

He looked around. This is a small cave, which can only accommodate three or five people.

Next to the cave, there is a black lake.

"There really is a cold lake."

Fang Chen said, immediately the consciousness spread, check Hantan.

This inspection directly excited Fang Chen.

"There is a trace of heavy water in the cold lake, and a trace of special energy."

Fang Chen frowned, thinking in his mind.

After a long time, his eyes lit up, and he knew what this cold pool was.

He also understood why the ruling lord of the Holy Light Church could survive.

This Hantan Lake is called Yuantan in God Realm.

In fact, this name was not originally called, but because the water in the pool can nourish Yuanshen, it is called Yuantan over time.

Yuantan, full name is Yuanshen Hantan.

One characteristic of Yuantan is that there is a trace of devastating heavy water in the stream inside the lake.

Although the destruction of heavy water is very strong, the true God does not dare to resist easily. However, the combination of the destruction of heavy water and other energies in the cold lake will not only destroy the primal spirit of the martial arts, but will nourish it.

"Unfortunately, this Yuantan is a bit small."

Fang Chen pouted, saying that if he wants to conceive Yuanshen, he must absorb the water in Yuantan.

Such a small Yuantan, I am afraid that it is not enough to absorb my Yuanshen.

"No matter, it's better than nothing."

Fang Chen thought for a moment, and then sat cross-legged next to Yuantan, the soul road breath escaped, trying to absorb the water in Yuantan.

Hiss ...

After a drop of stream entered my mind, he was immediately scrambled for absorption by the three little gold figures.

Fang Chen can obviously feel that Yuanshen seems to have strengthened a lot.

"The effect is so fierce?"

I have only heard others say this before, and this is the first time I have seen it.

Fang Chen was also amazed by the effect of Yuantan's stream water, and soon he took a deep breath and began to absorb frantically.


In just half an hour, Fang Chen sucked away half of the water in Yuantan. His whole body soul was very strong, and there seemed to be signs of breakthrough at any time.

"carry on."

The remnant soul of the rudder master, after that war, is about to shatter and is very weak. Therefore, it is only immersed in the cold lake to conceive, and the amount of absorption is limited.

Otherwise, it is impossible to leave Fang Chen.

Three days later, Yuantan in front of Fang Chen had dried up.

At this moment, Fang Chen's Yuanshen has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Rumble ...

In my mind, a deafening voice came.

The body of the three little golden men was filled with terrifying soul.

"Is the peak of Sanyuan Realm?"

Fang Chen opened his eyes and said to himself.

After absorbing the water in Yuantan, Yuanshen reached the peak of Sanyuan Realm, which surprised Fang Chen.

At the same time, the soul repair level has also been slightly increased.

"Now, it is enough for me to deal with ordinary **** kings by soul repairing."

True God level soul repair, attack power is not covered.


However, at this moment, Fang Chen's mind shook.

Immediately, his face was ecstatic.

"The Chiba Needle has reached the third floor?"

During this time, the avatar has been enlightening Chiba Needle.

The primordial spirit of the deity has been greatly improved, and the avatar's perception of Qianye Needle has also been greatly improved.

In one fell swoop, it broke through the final bottleneck and realized the third layer of Qianye Needle.

The third layer of Qianye Needle can instantly condense 10 million embroidery needles, and the attack power is strong. Even if it is the six ruler kings, I am afraid not to resist it head-on?

Fang Chen stood up, very excited.

"The harvest is really not small." Fang Chen said: "I don't have to run away when I meet the King of Destruction. And when the time comes, the title of King of Destruction will also become my own?"



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