Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2000: Rush into reincarnation together

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What he did not know was that in the confrontation with the Holy Light Church, one of the three great sons had fallen.

That battle was too cruel, and it was ultimately because of the appearance of Wu Teng and Ling'er that he managed to turn the tide and kill the remaining evil of the Holy Light.

After a short stay in Beast God Race, Fang Chen took four little guys to Jinfeng Island.

"Boss, wait for me for a while."

The figure of the mouse rattled into the vein below.

It can be clearly seen in the sky that the little mouse travels between the five major veins.

After a while, he came back.

"so comfy."

The little mouse patted his stomach and said comfortably.

"Brother, how much did you eat?"

Xiao Huang looked at the latter with some surprise, but he knew clearly that the terrifying God Devourer.

"Not many, probably the five major veins have been exploited for ten years," said the little mouse.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was also stunned.

Immediately said: "Your food intake has increased greatly. After you become a Divine Emperor, do you know if you will eat up all the things in the God Realm?"

"In my memory, the God Eater hasn't appeared Divine Emperor. So the description of Divine Emperor Realm is a little vague, but the boss doesn't have to worry, when I step into Divine Emperor Realm, I will eat the remnants of the Holy Light Church, That's the big one, "the little mouse said.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and left Jinfeng Island.

Reincarnation Hall.

"Hahaha, it's really awesome that the destruction of the Emperor came to my reincarnation hall."

The Deputy Hall Master personally greeted Fang Chen, his face full of smiles.

Now Fang Chen is a celebrity of God Realm. The ten most powerful divine emperors cannot be found. It can be said that the destruction of the emperor is the strongest person in the **** realm.

"Vice Lord, I come to the reincarnation hall, there are some things to trouble." Fang Chen said.

"Destroy the Divine Emperor, you are so polite to say this. You are a distinguished guest of our reincarnation hall, and you have helped Ling'er. What's a little busy?" The deputy hall master waved his hand.

Fang Chen did not go around the bender, and directly explained the intention to the deputy hall master.

"My four little guys, want to go to the reincarnation tower. Don't you know?" Fang Chen asked.

"If it is someone else's words, it is absolutely impossible. But they were brought by you to destroy the emperor. I will take the lead and agree to them enter the samsara to practice."

Destroying the **** emperor is a big thick leg, when not to hug now?

"Old man, it won't take long for you to be proud of the decision you made today." Little Mouse said.

"Yeah, in the future, our brother will be covered in samsara to see who dares to come to your trouble." Xiao Huang also said.

Although Xiaohai and the pangolin did not say anything, they had the same attitude as the little mouse.

The deputy hall master smiled and didn't take their words seriously.


"The reincarnation tower has been opened, you go in." The deputy hall master said: "I have told you the specific precautions, be careful."

"Relax, we went in."

The little mouse took the lead and entered the Samsara Tower, followed by three others.


The reincarnation tower closed, Fang Chen nodded, still quite looking forward to it, the moment the four of them stepped into Divine Emperor Realm.

"Brother Fang Chen, why didn't you tell Linger when you came?"

Linger in a black shirt, very handsome, hurried to Fang Chen's body and said softly.

"Isn't it too late?"

Fang Chen smiled and said: "Linger is not practicing?"

"Brother Fang Chen, what's the matter with you coming to the reincarnation hall?" Linger's dark eyes stared at Fang Chen and asked with a smile.

"There are indeed some things. I want to use the power of reincarnation in the reincarnation hall to break into reincarnation." Fang Chen said.

"Then why don't you go to the reincarnation tower?" Linger asked curiously.

Fang Chen shook his head, he was not here.

"I want to get through ... all life cycle."

Wen Yan, the deputy hall master was also a little shocked, looking at Fang Chen stunned.

"Destroy the Divine Emperor. It is too difficult to reincarnate forever. You will die if you are careless. You should consider it clearly," the deputy master reminded.

"I have thought clearly." Fang Chen said firmly.

"I accompanied Brother Fang Chen in samsara." Linger said suddenly.

"Ling Er can't."

It didn't take long for me to come out of the reincarnation, and it is very dangerous to create reincarnation again.

"Vice Hall Master, I made this decision without blindness. First of all, my practice is stuck in a bottleneck. If I want to break into the Divine Emperor Realm, I have to take dangerous moves. So it is best to go into the reincarnation again. Choice. Secondly, I am most familiar with reincarnation. During the process of reincarnation, brother Fang Chen and I can help each other and realize each other. Maybe both of us can go through reincarnation together. "Linger explained.

"Martial arts, you can't back away when you should take the risk. I can understand the protection of the reincarnation hall for Ling'er. But now that God Realm is in troubled times, if Ling'er has always been like this, how can it be broken in the future?" Chen Dao.

After struggling for a while, the deputy hall master finally nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I agree that you are going to reincarnate, but you must not brave yourself."

"Relax, I know."

Ling'er grinned Fang Chen's arm and quickly left the reincarnation tower.

Reincarnation Plaza.

There is the most powerful power of reincarnation rules in the whole God Realm. If you want to break into reincarnation without using the reincarnation tower, only here can you enter reincarnation.

"Brother Fang Chen, this is your first time to break into samsara, relax your mind and listen to my command." Linger said.

Fang Chen nodded, took a deep breath, and immediately moved his mind, and the force of the wild reincarnation rules escaped from his body.

In the next moment, the power of his reincarnation rules came into contact with the power of reincarnation rules on the reincarnation square.

"The world reincarnates, everything grows."

Linger had some complicated formulas in his mouth, and Fang Chen felt that his eyelids were fighting.

In a blink of an eye, you lose consciousness.

The body of Fang Chen and Ling'er is full of the power of the rules of reincarnation to the extreme.

The two of them are already in reincarnation.

"I hope you can succeed." The vice-lord prayed secretly.


Deep in the South China Sea, the choppy waves.

Suddenly, there was an angry roaring noise, thinking about the calmness here and breaking it completely.

On the surface of the water, a huge water column suddenly appeared, and the deafening sound spread out.

The wild breath ravaged the South China Sea.

Two thick tentacles emerged from the water column, and then a black shadow surfaced.


The roar of Ant Royal.

The size of this ant royal family is as big as a small hill, and I do n’t know how many times it is bigger than Xiao Huang.

Its body contains a terrifying breath.

"This seat is finally back."

The breath of the huge ant royal family is very shocking.

Every time it moves, it will cause choppy waves.

Due to the vibration of the sea water, some powerful beasts have appeared.

"Ant Royal?"

After seeing the ant royal family, these mythical beasts have drawn attention and beheaded.


The angry roar resounded through the South China Sea.

Faced with the attacks of many gods and beasts, the huge ant royal family opened their mouths of blood, and the wild power swept over instantly.

With a bite, a **** beast rushing to the forefront was directly bitten by it.

"Dare to take action on this seat? Have you forgotten that this seat has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years?"

The giant Ant Royal sneered and launched a thunderous attack.

After a short while, the South China Sea was empty, and there was blood and rain.

The numerous beasts that besieged it all died. Among them, there are some **** beasts in the Divine Realm, which have super attack power, but they are useless.

"At that time, this seat almost became the supreme ant emperor of God Realm. However, in the end, it ended miserably, only one step away, I am ruthless." The huge ant emperor said in a deep voice, Shen Sheng said.

"Now, since this seat has been fully awakened, then it is necessary to conquer all the ant tribes and become the real ant emperor." The huge ant emperor said: "Motian ant emperor, don't know if you are still alive? If you are still alive, then I Will personally crush you to pieces. "

At that time, it was the powerful ant royal family who competed with the devil ant emperor for the last ant emperor.

However, because of a mistake, the Devil Ant Emperor became the Emperor Ant Emperor. After trying his best, he escaped a trace of remnant from Mo Tian Ant Emperor's belly and sank into the South China Sea.

After hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, he finally regained consciousness, and his wounds healed, and cultivation reached its peak.

The huge ant royal family is very angry when thinking of the magic ant emperor.

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