Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2001: Lingxi Divine Emperor

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Breaking into reincarnation is a technical task. Not only must we have a strong perception, but also a strong sense of reincarnation.

Otherwise, even if you are strong, it will be nothing.

In reincarnation, your actual strength is of little use. You can only rely on your perception and reincarnation perception.

In fact, for Fang Chen, it is not a specialization of reincarnation, and his perception is definitely not as good as Ling'er.

However, during the reincarnation, Fang Chen showed an extraordinary dazzling performance.

Because it has traversed the first floor of the reincarnation tower before, which is equivalent to the reincarnation of Baishi.

The more difficult it is to get into the reincarnation, the later.

However, Fang Chen's speed of reincarnation is indeed extremely fast. It took only three days to pass the 101st reincarnation, which caused a lot of shock.


The deputy hall master had only two words for Chen Chen.

Now he finally understands why Fang Chen is going to reincarnate. He wanted to experience the red dust in the reincarnation and impact the Divine Emperor Realm.

"If he majored in reincarnation, wouldn't he know whether his achievements would surpass that of the main hall?" The inside of the vice main hall gave birth to some bold ideas.

However, what happened next made the vice hall master even more dumbfounded.

With his own actions, Fang Chen constantly broke the record after another in the history of the reincarnation hall.

For example, the Divine Emperor who passed the reincarnation of the 200th century fastest, this is much stronger than Ling'er.

However, Linger's path is different from him, and the speed of reincarnation does not mean that he has a stronger perception of reincarnation than Linger.

However, it is more difficult to get into the later stages of the reincarnation. Therefore, it took Fang Chen a year to pass through the reincarnation of the thousand generations.

In the world of reincarnation, Fang Chen's body is full of the power of reincarnation to the extreme.

"Fang Chen, today you have no way to escape."

"Yes, hand over the treasures from you, otherwise you will have only one way to die."

On a blue stone, Fang Chen stood quietly, holding a long sword in his hand, and there were some blood stains on his clothes.

His eyes glanced around him, the latter more than a dozen strong.

"Strength is the most important."

Fang Chen sighed, and some of these warriors who circumvented him were still his brothers.

Now, he is already the strongest in grinding the seven continents.

Because of his treasure, he was surrounded by other powerful men. And the main messenger behind all this is actually his own good brother.

"Wang Long, I am so good to you all these years, but you betrayed me?" Fang Chen asked.

"Huh, the winner is the king and the loser is the coup. Over the years, no matter how hard I try, I have been pressed by you, I am not willing. I want to surpass you, but your potential is too strong, so I can only destroy You. "The warrior called Wang Long said coldly.

Can't surpass you, then destroy you.

"I am very sad."

In an instant, when he heard Wang Long's words, Fang Chen felt himself having an epiphany.

A dense message appeared in my mind, and the spirit of God suddenly shook.

call out!

Holding a long sword, he fought with these warriors.

"One sword shocked the world."

Fang Chen's swordsmanship is very fierce. Every time he makes a sword, he will force everyone back.

"Go together and kill him."

Wang Long shouted in anger, and everyone exhibited the strongest attack, fighting with Fang Chen.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

In the end, Fang Chen, by virtue of his super strength, beheaded all the people who surrounded him.

But he was also hit hard, blood spilled over the sky.

His dark eyes looked at the sky.

"It turns out so."

In an instant, his body collapsed into the void.

At the last moment, an epiphany happened, which allowed him to complete this round of perception in advance.

This is just a small episode of reincarnation. Each reincarnation has an independent story belonging to Fang Chen.

These stories have a big gap with reality, but they can guide Fang Chen from all aspects and let him completely release himself.

Three years later.

Fang Chen passed through the three thousand reincarnation.

Five years later, he went through the rebirth of the five thousand worlds, and he has a more thorough view of everything in the world.

Ten years later, he passed through the 8000 reincarnation.

After twelve years, he finally reached the cycle of reincarnation.

This speed has already surpassed the fastest record in the history of the reincarnation hall.

Reincarnation is a hurdle. Fang Chen also fell into it, unable to extricate himself.

During this period, Ling'er was out.

On the day Linger went out, the whole world was shaking.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky and alarmed countless **** emperors.

In the reincarnation square, Linger in black shirt suddenly opened his eyes.

The strength in her body quickly climbed to the extreme. Just a glance made the entire reincarnation hall directly wrapped in the power of reincarnation rules.

"Is this the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Linger's red lips lighted up and said to himself.

"Hahaha, congratulations Linger, step into the Divine Emperor Realm."

The deputy hall master appeared first, his face full of excited smiles.

Linger's breakthrough to Divine Emperor Realm is definitely the biggest joy in the Samsara Palace.

At the same time, other divine emperors of God Realm also knew that a divine emperor appeared in the reincarnation hall.

Ling'er turned his head and looked at Fang Chen, his eyes filled with a complex look.

"It's not easy."

After going through the reincarnation of the world, they did not step into the Divine Emperor Realm. But this time, he broke through in the reincarnation hand in hand with Fang Chen.

No one knows what happened to Ling'er in the world of reincarnation, and she didn't want to say more.

Stand up and exit the reincarnation square.

"Ling'er, you have become a Divine Emperor, do you want to change the title?" The deputy hall master reminded.

Linger was previously known as the reincarnation emperor, but one of the six ruler emperors.

And now, she has broken through to Divine Emperor Realm, and naturally cannot use the title of Reincarnation Divine Emperor.

"Just ... Divine Emperor Lingxi."

Linger thought for a moment, and said softly.

"Okay, I will immediately notify the temples to help you authenticate." The vice hall said.

Divine Emperor certification is relatively simple. Soon the shrines announced to the world that the first reincarnation of the reincarnation hall, Wang Ling'er, became the **** emperor's real powerhouse, and he was called the Emperor Lingxi.


Those strong men who once fought against Linger learned that Linger had stepped into Divine Emperor Realm, and they were all saddened.

Beast God Race, the two sons stare at each other.

"We have to work hard." The Second Son said.

"Yeah, at the same level as us, but now it has become Divine Emperor Lingxi." The First Son smiled wryly. He has great potential, but he cannot take the last step. "I'm going to shut down until I step into Divine Emperor Realm."

The second son focused on the head.

At the same time, Wu Teng of the Undead Pavilion was also quite sighed.

He used to love Linger, but he also pursued Linger. But now, there is an insurmountable gap between them.

"Ling'er, I will step into the realm of God Emperor. That day, I will go to raise you with you personally, waiting for me." Wu Teng also began to shut himself up.

The younger generations of the evil world of God Realm were all stimulated by Ling'er.

Because, Ling'er is the first in the younger generation to step into Divine Emperor Realm.

There are no clouds in the west sea.

A figure descended from the sky. He stepped on the waves and stood majestic.

"Challenging reincarnation?"

The corner of the killing **** emperor's mouth turned up, showing a cold smile.

He naturally understands the purpose of destroying the God Emperor's reincarnation, but is this useful?

"I said that when I stepped into Divine Emperor Realm, it was when I charged your life." Killing Divine Emperor said to himself, shrunk to an inch. A step is taken gently, as if crossing an endless distance.

"Now, do you feel fear? Do you feel pressure? Anxiously step into Divine Emperor Realm to stop my attack?" Killing Divine Emperor said with a smile.

He is Divine Emperor, killing Divine Emperor.

He wants to kill all the warriors who are blocking him.

"The guy who got **** luck, actually got the inheritance of the other four heirs." God of Killing God said: "However, this also proves that the other four heirs are all rubbish. Only me is the most orthodox of the ancient Yuan It is only me who is the heir to be qualified to enter the realm of the universe god. "

After walking more than ten steps in a row, the killing Divine Emperor came to the Temple of Reincarnation.

The ban on the reincarnation hall has almost no effect on him.


On the reincarnation square, the killing emperor suddenly appeared.


Lingxi Divine Emperor Ling'er was discussing some things with the deputy hall master. Suddenly, his beautiful eyes flickered, staring at the sky and yelling loudly.

"It's worthy of the Emperor Lingxi, this kind of perception, admire."

The killing emperor surrounded him with scarlet breath and said with a smile.

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