Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1947: The first person under the Divine Emperor

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Twenty-one remnants of the Holy Light taught all died.

Fang Chen gathered his strength and turned to look at Brother Master and Brother Five, he was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled.

"this is……"

There are countless **** emperors in the distance, staring at him dumbfounded.

"Brother, these people are shocked by your strength." The God Emperor Tianding laughed.

Fang Chen touched his head, disapproving. He didn't know at all that how much shock he had just slaughtered the remnants of the Holy Light Church.

"Brother, great."

Apart from that, Mo Wu didn't know what to say.

Fang Chen smiled and said, "Let's go."

Right now, Gu Cangjie has no need to continue to stay, the experience is over.

Everyone was shocked to see three people Fang Chen leave Gu Cangjie.

The whole Gu Cang world, directly frying pan.


Fang Chen and others waited for a moment at the exit of Gu Cangjie.

"Brother, are you waiting for someone?" Tianding Shenhuang asked.

Fang Chen nodded, he was waiting for his wife Xingyue and the little mouse four of them.

A moment later, Xingyue, who was in purple robe, arrived, and then the four of them came.


Fang Chen shouted, a smile appeared on Xingyue's pretty face, and walked beside Fang Chen.

"It's all right?" Fang Chen asked.

Xingyue shook her head. She basically did not encounter any powerful **** emperor in the ancient warehouse. Instead, she got some inheritance.

"No breakthrough?" Fang Chen found that Xingyue still stayed at the peak of Divine King Realm, and never made a breakthrough.

"Brother Fang, would you like to introduce us?" Tianding Shenhuang asked with a smile.

"Yue'er, let me introduce to you, this is my master brother Tianding God Emperor, this is Brother Wu Wu Mo Wu." Fang Chen said: "Two brothers, this is my wife Xingyue."

"Hahaha, my brother and sister are really beautiful, and they are very suitable for Brother Fang." God Emperor Tianding smiled.

Immediately, Fang Chen introduced the four mice to the Emperor Tianding and Mo Wu.

After the two saw these four guys, they were even more admired by each other and could not be more complex.

There are still many people outside the ancient warehouse. They are whispering, some dare not to enter, some want to enter, but are not ready.


The three of Fang Chen walked out of it, and suddenly everyone's eyes fell on their three brothers and sisters.

"It's the Goddess of Heaven Bone Palace and Mo Wu."

"Who else is that person? Good eyes."

"Don't even know him? Destroy God Emperor Fangchen."

The three men grinned when they heard the discussion.


Suddenly, there was a deafening voice in the sky, followed by a trembling breath, sweeping across the earth in an instant.

Everyone looked at the sky with frustration, Fang Chen's heart also moved.

Able to send such a big movement, in addition to Divine Emperor, there will be no one else.

"Destroy Divine Emperor."

Fang Chen could see the projection in the sky at a glance, the Destruction Emperor in a black robe, and looked at Fang Chen with a smile.

"Meet the God of Destruction."

Tianding Divine Emperor and Mo Wu clenched their fists.

Destroying Divine Emperor nodded softly and said, "I really envy the Guzu guy and accepted such an excellent disciple."

The words of Destroying Divine Emperor made everyone stunned again, and then looked at Fang Chen inconceivably.

Even Destroying Divine Emperor praised Fang Chen, is this too abnormal?

"Divine Emperor praised the error." Fang Chen humbly said, he was relatively calm in the face of the destruction of Divine Emperor, not too nervous.

Destruction Emperor suddenly stretched out his palm and said: "Bring it."

Fang Chen was stunned, and immediately thought of the weapon of the Third Son.

He took the spear out of the Sumiya ring and gave it to the God of Destruction.

"Destroy the predecessor of Divine Emperor, the junior has no intention ..."

Fang Chen wanted to explain, fearing that the God of Destruction was angry.

However, the latter waved his hand to stop Fang Chen's words.

"I already know everything that happened in the ancient warehouse. You are already merciful to my two apprentices." Destruction God Emperor said: "It's you, I'm curious. In such a short time, actually Able to reach this level. "

"I come here today, and it is of secondary importance to get back the weapons of the three disciples. The main thing is to want to see you with your own eyes." God of Destruction said: "Your strength is beyond my imagination. The first person is none other than you. "

"If you have time, you can come to the Beast God Clan as a guest."

After all, the destruction of the Divine Emperor's projection disappeared, and the power of terror dissipated.

In front of the ancient warehouse, there was a lot of noise, and everyone stared at Fang Chen in dumbfounded.

Destroying Divine Emperor personally said, the first person under Divine Emperor. This is a huge compliment.

"Brother, you can be called Zhenshen Realm now." God Emperor Tianding smiled.

"Yeah, the destruction of the Divine Emperor said, this is very authoritative. I believe that when the news is spread, other Divine Emperors will recognize your strength." Mo Wu is also happy for Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was not too excited, he nodded gently, and then said: "Two brothers, are you going back to Tiangu Palace, or sit on my Jinfeng Island?"

"Brother, two of us haven't returned to Tiangu Palace for many years. This time we will go back to see Master." Tianding God Emperor said.

"Okay, then we will make a difference." Fang Chen said.


Within a few days, the praise of the destruction of God Emperor Fang Chen has spread throughout the entire Divine Realm.

The ten great emperors were all a little shocked, especially the Guzu heard the news and laughed.

"Hahaha, my apprentice really gave me a face." Inside the bone temple, Guzu said with a smile. "Destroy the Divine Emperor is old and immortal. His vision is very high, and he can be valued by him. It is very rare. Even his three baby apprentices have not received such evaluation."

"It seems that my disciple is in Gu Cang Realm, and the harvest is not small."

In addition to the Guzu, the other Xeon God Emperors also heard the news.

"Gu Zu, this disciple, is really amazing."

"With his potential, he might be able to step into Divine Emperor Realm in the future."

"The martial arts practicers in time and space actually swept the Gucang world in strength, which is also an insurmountable record."

Many Divine Emperors communicate with each other.

In the Nanling Sword Palace, the faces of Death Divine Emperor and Black Emperor are extremely gloomy.

"Brother, it seems that the Holy Light religion has failed." Heidi said in a deep voice.

"Damn, you can't kill him in this way." Death Emperor said coldly.

"His growth rate is too fast, the destruction of the Divine Emperor said, the first person under the Divine Emperor, this is not bragging." Hei Di said: "I am a little worried, if he is allowed to continue to grow, wait for him To become a Divine Emperor, we can't help him. "

"I'm going to contact the Holy Light Church, and if they want to come, they don't want to see such a monster with great potential and continue to grow."


Back to Jinfeng Island, Xingyue went straight to retreat.

In the Gu Cang world, the harvest is great, and you need to retreat and digest it.

As for the four small mice, except for Xiao Huang's breakthrough to the God Emperor's realm, the other three did not break through.

However, they have no intention of practicing at all, looking for mythical beasts to fight everywhere.

In an instant, it has been half a year to return to Jinfeng Island.

During this time, Fang Chen was more leisurely. When you're okay, practice the Demon Slayer Sword, or check out the five major veins.

Since the trip to Gu Cangjie, there is no more aftermath of the Holy Light religion.

The laid-back days are constantly passing.

However, on a certain day, an emperor who claimed to be the reincarnation hall suddenly arrived on Jinfeng Island.

"Islander, this man claims to be the reincarnation hall emperor and wants to see you." Said the deputy island owner.

"Oh? Reincarnation Hall Emperor? Let him come." Fang Chen said.

After a while, the deputy island master brought the saint emperor of the reincarnation hall into the garden.

"I have heard of the young and talented God of Destruction. I saw it today, and it really deserved reputation." Sacred Emperor Samsara said with a smile: "Introduce myself, I am the elder of the Sacred Palace. Destruction Emperor can call me old blue."

"Elder Lan, I don't know if you come to Jinfeng Island this time, is there anything?" Fang Chen asked.

"Destroy the Divine Emperor, I came to find you important things." Wen Yan, Elder Lan said lowly: "Does the Divine Emperor remember Miss Ling'er?"

"Of course I remember that although I met Miss Linger for the first time, they were very close to each other." Fang Chendao recalled the scene of Linger and the old man on Jinfeng Island.

"Miss Ling'er encountered some troubles in the reincarnation hall. I didn't want to disturb you to destroy God Emperor, but there is really no way ~ ~ friends, you can search for" ", you can find it the first time This site.

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