Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1946: Fist bombing

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According to Fang Chen's memory, the strongest form of the seven interception is the seven-point seven interception.

That is to say, there must be seven sets of seven cuts in total. Each set of seven cuts requires seven Divine Emperors, and a total of seven, seven, forty-nine people.

If a seven-point seven interception is arranged, even the Divine Emperor cannot break the array.

Fortunately, the rest of the Holy Light teaches only a three-point seven interception.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's face showed a sneer. Immediately, his heart moved, and there was a lot of information about the seven interceptions in his mind.

"If you want to break through the seven interceptions, you must separate three sets of seven interceptions, otherwise everything will be in vain."

Fang Chen thought to himself, he looked around and determined the position of the three sets of seven pieces, and immediately transmitted the sound to the two brothers, "Brother Master, Brother Five, I have found a way to break the array, but you need yours help."

Tian Ding Shen Huang and Mo Wu were anxious, and suddenly heard Fang Chen's words, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately said that he would do everything in his power to cooperate with Fang Chen.

Fang Chen told the two brothers in detail the positions of the three groups and seven sections.

"Brother, when I issue an order, you will attack the first group of seven interceptions, and five brothers will deal with the second group of seven interceptions. Remember, no matter what, you must attack insanely. The two sets of seven pieces are combined with each other. "Fang Chen urged.

"Don't worry, brother, others dare not say, but if you attack one of them, I have confidence." Tianding Shenhuang nodded.

What he said, God Emperor God, who is also a person who can be counted among God Emperors, if it is impossible to stop even a group of seven, is it still ridiculous?

Mo Wu also focused on his head, ready to start.

At this moment, the headed emperor laughed.

"Working harder, they are almost unable to hold on."

The three sets of seven pieces cooperate with each other, complement each other, and burst into wild power, instantly acting on the void.


The void is distorted, and the three Fang Chen appear at the same time.

"Do it yourself."

At this moment, Fang Chen snorted, and he rushed toward the seven people in the northwest direction.

The Taigu Refining God's tactics are displayed without hesitation, and the five swords are sent together, attacking the five of them. Immediately afterwards, he exhibited the twenty-fourth floor of the magic dragon sky destroyer, and a terrifying black dragon in the sky swooped down.

Fang Chen's attack target, locked seven people in the northwest direction, seven of them happened to form a third group of seven.

At the same time, Tianding Shenhuang is attacking the first set of seven interceptions, while Mowu is attacking the second set of seven interceptions.

The Holy Light God, who was laughing violently, suddenly changed his face.

"How is it possible? How can he see the track of the seven interceptions?"

If you want to crack the seven-interval, you must find the most prepared seven-interval. Even if you miscalculate a person, it will cause the plan to fail.

However, at first glance, the head God Emperor set off a turbulent wave in his heart.

The three of Fang Chen found three sets of seven interceptions with great precision, and the most surprising thing was that they actually attacked frantically, cutting off the contact of three sets of seven interceptions.

"Strike hard."

The head emperor knew how bad the situation was and shouted loudly.

Despite being trapped in a three-point and seven interception, Tianding Divine Emperor and Mo Wu also showed off the means of their top Divine Emperor.

In the crazy attack of the two, the two sets of seven cuts are unable to converge with the third set of seven cuts.

In this way, Fang Chen was given an excellent opportunity.

Taikoo Refining God Skill and Demon Dragon Sword, after the two waves of wild attacks, the seven Divine Emperors who maintained the third set of seven pieces were already a little shaky and could not control it.


Fang Chen urged all his strength, and at the same time he exhibited the sword technique, he also exhibited the Chiba needle.

Thousands of embroidery needles, densely suspended in mid-air, stab at seven people at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Thump ...

Finally, in the crazy attack, one of the weaker emperors could not hold on.

Spitting blood, his body fell down and instantly lost his life.

The seven cuts must be maintained by seven people together, as long as one is no longer, the seven cuts will not break.


The third group of seven pieces was broken, and even the other two groups of seven pieces fell apart.

call out!

The horrible sword light emerged from the sky, and it was fiercely slashed on the body of the holy light.


Holy Light teaches the aftermath, retreating madly.


Xingyin Jian split the earth into a big pit, at this time Fang Chen also felt that his true divine power was suppressed again.

The three-point and seven interception has been completely broken, and their figure once again appeared in the ancient warehouse.

Fang Chen put away the Xingyin sword and smiled at the many emperors of the Holy Light.

"Holy light teaching is really enough blood, in order to deal with me, even took out the seven interceptions." Fang Chen grinned, but his smile was full of cold murderous intention.

The remaining twenty emperors have changed faces.

The first emperor bit his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Do you think you can escape our palm by breaking through the seven interceptions? Competing for physical strength, our Holy Light teaches no fear of anyone."

Tianding Shenhuang and Mowu made him laugh.

Comparing physical strength with Brother Fang? Are you sure this is a joke?

"Huh, let you laugh now, and you will cry when there is to be." The head **** emperor said indifferently.

Fang Chen stepped forward and looked at the 20 Holy Light Gods and said, "Say, how do you want to die."


Furious for the first Divine Emperor, the twenty Divine Emperors suddenly mobilized all their strength and attacked Fang Chen madly.

"too weak."

Fang Chen shook his head. After charging, he punched lightly on the head of the **** emperor who first approached him.


There is almost no resistance to this. The head of the Divine Emperor exploded directly, and the Yuanshen also exploded in an instant.


At the same time, the rest of the Holy Light taught the rest, all the power, all hit Fang Chen's body.

Perfect sword movement, sword-shaped runes flowing.

The thunder-like attack fell on Fang Chen, leaving no scars.

"I'm not saying you, this attack is too weak? I'm standing here, and you can't break my defense." Fang Chen sneered.


Seeing this for the first emperor, my heart shook.

His body retreated involuntarily.

"We have no choice but to die or we die."

In the low drink for the first emperor, many emperors began desperately.

However, it was only a pair of iron fists that responded to them, nothing more.


Whenever Fang Chen's iron fist hits the head of the Holy Light God, their number will decrease by one.

After a while, there were already ten Divine Emperors dead in Fang Chen's hands.


To fight against the First Son, Fang Chen needs to close and control his strength.

In the battle against the Holy Religion, there is no need to think about it at all. The only idea is to kill them all.

Therefore, Fang Chen felt very happy.

"How is it possible? How can his physical strength be so strong?"

The aftermath of the Holy Light Church was also shocked by Fang Chen's physical strength.

However, it was too late, and what awaited them was death!

Tianding Shenhuang and Mo Wu watched this scene quietly, their faces full of smiles.

It's no joke to sweep the ancient warehouse. It can only be said that these aftermaths of the Holy Light religion are too bad.

Just when Fang Chen opened the killing ring, countless **** emperors appeared in secret. They are all attracted by powerful forces.

"Is that destroying the emperor?"

"The Destroying God Emperor is fighting the remnants of the Holy Light Church."

"It's too powerful. This kind of combat power is worthy of the destruction of the invincible hand of the ancient warehouse.

Many **** emperors were completely shocked.

It wasn't until this moment that they experienced firsthand how powerful the power to destroy the emperor was.

At the same time, they are also very excited, it is simply very popular.

Holy Light teaches the aftermath, just one after another died in fear.


When the first emperor was killed, 21 corpses were poured into the pool of blood.

There is evil breath flowing on them.

At this moment, all the **** emperors who watched secretly expressed their respect to each other.

They did not feel that Fang Chen was bloodthirsty, but applauded Fang Chen.

Because he killed the enemy of God Realm, friends of Holy Light Church ~ ~, you can search for "", you can find this site in the first time.

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