Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2215: Shock unity

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The natural pattern of the gods flashed, and the power of terror swept through the cave.

Fang Chen's body is undergoing tremendous changes.

This was already the eighth month he was chased and killed. It took a full eight months to finally realize a hint of Shura Kendo.

And now, he is trying to impact the unity.

The universe **** contains three small realms, namely the void realm, the **** pattern realm and the unity realm.

The void realm represents the extreme of the microcosm, and can initially walk in the chaotic void. At this stage, it is necessary to absorb a large amount of the original power to enrich itself. This is also the root of the universe god.

The divine pattern realm, as the name implies, is to absorb the power of the origin and condense into the divine pattern of order in the body, or absorb and merge the divine pattern of order, or even the divine pattern of natural order. Now Fang Chen has reached the limit of the **** pattern realm. Looking at the chaotic void, he is already the strongest **** pattern.

Oneness is to fully integrate all the gods of order in the body. At the same time, it also incorporates the six rules learned in the true **** stage, forming a **** spring in the body to store energy.

After eight months, it was finally the most critical moment.

Because of the inherent order **** pattern, it is much easier to integrate other order **** patterns.

In a blink of an eye, the dense order gods in the body have been completely absorbed by the natural order gods.

Of course, this is only the first step, and the next step is the most difficult step.


When the mind moved, the power of the six rules was suspended on the chest, and the breath was completely different.

"It's a bit difficult to merge the power of rules with the godliness of order."

Fang Chen secretly said.

However, at this point, he had no choice but to move forward.


With a low drink, Fang Chen forcibly controlled the natural pattern of the natural order and merged with the power of the six rules.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

At this moment, the sky and earth changed, and the clear sky suddenly became extremely cold.

The whole cold forest was covered by dark clouds, the thunder surged, and the violent origin of the surrounding forces gathered frantically above the pool, forming a beam of light and rushing into the cave.

People who were looking for Fang Chen's palace family were shocked when they discovered this scene.

"what happened?"

Someone exclaimed.

However, at this time, a gloomy smile appeared on the face of the palace owner.

"Such a big movement must be a breakthrough in unity."

Thinking of this, the master of the Gong family said, "In the direction of the source of the source, you will be able to find this. Speaking of it, you will have to hit the unity of him, otherwise, it will be really difficult to find him.


Under the leadership of the family head of the palace, a dozen elders in a united state quickly swept towards the pool deep in the mountains.

In a blink of an eye, a dozen people surrounded the pool.

The beam of light formed by the power of the horrible source rushed into the water. This made everyone in the palace decide that Fang Chen was hiding in this pool.

"Damn, actually used illusion to hide the cave at the bottom of the pool, no wonder we couldn't find it."

I searched for more than eight months, and even used some excuses during this period to obscure the invitation of the lesser knife.

In order to kill Fang Chen personally, now the opportunity has finally come.

"Heli will smash the illusion and destroy its breakthrough."

Suddenly, more than a dozen martial warriors in one unit launched their attacks, and the violent attacks gathered at a certain point in the air and burst into a bright light.

Then, under the guidance of the master of the palace, it suddenly crashed into the bottom of the pool.


The pool oscillated and the pool water evaporated in a flash.

The illusion surrounding the cave is unbreakable, and the dark cave is printed in everyone's eyes.

The circular beam of light penetrates the cave, and all the power is directly poured into Fang Chen's head.

The people of the palace family came to the bottom of the pool, and suddenly found the divine pattern of natural order with a shining light.

"Is this the natural pattern of natural order?"

It was also the first time that the house owner of the Gong family saw the legendary pattern of natural order, which was quite shocking.

However, he knew that now is not the time to be shocked and he had to make a quick decision.

"He has reached the final moment of fusion and stopped him."

The master of the Gong family shouted, punched hard, and smashed heavily on the circular beam of light.


Attacked by outside forces, cracks appeared in the circular beam.

Immediately afterwards, in the mad bombing of the palace family, the circular beam of light collapsed and shattered.


The power of the wild source is scattered everywhere, and the atmosphere of the whole sky is very depressed.

Fang Chen still closed his eyes, and as the old monk entered, he devoted himself to the fusion.


With his efforts, the power to destroy the rules finally merged into the natural pattern of the natural order.

The latter suddenly skyrocketed and the atmosphere became stronger.

"carry on."

The breakthrough in the unity environment was very dynamic and attracted people from the Gong family, which was also expected by Fang Chen, but there was no way he could not stop.

With a low drink, Fang Chen speeded up the fusion.

At this moment, after destroying the circular beam of light, the eyes of the Gong family fell on Fang Chen.

"Fight the attack on the natural pattern of natural order."

The main house of the palace.


Under the roar of the crowd, the violent attacks all fell on the natural pattern of the natural order.


The sound of the explosion is endless.

At this moment, the **** pattern of the natural order showed the style of king. There was a faint halo around his body, which stiffly resisted the attack of the palace family.

"How can it be?"

Upon seeing this, the owner of the palace was also shocked, his face somber to the extreme.

"The natural pattern of the natural order is too strange, and the attack is invalid." The Gong family said: "Attacking his body makes it impossible to control the natural pattern of the natural order."

All the people of the Gong family went to Fang Chen's life.

Fang Chen, who is making breakthroughs, is crying inside.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

After merging the power to destroy the rules, with experience, the speed of fusion of the power of other rules has been accelerated a lot.

Just at that moment, the power of the rules of reincarnation has also merged.

Next, Fang Chen began to integrate the power of creating rules.


The attack of the palace family fell on Fang Chen's body, and Wan Jian's body resisted stubbornly, but was still hit hard.


Fang Chen vomited blood, his face pale.

However, he endured the fusion of the power to create rules.


By this time, the speed of fusion was almost invisible to the naked eye.

"Wait for a while."

Fang Chen secretly said that he desperately urged the natural pattern of order to protect his body, while also absorbing it quickly.


Seeing that Fang Chen was so tenacious, a certain elder in a united state could not bear it, holding a short blade, and rushed directly to Fang Chen.

However, before approaching Fang Chen, he was shocked to find that his short blade could not move.

What followed was a red sword light that penetrated his body and instantly absorbed the short blade in his hand.

"Do not."

The elder in unity screamed miserably, but felt weak.


He fell to the ground and lost his life.

Stealing chickens is not a counterattack of rice. This scene ignited the anger of everyone in the palace to the extreme.


The master of the Gong family exhibited the taboo of the Gong family, the whole pool was shaking, and the ground showed signs of cracking.

"this is……"

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

This is the ground-breaking divine art of the Gong family. I didn't expect that the owner of the house actually exhibited it at this time.


The eyes of the head of the Gong family were full of madness. He tried his best to force the forbidden magical technique of splitting the earth, the cracks of the earth and the cave where Fang Chen was, and the stones were constantly falling. , May collapse at any time.

However, at this time.

The power of the last rule was smoothly integrated into the natural pattern of natural order.


The natural pattern of God's Order submerged in Fang Chen's body, and immediately sank into the sea of ​​qi.

"Time is running out."

The eyes of the palace owner flashed and shouted anxiously.

Now Fang Chen has come to the final step. Once it is formed into a fountain, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Spell of earth splitting, earth splitting."

The master of the Gong family shouted, his soles stomped, the cave collapsed, countless boulders piled up the cave, and submerged Fang Chen's body.

At the same time, the power of the source like a flood hit the boulders, forming a huge explosion.

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