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The sign that the Nether Realm has stepped into the Divine Vein Realm is to have the strength to condense the Divine Vein in order to break through to the Divine Vein Realm in one fell swoop.

However, in the chaotic void, there is no shortage of peerless demon. Although they are unable to condense the order goddess in the void, they can absorb the order goddess.

Be aware that absorption and cohesion are completely different things.

Anyone who can absorb the Order of God's Marks in the Nether Realm is a demon genius. Once they step into the Kingdom of God's Marks, condensing the Order of God's Marks is just like searching for them.

Of course, the strength of the Nether Realm itself has limited physical strength and cannot absorb too much order goddess, otherwise, if there is too much, it will swell, and finally come to a close.

Nine is the extreme number, and it has experienced endless years of evolution in the vast chaotic void. In the history, the number of the Nether Realm absorbing order **** marks is nine, which is already the limit.

Some wicked geniuses are too conceited and think they can surpass the former sages. Forcibly absorb the tenth order **** pattern, but the final result is to explode and die.

Over time, no one dared to challenge the tenth order **** pattern.

Of course, basically most of the Void Realm can't absorb the extreme order of God's Grain, and it can be regarded as very out of the ordinary to absorb three or four ways.

In fact, a void like Fang Chen, which absorbs a fusion of the gods of order, is rare on Wanmo Island, but it is very common in 'Void Star'.

"Admiral, with your current strength, more than enough to deal with the guardians." Mocha said excitedly.

His eyes stared at Fang Chen, if the latter could become a guardian, then the Tribe would benefit.

"To be honest, I don't care much about the position of the guardian." Fang Chen said slightly: "I want to enter the core of Wanmo Island and get some useful information for me."

"That's it."

Mokas thought about it, suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "I have a way, but I can't guarantee whether I can succeed."

"What way?" Fang Chen asked.

He can't figure out what is the relationship between Wanmo Island and ‘Void Star’, and how far the two are.

Moka and others have never left Wanmo Island, nor is it clear.

Only by entering the core of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall of Ten Thousand Island, it is possible to come into contact with these secrets.

"The Hall of Ten Thousand Demons often organizes the competition among the four areas of the void, in order to inspire us and make us work harder. At the same time, there is a more important purpose, which is to pick out some evil geniuses and bring them to the Ten Thousand Demons. Temple training. "Mocha said.

"Do you mean to let me participate in the competition of the void?" Fang Chen asked.

"Yes, as long as you participate in the competition with your strength, you will definitely be noticed by the senior demon hall, and may even be accepted as a disciple." Moka said: "As for the competition in the void, the guardians of each district have the right to apply. Thousands of years have passed since the last competition in the Nether Realm, which is logically less than the prescribed time. However, if you can persuade the guardian to apply, it is possible to proceed in advance. "

After hearing the words, Fang Chen's eyes lit up.

Absorbed a pattern of fusion order, his strength skyrocketed. Already have absolute strength to defeat the guardians.

Even if it is against the other **** pattern realm, at least it has the ability to protect itself.

It doesn't make any sense to stay in these weak tribes in the Eastern District. You should find a way to enter the Ten Thousand Demon Hall to gain some secrets.

"Okay, I'm going to the guardian here."


Eastern District, guardian hall.

The guardian was worried when he thought of Fang Chen.

"Where did this **** guy come from?"

The guardian said to himself, "The Void Realm can hardly resist my attack without absorbing the Order God Mark? If he absorbs the Order God Mark, wouldn't I be defeated without a fight?"


Suddenly, a hearty voice came.

The guardian heard the words, his face slightly changed, and immediately jumped out of the guardian hall.

"What are you doing? Really thought I was afraid you wouldn't succeed?"

Seeing Fang Chen coming, the guardian's face was gloomy and cold.

He was bullied to the door. If he didn't say anything, what kind of guardian would he be?

"Don't misunderstand the guardian, I came to you today, there are some important things to discuss." Fang Chen waved his hand to stop the guardian from starting and said quickly.

"Something? Wasn't it to **** the position of my guardian?" The guardian looked at Fang Chen suspiciously.


Fang Chen's body landed in front of the guardian and smiled slightly: "Guardian, you can rest assured. I don't care much about the position of the guardian, I won't take action on you."

"Huh, what if you do it? It's as if you can beat me." The guardian sneered.

The guardian's attitude made Fang Chen very uncomfortable, but he was not good at it.


Suddenly, a violent wind blew up, and Fang Chen's head was above him, and suddenly a fiery red pattern of order appeared.

After the appearance of this pattern of order, the entire range of the guardian hall suddenly became extremely hot.

Seeing the guardian, the pupil shrank and shouted. "You ... absorbed the God of Fusion Order?"

At this moment, the guardian was completely shocked.

The Nether Realm absorbs the God of Fusion Order, which is definitely a genius like evil spirits.

After a long time, the guardian smiled bitterly and calmed down the inner shock, but he was helpless.

Now he doesn't even have the courage to shoot.

"It's really a demon." The guardian could not help sighing, and then he raised his head and looked at Fang Chen and asked, "Speak, what are you doing with me?"

Seeing the guardian calm down, Fang Chen smiled and said: "I want to request the guardian to apply with the Wanmo Temple to carry out the competition in the four areas of the void."

"You ... want to join the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons?" The guardian asked.

Fang Chen nodded and did not hide from the guardian.

The latter pondered for a moment, and then said: "I do have this right. I can try to apply for you. But I can't guarantee whether it will succeed."

"Then thank the guardian." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

Immediately, he bid farewell to the guardian and returned to the tribe.

Looking at Fang Chen's back, the guardian could only smile bitterly.

He was telling the truth, and he did not care about the position of the guardian. With his strength, defeating himself is also a matter of minutes. He can seize the position of the guardian and then apply for himself.

But he didn't do that, which made the guardian feel a little comfortable inside.


The guardian went to the Ten Thousand Demon Hall in person and described the application to the high level.

Soon, the senior officials of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace announced the application of the guardian, and then released a message to notify the other three districts.

At the same time, it was decided that the time would be one month later.

In the Tribe tribe, Fang Chen was very excited when he heard the news.

"Hahaha, I'm also very excited. In previous competitions in the void, our Eastern District has been at the bottom, almost hit by the other three districts. This time I can finally raise my eyebrows and exhale." The guardian said excitedly.

He is very confident about Chen Chen, not to mention the four regions, even looking at the whole Wanmo Island, he can't find a void that can match Fang Chen.

"Your boy, this time I must suppress the void in the other three areas." The guardian slapped Chen Chen's shoulder and said.

In this regard, Fang Chen just chuckled.

"According to the previous rules, there can only be ten places in each district to fight, and these ten places must be tribal leaders. Although you command 31 tribes, but they are not tribal leaders in the true sense, this ..." After the guardian laughed, he pondered.

"Admiral, if you don't dislike, I will give you the Horde to manage, how?" Mocha said quickly.

Fang Chen shook his head, "Your strength is also good. You can also sharpen yourself in the competition of the void. This is an opportunity for you to not miss. As for me, you don't need to worry. I contact the Black Soil Tribe directly Let Thunder Beast first give up the position of the leader, and I can return it to him after I finish the competition. "

Hearing this, Moka no longer talked much, and everything followed the arrangement of the boss.

"Okay, since you have thought about the countermeasures, then I won't bother you anymore. After a month, I will come directly to the guardian hall. Because I applied for it this time, the location of the competition is in the eastern guardian hall."

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