Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2045: A few big arrogances

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The time of one month arrived on schedule.

Under the joint selection of Mocha and Hou Hu, seven other contestants were finally selected. Coupled with the two of them and Fang Chen, the protagonist of the Nether Realm Competition, there are exactly ten people.

There are only ten places in each of the four districts of east, west, south and north.

It is about the honor of each district and the future of the void. Therefore, it is not necessary to sloppy, the selected void is the leader in the Eastern District.

Hou Hu, the leader of the God Monkey Tribe, was quite dissatisfied when he first turned to Fang Chen. Because of the situation, he had to whisper.

However, with the passage of time, the other party Chen know more. Hou Hu began to admire Fang Chen in his heart, and he was even a little afraid.

Now, he concentrates on leading the **** monkey tribe to assist Fang Chen, without a second heart.

On this day, the crowd gathered in the Tribe.

"Everyone is here?" Fang Chen asked with a glance.

"Master, plus you are a total of individuals, have already arrived, we should almost start now?" Mocha asked with a smile.

Fang Chen nodded, and at the order, everyone left the Tribe tribe and went to the guardian hall.

In the process, Mocha gave Fang Chen some details of previous competitions in the void.

"Admiral, if you want to attract the attention of the Demon Hall, you must expose the potential of turning against the sky in the Void Realm Competition, so that you may be selected." Mocha said: "Every session of the Void Realm Competition, the four The guardians will invite the upper level of the Wanmo Temple to come and watch. If they find some good seedlings halfway, they will be brought to the Wanmo Temple. "

"Everyone who participates in the competition of the Nether Realm aims to enter the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons." Hou Hu said in a deep voice: "It is said that only by joining the Ten Thousand Demons Hall can we go to the vast expanse of infinite sky."

Wen Yan, Fang Chen's heart slightly moved, but did not say anything.

"With the strength of the leader, it is not a big problem to win the competition. However, as far as I know, there are several potential voids among the competitors in the other three regions. The leader should still be careful. Some, don't overturn the boat in the gutter, "Moka urged.

"Oh? Tell me about it." Fang Chen said.

He never underestimates his opponents, knowing himself and knowing each other can be invincible.

I am able to absorb the godliness of the fusion order, maybe others can also absorb it.

Until the last moment, you will never know how many secrets are hidden in others.

"There are two people in the Western District that are worth noting, namely the Flying Jiao and the Snake. These two people have not been in the void for a long time, but they have become the leaders of their respective tribes, and as far as I know, they are likely to Become the next leader of the tribe. "Moka groaned:" There are many tribes in the Western District, and they can stand out among many tribes, enough to prove the potential of the two. "

"Of course, the most important point is that no one has ever seen them exert their full strength. Dealing with martial artists of the same realm has always been easy to defeat opponents." Mocha continued to add.

"Yes, I have paid attention to these two people before. If I guess it is good, it won't take long before I can step into the realm of divine pattern." Hou Hu on the side also said slightly: "And, I suspect they seem to have absorbed fusion Order of God. "


Fang Chen grinned, this void realm competition is more and more interesting.

It seems that not only his own potential is against the sky, but the natives of Wanmo Island also have geniuses.

"I really hope to play against these days of arrogance." Fang Chen said in a hurry.

"In addition to these two people in the Western District, the other voids are not to be feared." Mocha said: "If you are in the Southern District, you need to pay attention to the Huang Xuan of the Flying God Phoenix Horde. This woman has the bloodline and strength of the Flying God Phoenix Against the sky. A long time ago, he was able to use his powerful blood ancestors to fight against the ordinary powerful gods. "

"Flying Divine Phoenix Return to Ancestry Bloodline?"

This actually attracted Fang Chen's attention. In his impression, the flying **** Phoenix should be almost the same as the Phoenix family.

And being able to have the blood of the ancestors is also very powerful.

"Although Huang Xuan didn't absorb the fusion pattern, even Fei Jiao and the Snake didn't dare to underestimate her. She was also the only female contestant in the four regions," Moka added.

"As for the North District, there is no evil genius. Basically, the strength is similar to that of Brother Hou Hu and me. You don't need to pay too much attention." Mocha said.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded gently and secretly wrote down the three evil geniuses that Mocha said.

Feijiao and the snake demon in the western area, and the Phoenix Sky Tribe in the southern area have the phoenix of the ancestor bloodline.

Unconsciously, a group of ten people have come to the guardian hall.


As soon as Mocha's voice fell, they saw the magnificent guardian palace ahead.

"Fang Chen."

The guardian personally greeted Fang Chen, which made Mocha and Hou Hu's faces smile excitedly.

They also followed Fang Chen, and the guardian was too lazy to take care of them, but now he took the initiative to greet Fang Chen.

"The people in the other three districts haven't arrived yet, but they should be there soon." The Guardian said with a smile.

Fang Chen nodded gently, followed the guardian, and came to the square.


Deafening sounds of broken air rang, and soon three waves of horses arrived.

"Hahaha, Laohu, I didn't expect you to have the guts to apply for the Nether Realm Competition. It is really guts."

The speaker is a burly figure, with a black mole on his forehead. He has a strong breath, and he ridiculed the guardians of the Eastern District when he first arrived.

"Humph." The guardian of the Eastern District snorted coldly without speaking.

"This burly man is the guardian of the Western District. The slightly enchanting man in black behind him is the flying jiao. The cold and a little fierce next to him is a snake." Mocha introduced Fang Chen in a low voice.

Fang Chen's eyes fell on Feijiao and the snake. The two of them also seemed to find that someone was watching them, but just glanced at Fang Chen, then turned directly, with a look of disdain on their faces.

After the arrival of the Western District, the Southern District also came.

Fang Chen was also a little surprised when he saw that the flying **** Divine Phoenix possessed the ancestor Huang Xuan.

"What a beautiful woman, the temperament of her body seems to be natural." Fang Chen sighed secretly.

For a moment, his spirit was in a trance, as if he had fallen into an illusion.

Fortunately, however, he was very resistant to illusion and hardly affected.

"Flying God Phoenix's bloodline of returning ancestors is really powerful. If it is a general void environment, I am afraid that it can't resist its temperament?" Fang Chen murmured in a low voice.

Huang Xuan's breath naturally contained a strong hallucinogenic breath.

When Fang Chen observed Huang Xuan, the latter also noticed him.

"Interesting person." Huang Xuan lightly opened his lips and said slightly.

In general, the people in the North District are relatively low-key. Ten contestants converged and stood quietly on the square without saying a word.

Fang Chen's gaze swept across the ten contestants in the North District, found nothing unusual, and immediately prepared to shift his gaze.

However, at this moment his primordial spirit jumped slightly.


Fang Chen whispered, and soon his eyes fell on the ten contestants in the North District. Finally, his eyes were locked on a figure wearing a gray robe, like an ordinary person.

"What a weird feeling."

If he didn't look closely, he really couldn't find the strangeness of this person.

"He seemed to be covered with a complex formation, completely converging his fierce breath." Fang Chen was even more curious about the gray robe man.

Being able to imprint the formation on one's own body is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

"What is he hiding?" Fang Chen was very curious.

Recalling what Mocha said before, the strength of the Nether Realm in the North District is very average, and there is no arrogance that is too evil.

But now, he shook his head.

Not to mention others, this gray-robed man alone deserves his own attention.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that the strength of the gray-robed men seemed to be no worse than Fei Jiao three of them.

"It seems that there are also a lot of wicked arrogances on this Ten Thousand Demon Island." Fang Chen sighed and immediately withdrew his eyes.

At this time, the four guardians also completed the exchange.

"Lao Hu, since it is the competition you applied for in the void, then you are solely responsible for the process," said the guardian of the West End.

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