Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2073: Primal control

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On the sword puppet stage, the two sword puppets fought each other together. Every move and every form of them is completely controlled by Fang Chen and Lan Zheng.

At the beginning, Fang Chen's sword puppets retreated, unable to withstand Lan Yanjian puppet's attack.

Upon seeing this, Lan Zheng's face showed a look of excitement.

"If you want to completely control the sword puppet, at least several times. The first time you fight the sword, you want to completely control the sword puppet, that is impossible." Lan Zheng thought secretly.

This is why he is not worried about fighting swords with Fang Chen. Because he knows that the result is the same no matter what, that is to win by himself, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Void guy, how can the comprehension of Kendo better than me? A thousand pieces of inferior source stone, it's too easy to earn." Lan stunned.

Because his own strength is not very strong in the **** pattern, he has always lost in the sword fighting with others.

Over time, Lan Zheng specially selected those newcomers, especially those who came to fight swords for the first time.

Anyone familiar with Lan Zhen knows that he is just a timid little rat who just bullies newcomers.

In Lanyue Mansion, many people looked down on him.

"Huh? Isn't that Lan Zheng? How dare he come to the sword puppet fighting sword?"

In front of the sword puppet stage, there were some other disciples who were surprised when they saw Lan Zheng.

"That kid should be a newcomer? His control of the sword puppet is too bad? Not even the most basic control?"

"No wonder Lan Zeng's boy dared to come to fight the sword. It turned out that he had found a newcomer."

"For the first time, the newcomer simply couldn't control the sword puppets to the fullest. This is really blue-shouldered **** luck, and actually can encounter such a good thing."

For a time, the eyes of many disciples fell on Lan Zheng.

Ding Ding Ding!

On the sword puppet stage, Fang Chen's sword puppets retreated, but they were better than before, and they could barely resist Lan Zheng's attack.

"Controlling the sword puppet, regardless of his strength, only talks about his comprehension and accomplishment of kendo." Fang Chen glanced at Lan Xi, who was gloating and murmured.

Do you feel about Kendo? Fang Chen thought of this, with a disdainful smile in his eyes.

Lan Zheng's true strength may not be stronger than himself, let alone his swordsmanship.

"This sword puppet is really strange, but I think I should have mastered it."

The battle lasted for half an hour, and Fang Chen's sword puppets had been supporting him. Everyone knew that the result was already doomed, but Fang Chen was not willing to surrender.

Opposite Lan Zheng, the other party Chen launched a series of fierce attacks, but no matter how he attacked, at the last moment Fang Chen could be turned into danger.

"It's over."

Lan Lei sighed and devoted himself to manipulating the sword puppet, and immediately the sword puppet on the sword puppet stage erupted into a terrifying kendo power, directly covering Fang Chen's sword puppet.

"Lan Zheng's power turned out, and the battle seemed to be over."

Many disciples talked quietly.

However, just when everyone thought the battle situation had been decided, Fang Chen's move was beyond everyone's expectations.

He took away his hands on the long sword, immediately closed his eyes slightly, and no longer looked at the sword puppet on the sword puppet stage.

"Did you give up?"

Many disciples were a little puzzled, but the next scene made their hearts full of shock again.

"What does he want to do?"

"Does he want to use Yuanshen to control the sword puppet?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could a newcomer fight the sword for the first time with the sword god?"

In front of the sword puppet stage, there were successive cries of exclamation.

However, many people do not believe that Fang Chen can succeed.

Even Lan Zheng on the opposite side was a disdainful sneer.


After spitting out these two words in Lan Zhen's mouth, the attack on the sword puppet was increased again.

"I want to see, how do you come over?" Lan Zheng said coldly.

At the same time, Fang Chen's consciousness directly enveloped the long sword, and then the consciousness penetrated into the long sword.


The wild kendo breath, following the consciousness, merged with the sword spirit inside the long sword.


On the sword puppet stage, the sword puppet controlled by Fang Chen suddenly burst into a trembling force. Immediately, an astonishing scene appeared, and the normal fighting swords were suppressed, but at this last moment, it turned out to be a victory.


The sword puppet controlled by Fang Chen, the long sword in his hand constantly waved out an incredible sword light. These sword lights converged in the sky and launched the most violent attack on Lan Zheng's sword puppet.


Lan Zheng's swordsmen couldn't resist this terrible attack and flew out directly.

"Do not……"

Upon seeing this, Lan Zheng exclaimed, and his whole body was full of sword spirit, trying to save the defeat.

However, the results have been determined.


With Lan Zheng's sword puppets crashing to the ground, this fighting sword ended with Fang Chen's victory.


There was a wave of uproar around the sword puppet stage. All the disciples stared at Fang Chen hotly, as if they were watching monsters.

After a long time, someone broke the silent sword puppet stage.

"Oh my god, a newcomer, did he really control the sword puppet with Yuanshen?"

"Who is he? Why is it so against the sky?"

"Waizong's newcomer, fighting swords for the first time, is difficult to control the sword puppets, and even more difficult to win. This not only defeats Lan Zhen, but also controls the sword puppet with Yuanshen.

At this moment, the hearts of all disciples were full of shock.

There are two methods for manipulating the sword puppet. The first is to manually control the sword puppet by placing your hands on the long sword. This method is also the most basic method, any disciple can learn.

And the second method is a bit high-end. The use of Yuanshen to control the sword puppets is very strict. This requires the controller ’s Yuanshen to reach a very high level. At the same time, its awareness and accomplishment of swordsmanship must be far beyond the warriors of the same level.

To put it simply, the second kind is almost a monster genius with kendo potential.

Looking at the entire outer sect, there are not many people who can control the sword puppet by Yuanshen. However, very few people were able to do this step when they first contacted Jianyong.

In an uproar, Fang Chen walked to Lan Zhen's body, stretched out his fingers, and asked for loot.

"A thousand pieces of inferior source stone, thank you."

Fang Chen grinned and wanted to be his Ling family in Zekai Town. In order to earn ten source stones, he was willing to be a servant.

But now, a thousand source stones can be easily obtained.

Sure enough, as long as you have the strength, you can get enough resources everywhere.

"You ... you play me?"

Lan Zheng stood up sharply, glared at Fang Chen, and scolded.

"Many of the brothers present can testify. Did you take the initiative to invite me to fight the sword? Why should I tell you?" Fang Chen spread his hands and pretended to be innocent.

"Well, you can control the sword puppet with Yuanshen, it's not the first time you have come into contact with the sword." Lan Zheng said angrily.

Fang Chen stared at Lan Zheng and said calmly: "Does this have anything to do with defeating you? Or does it mean that you can't lose at all and want to deny it?"

In Fang Chen's words, the eyes of many disciples who suddenly let go fell on Lan Zheng.

For a moment, Lan Zheng felt great pressure.


Lan Zheng's opponent grudgingly gritted his teeth, but because of the rules, he could only take out a thousand source stones.

"Boy, remember my name, I won't let you go blue." After that, Lan stared and turned away.

"Senior Brother, your control of Sword Puppet is really perfect. How about discussing with Brother Shi?"

"Yes, brother, let's discuss."

After Lan Zheng left, many disciples suddenly wanted to fish in the muddy water and cheat Fang Chen's source stone.

However, Fang Chen rejected them one by one.

"Brothers, I still have something to do, I will go first."

Immediately, Fang Chen went away.

Just came to Promise Sword Sect, it caused a great sensation.

The first contact with the fighting sword, you can use the Yuanshen to control the sword puppet, and also defeated Lan Zheng.

This story spreads ten times and ten times. Soon the entire foreign sect knew.

At the same time, they also knew that Waizong had more veins of the galaxy, and from seventy-two veins to seventy-three veins.

"Have you heard? Xinghe has a great genius in his veins."

"The guy named Fang Chen is said to have a kendo potential comparable to Wen Kong."

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