Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2072: Sword puppet

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The Promise Sect of the Promise Sword Sect is forbidden to kill each other in the same gate, but in some places it is possible to fight openly.

As Dong Xuantian's top force, Promise Jianzong's cultivation resources are too much.

However, any time you want to get it, you need to pay enough. The same is true of the Promise Sword Sect, there is nothing for nothing.

In addition, there are a total of seventy-three veins in the Xinghe Prefecture. Except for the fact that there is only Fang Chen in the Xinghe Prefecture, the other seventy-two veins are already mature and have many disciples.

Therefore, there is often a competition for resources between major factions.

Lan Yue Mansion, Lan Zheng's residence.

"This guy doesn't understand anything at first glance, but the rules threaten me? It's ridiculous." Lan Zheng sneered.

After the temptation just now, he has regarded Fang Chen as his prey.

"Xinghe Yimai has just been established. Jianzong will definitely give this kid a certain number of source stones to enable him to gain a foothold in the foreign sect in a short time. This is my chance. I must take away the source stones from this child as soon as possible. "

Blue stunned eyes flashed, said eeriely.

Once he is noticed by other factions, he will not have any chance.

You should know that within the Promise Sword Sect, the source stone is very popular.

As long as you have enough source stones, you can use this to practice. Of course, most disciples use the source stone to purchase other cultivation resources.

The source stone is also divided into grades, inferior, inferior, middle grade, top grade and top grade. The official exchange ratio is 10,000 to 10,000.

Earlier, the 10,000 original stones obtained by Fang Chen from the Ling family in Zekai Town were nothing more than inferior original stones.

In the chaotic void, the inferior source stone is the most inferior. The power of the source contained in it is extremely scarce, and it is almost impossible to say.

But Rao is so. Those ordinary casual martial arts fighters also regard it as a treasure.

However, for a powerful force like Promise Sword Sect, the inferior source stone is simply not enough for disciples to practice.

Under normal circumstances, most of the source stones circulated by the foreign sect are inferior source stones, and middle-class source stones rarely appear.

As for the top grade source stone, it is said that only the Nongzong will appear.

After thinking for a long time, Lan Zheng had already made a plan.

"Humph, I don't believe you don't show up?"

Lan Lei sneered, and he already had a strategy to deal with Lan Lei.


In the Galaxy House, Fang Chen carefully read some rules of Waizong.

"The road ahead is destined to be difficult to walk, but since you have chosen, you can't back down."

Sitting on the stone bench, Fang Chen's eyes fell into the back room, and ripples appeared in his heart.

His wife and daughter, as well as good friends, are practicing here. Only when their own strength becomes stronger can they be protected from anyone.

This time back to the galaxy universe, Fang Chen brought a total of ten people.

Fang Xi, daughter, and his wife Xingyue, four of them, plus old magic sticks, and God of Destruction.

Among them, Fang Xi is already a powerful person in the **** pattern realm, and can absorb the power of the source in the air by himself, and no source stone is needed for the time being.

The little mice, they all need the source stone.

A total of 10,000 pieces of the original source stone, after paying 100 pieces of transmission costs, there are 9,900 pieces left.

He gave his wife a hundred dollars each to break into the void, and finally a thousand dollars left.

Fang Chen's heart moved, and the source stone in the Sumiya ring suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The Promise Sword Sect has rules. When each line is newly established, it will give 10,000 pieces of inferior source stones." Nine thousand thousand.

"Improve strength as soon as possible and earn more source stones." Fang Chen pondered secretly.

After a few days.

Fang Chen walked out of Xinghe Mansion and happened to meet Lan Zheng who was approaching.

The latter looked at Fang Chen with a smile, and said, "Brother, I was wrong before. Today I turned to apologize to you."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen was also somewhat stunned. He did not expect that Lan Zheng would apologize to him.

"I am a disciple of Blue Moon House. We all came out of the microcosm. It is very difficult to mix up with Jianzong. It is hoped that we can take care of each other in the future." Lan said.

Fang Chen nodded, just thinking about it, Lan Zheng asked. "Brother, where are you going? When you first arrived, you certainly don't know much about the sect? I can explain it to you."

"I'm going to the Jianyangtai to see it." Fang Chen said.

The sword puppet stage is a place dedicated to disciples fighting swords. The so-called sword puppet is actually similar to the ordinary puppet, but this kind of sword puppet contains sword gas, which can urge its own sword gas.

Some disciples have some minor contradictions and are unwilling to fight life and death, they will go to the sword puppet stage and use the sword puppets to fight the sword.

Of course, in the process of fighting swords, you will basically bring some colored heads, so that fighting swords is more interesting.

In the process of controlling the sword puppetry, he was able to perceive kendo, and many disciples were willing to practice here.

Of course, generally weaker disciples will be slaughtered when they come.

"Oh? Sword Puppet? I'm just going to Sword Puppet, how about we go together?"

After talking, he did not wait for Fang Chen to agree and lead the way.

The sword puppet stage was in the area of ​​spiritual practice, and soon Lan Lan and Fang Chen came to the sword puppet stage.

At this time, there were two sword puppets fighting each other on the sword puppet stage. Under the sword puppet stage, the control of the sword puppets by the two disciples has reached the point of perfection.

Ding Ding Ding!

The battle between the two sword puppets was very fierce, and the sword puppet stage was filled with wild sword gas, and the sound of metal interweaving kept coming out.


Fang Chen carefully stared at the two sword puppets on the sword puppet stage, a smile appeared on his face.

He has some research on the puppet, and he can feel that the design of the sword puppet is very delicate. Moreover, if you want to control the sword puppet, it is not just puppets who are good at it.

It seems that the deeper the understanding of Kendo, the easier it is to control the sword puppet.

"This kind of sword puppet seems simple, but it is very expensive. At least it is impossible for such a sword to practice in the micro universe." Fang Chen sighed secretly.

Such a valuable sword puppet, in the Wuji Promise Sect, is just a tool for disciples fighting with each other.


As Fang Chen pondered, suddenly a deafening voice erupted on the sword puppet stage, and then a sword puppet flew out, leaving the range of the sword puppet stage.

The victory and defeat have been divided, and the winner has a smile on his face, looking at the loser and saying: "You lost, a thousand source stones."

"Humph, I will win you next time."

The loser snorted, handed over a thousand pieces of inferior source stone, and turned to leave.

"If it is strong, earning the source stone is actually very easy." Fang Chen thought to himself.

"Brother, when you first arrived, you must be unfamiliar with Jianyang, how about it? Would you like me to try it with you?" Lan said with a smile.

"Okay." To be honest, Fang Chen really wanted to feel the sword puppet, and how much influence he had on the sentiment of Kendo.

"Hey ..."

Lan Lei pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Brother, you also know the rules of the sword puppet stage, and you must hang your head when you want to fight swords. Do we both have to mean something?"

After hearing the words, Fang Chen finally understood that Lan Zheng brought himself to the purpose of the sword puppet stage.

"Want to get my source stone?"

Fang Chen sneered in his heart, this blue star was too whimsical. It is clear that you want to bully a newcomer and slaughter yourself.

"Yes, I don't care." Fang Chen spread his hands, without blue-hearted thoughts.

"Well, let's gamble on a thousand source stones if you mean, how do you think?" Lan Dao said.

Fang Chen nodded and agreed directly.

Before the two came to the sword puppet stage, a long sword was inserted in front of them. Although this long sword is inserted on the ground, it is closely related to the sword puppet inside. By controlling the long sword, you can control the sword puppet.

"Brother, if you put your palm on the long sword, you will naturally be able to control the sword puppet." Lan Zheng said.

Fang Chen tried to put his palm on the long sword, and the surging sword gas in his body suddenly poured into the long sword.


The sword puppet on Yanwutai suddenly shook.

"Curious feeling."

Fang Chen closed his eyes and could feel the pure sentiment of kendo, which came out from the body of the sword puppet.

"Brother, then I'll start." Lan Zheng thief said with a smile.

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